Missional University
School of Theological Studies
In the debate over the theology of the soul's origin, there have traditionally been three broad views on origins. These include creationism, traducianism, and Origen's pre-existence view. In the recent philosophy of religion and mind... more
As a contribution to the discussion over ramied natural theology, I put forward a some lines of thought for a distinctively Cartesian variation of natural theology that points in the direction of the Christian God as a mind and as... more
The notion of the soul has come under attack in contemporary philosophical, scientific, and theological literature. In this essay, the question is raised as to whether or not the soul has meaning and ought to be affirmed as a real... more
Presently, there remains an aversion for substance dualism in both philosophical and theological literature. However, there has been a renewed interest in substance dualism within philosophical literature. In the present article, I... more
In Screening the Afterlife, Christopher Deacy critically and insightfully pushes the discussion on theology and film forward. Deacy, being no stranger to this discussion, has constructively engaged with a variety of topics including... more
Substance dualism has received much attention from philosophers and theologians in contemporary literature. Whilst it may have been fashionable in the recent past to dismiss substance dualism as an unviable and academically absurd... more
As the first full-length treatment of Jonathan Edwards and the Bible Stephen R.C. Nichols (not to be confused with the other Edwards scholar named Nichols) helpfully contributes to the growing literature on Edwards's theology. Nichols... more
Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2014. 185 pages. Hardcover. $109.95. A Kryptic Model of the Incarnation is a significant contribution to Christological studies. In it, Andrew Ter Ern Loke not only offers several novel insights into the... more