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      PsychologyAssessmentPersonality DisordersInterpersonal Relationship
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityDepression
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      PsychologyLife SatisfactionBusiness and ManagementCorrelation
This article describes two studies related to the development and psychometric evaluation of the Family Almost Perfect Scale (FAPS), which measures the perceived level of perfectionistic standards and evaluation from one's family. In... more
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      Scale DevelopmentExploratory Factor AnalysisCross ValidationPsychometric Properties
A n increasing number of perfectionism studies have been conducted across different countries outside of the Western framework. Using an international egalitarian approach that adopts indigenous frameworks and concepts from the cultural... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAchievement MotivationFamily
This study examined 219 African American college students at predominantly White universities using the constructs of perfectionism, academic achievement, self-esteem, depression, and racial identity. Cluster analysis was performed using... more
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      PersonalityDepressionAdolescentSocial Identification
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      PsychologyRole of the Educational Psychologist
Fordham and Ogbu (1986) have described fear of "acting white" as a significant factor that influenced the attitudes and often undermined the achievement of African-American students at "Capital High" in Washington, D.C. The present... more
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      Ethnic IdentityEthnicityCultural DifferencesAfrican American
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducational PsychologySocial behavior
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      Higher EducationCompetitionCollege StudentsAcademic achievement
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    • Leisure
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      PsychologyRole of the Educational PsychologistSelf EfficacyCognitive processes
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceStress ManagementSelf Control
We investigated motivation for taking low stakes tests. Based on expectancy-value theory, we expected that the effect of student perceptions of three task values (interest, usefulness, and importance) on low stakes test performance would... more
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      PsychologyEducational PsychologyTheoryEvaluation
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      PsychologyEducational PsychologyEmotion RegulationSocial Competence
Using the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2003 data, this study built mathematics achievement models of 8th graders in four countries: the USA, Russia, Singapore and South Africa. These 4 countries represent the full... more
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      Academic achievementSelf Concept
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducational PsychologySelf Efficacy
The purpose of this article is to show that motivation research is generally compatible with and supportive of the whole language philosophy of instruction and to provide explicit motivational reasons why whole language practices might be... more
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      LiteracyEducational ResearchElementary EducationGoal Setting
Research on factors that may promote engagement is hampered by the absence of a measure of classroom-level engagement. Literature has suggested that engagement may have 3 dimensions-affective, behavioral, and cognitive. No existing... more
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    • Student Motivation And Engagement