Videos by Svetluša Surová
At the Europe-Central Asia Regional Forum on Minority Issues, had the opportunity to make an inte... more At the Europe-Central Asia Regional Forum on Minority Issues, had the opportunity to make an intervention concerning minority participation as a procedural and substantive right and process.
The recommendation concerning effective participation calls for the UN and other organisations dealing with minority rights, to make an effort to ensure that minority voices are not only heard but also taken into account. However, in a way in which minorities become equal partners and co-producers of the global, regional and national norms, standards and legislation and oversee the implementation and legal remedies. Minorities should not be seen only as a subject of policies but as an agent themselves. Minorities should reclaim their right to participate.
Recommendation concerning minority elections for National Minority Councils in Serbia, calls for ensuring that these elections are free and fair. 4 views
The second intervention at the Europe-Central Asia Regional Forum on Minority Issues 2022 was con... more The second intervention at the Europe-Central Asia Regional Forum on Minority Issues 2022 was conveyed by the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues Fernand de Varennes and the Government of Austria.
The recommendation for the UN would be to document and evaluate the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on minorities and based on these findings to established effective mechanisms for the protection of the human rights of Roma and other minorities too during the health crisis. As well, there is an urgent need to de-securitization Roma and minorities in general.
As well, I recommended to finally start a discussion on the importance of access to technologies by minorities and to include digital rights into human and minority rights protection regimes. 9 views
Papers by Svetluša Surová

Fórum Társadalomtudományi Szemle, 2023
A Szlovák Köztársaság kisebbségi kormánybiztosi hivatala jelenleg a kisebbségek jogállását taglal... more A Szlovák Köztársaság kisebbségi kormánybiztosi hivatala jelenleg a kisebbségek jogállását taglaló törvényjavaslatot készíti elő.[1] A javaslat kidolgozásában a munkacsoport a törvényalkotó (legiszlatív) szándék részei sorrendjében halad.[2] Eddig a törvényjavaslat két részét tárgyalták meg: a bevezetést (preambulum) és az általános rendelkezéseket. A munkacsoport foglalkozni kezdett a javaslat további olyan részeinek alapanyagaival is, amelyek a kisebbségi jogok foganatosításának, megtartásuk ellenőrzésének és a nemzeti kisebbségek részvételének, bevonásának (participáció) intézményes biztosítását szabnák meg.
Ez a dolgozat a nemzeti kisebbségeknek a szlovák parlamentben való participációját elemzi, melyet a nemzeti kisebbségekről szóló törvényalkotó szándék feltételez,[3] s mely participációt e tárgyban a munkacsoport is kiindulópontként jelölte meg.[4] Előbb azonban lássuk, mit is ért politikai participáció alatt a társadalomtudomány, s mit a nemzeti kisebbségek jogaival foglalkozó nemzetközi intézmények a gyakorlatban.
Ideational aspects of migration and integration policy, politics and governance, 2023
Political studies of migration and integration are an evolving field. The subject matter is conte... more Political studies of migration and integration are an evolving field. The subject matter is contextual and politically loaded, political discussions, policy-making, and governance are empirically diverse. This special issue seeks to develop a theoretical perspective for this diversity and to contextualize it empirically by focusing on the ideational dimension of politics, policy, and governance. Here, we discuss the basic concepts and approaches and introduce the other articles.
Harvard Dataverse, 2023
Database of the official acts of Regional Offices of Public Health (ROPH) targeting Marginalized ... more Database of the official acts of Regional Offices of Public Health (ROPH) targeting Marginalized Roma Communities (MRCs) in the first and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia.

Citizenship Studies, 2022
Recent analysis indicates that the coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately affected Roma peop... more Recent analysis indicates that the coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately affected Roma people, amplified pre-existing exclusion, poverty, discrimination, and exposed marginalized Roma to vulnerability even more than before. This study explores the securitization and militarized quarantine of Roma settlements during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia. The study analyzes who, how and why securitized Roma communities? On what issues and for whom? With what result and under what conditions? The result of securitization, i.e. militarized quarantine of six Roma settlements is investigated in terms of legality, necessity, proportionality, and temporariness. The topic is approached from the perspective of political science. The study deploys a new institutionalism approach, securitization as an analytical frame, and qualitative research design. This includes a case study, elite interviews, and qualitative content analysis. The study concludes that, in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia, securitization took place instead of right-based discourse and a humanitarian approach towards the most vulnerable and socially excluded MRCs. Slovakia deployed heavily securitized responses towards Roma, targeting them selectively and collectively with anti-corona measures. Residents of six Roma settlements were exposed to the discrimination and most restrictive measures that the rest of the population did not face.
Menšinová politika na Slovensku. Kritický magazín, Nov 23, 2021
Príprava zákona o národnostných menšinách v gescii Úradu splnomocnenca vlády SR pre národnostné m... more Príprava zákona o národnostných menšinách v gescii Úradu splnomocnenca vlády SR pre národnostné menšiny značne pokročila. Pracovnej skupine bol v októbri 2021 predstavený komplexný pracovný návrh menšinového zákona (ďalej len „pracovný návrh“)(1). Tento článok analyzuje a komentuje navrhovanú úpravu, ktorá sa týka nového inštitútu v slovenskom právnom poriadku, tzv. národnostných rád národnostných menšín (ďalej len „národnostné rady“, „NRNM“ alebo „NR“).

Politické vedy, 2021
V máji 2020 sa mala v priestoroch Harrimanovho inštitútu Kolumbijskej univerzity v New Yorku usku... more V máji 2020 sa mala v priestoroch Harrimanovho inštitútu Kolumbijskej univerzity v New Yorku uskutočniť 25. výročná svetová konferencia ASN (Association for the Studies of Nationalities), ktorá bola zrušená kvôli pandémii ochorenia COVID-19. Namiesto tohto významného podujatia bol 7. mája zorganizovaný virtuálny inauguračný event ASN s názvom Nacionalizmus a pandémia. Za virtuálny okrúhly stôl si sadli štyria uznávaní akademici: Florian Bieber z rakúskej Univerzity v Grazi, Kanchan Chandrová z New Yorkskej univerzity, John Hall z McGillovej univerzity v Kanade a Gwendolyn Sasseová z nemeckého Centra pre východoeurópske a medzinárodné štúdie (Zentrum fűr Osteuropa und internationale Studien, ZOiS) a Oxfordskej univerzity. Panel moderovala prezidentka asociácie Zsuzsa Csergőová z Kráľovskej univerzity v Kanade. Podujatie bolo inauguračným eventom virtuálnej platformy ASN, ktorá bola vytvorená pre potreby spájania globálnej komunity ASN v časoch dištancie z dôvodu pandémie spôsobnej koronavírusom.

Menšinová politika na Slovensku, May 19, 2021
Úrad splnomocnenca SR pre národnostné menšiny v súčasnosti pripravuje návrh zákona o postavení ná... more Úrad splnomocnenca SR pre národnostné menšiny v súčasnosti pripravuje návrh zákona o postavení národnostných menšín. Pracovná skupina pri vypracovávaní návrhu postupuje po jednotlivých častiach legislatívneho zámeru. (1) Zatiaľ sa prerokovali dve časti návrhu zákona – preambula a všeobecné ustanovenia. Pracovná skupina sa začala zaoberať aj východiskovým materiálom k ďalším častiam návrhu, ktoré majú vymedziť inštitucionálne zabezpečenie výkonu práv národnostných menšín, kontrolu ich dodržiavania a participáciu národnostných menšín.
Tento článok bude zameraný na analýzu participácie príslušníkov národnostných menšín v slovenskom parlamente, ktorú predpokladá Legislatívny zámer zákona o národnostných menšinách (2) a ktorú navrhuje východiskový materiál pracovnej skupiny k tejto téme. (3) Najprv sa však pozriem na to, čo sa pod politickou participáciou chápe v spoločenských vedách a v praxi medzinárodných inštitúcií zaoberajúcich sa právami národnostných menšín.

Minority policy in Slovakia. Critical Magazine, Jan 4, 2021
The upcoming population census to be carried out from 15th February to 31st March 2021 will be el... more The upcoming population census to be carried out from 15th February to 31st March 2021 will be electronic, integrated and will use self-enumeration method. This census is also important for national minorities. Until now, only one nationality could be given in the population census. In the upcoming census, a second nationality will be surveyed, too. In this article, I analyse how the term „nationality“ is defined and focus on what exactly will be surveyed in the census and how. I examine what the data collected on nationality in the census actually say and the need to approach them critically. The article also looks at how Slovak practice corresponds with the latest scientific knowledge on identity, nationality and other related concepts, as well as with international practice and recommendations for collecting data concerning identities of individuals. First, we will examine why data on people’s identity is collected and whether such data should be collected in the first place.

Menšinová politika na Slovensku. Kritický magazín, 2020
Nadchádzajúce sčítanie obyvateľov, ktoré sa má uskutočniť budúci rok od 15. februára do 31. marca... more Nadchádzajúce sčítanie obyvateľov, ktoré sa má uskutočniť budúci rok od 15. februára do 31. marca bude elektronické, integrované a samo-sčítavacie. Tento cenzus je dôležitý aj pre národnostné menšiny. Doteraz bolo možné v sčítaniach obyvateľstva označiť iba jednu národnosť. Novinkou najbližšieho sčítania je zisťovanie druhej národnosti. V článku preto analyzujem, ako je termín národnosť definovaný a zameriavam sa na to, čo sa vlastne v sčítaní bude zisťovať a akým spôsobom. Poukážem na to, o čom zozbierané údaje o národnosti v cenze vypovedajú a ako k nim treba kriticky pristupovať. Článok hodnotí, ako slovenská prax korešponduje s najnovšími vedeckými poznatkami týkajúcimi sa identity, národnosti a príbuzných konceptov, ale i s medzinárodnou praxou a odporúčaniami pre zber údajov týkajúcich sa identít jednotlivcov. Najprv sa však pozrime na to, prečo sa údaje o identite obyvateľov zbierajú a či sa takéto údaje vôbec majú zhromažďovať.
Minority policy in Slovakia Critical Newsletter, Nov 16, 2020
Citizenship has a legal, social and also political dimension. Its legal dimension is related to t... more Citizenship has a legal, social and also political dimension. Its legal dimension is related to the rights and duties of citizens. The social and political dimension includes a political community with a specific identity. The concept of citizenship is crucial for democracy, equality and social cohesion. At the same time, citizenship can be used also in a context promoting non-liberal practices, inequities, discrimination and subordination of certain groups of people. In the post-communist countries, the process of developing states and nations went often hand in hand with the process of exclusion of different minorities (see below). Therefore, it is important to examine laws on citizenship in terms of equality and justice, as well as from the minority perspective.
Menšinová politika na Slovensku Kritický newsletter, 2020
Občianstvo zahŕňa právnu, spoločenskú ale i politickú dimenziu. Právna dimenzia sa týka práv a po... more Občianstvo zahŕňa právnu, spoločenskú ale i politickú dimenziu. Právna dimenzia sa týka práv a povinností občanov. Spoločenský a politický rozmer zahŕňa budovanie určitého politického spoločenstva s osobitnou identitou. Koncept občianstva je veľmi dôležitý pre demokraciu, rovnosť a súdržnosť v spoločnosti. Na druhej strane môže občianstvo fungovať aj v kontexte, ktorý podporuje neliberálne praktiky, nerovnosti, diskrimináciu a podriadenosť určitých skupín ľudí. V postkomunistických krajinách boli procesy budovania štátov a národov častokrát sprevádzané vylúčením rôznych menšín (pozri nižšie). Preto je veľmi dôležité skúmať zákony o občianstve tak z hľadiska rovnosti a spravodlivosti, ako i z menšinovej perspektívy.
Minority policy in Slovakia Critical Magazine, Sep 29, 2020
In Slovakia, the current debate evolves around the question whether a separate legislation treati... more In Slovakia, the current debate evolves around the question whether a separate legislation treating minority rights is at all necessary. While the Plenipotentiary for National Minorities, László Bukovszky, and representatives of individual minorities are in favour of a separate law on minorities, the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (hereinafter „MFA SR“) and the former minister, Miroslav Lajčák, are against it.
Menšinová politika na Slovensku Kritický newsletter, Sep 15, 2020
Na Slovensku v súčasnosti prebieha diskusia, či je vôbec potrebná osobitná legislatíva, ktorá by ... more Na Slovensku v súčasnosti prebieha diskusia, či je vôbec potrebná osobitná legislatíva, ktorá by upravovala menšinové práva. Kým splnomocnenec pre národnostné menšiny László Bukovszky a predstavitelia jednotlivých menšín sú za prijatie osobitného menšinového zákona, Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí (MZVEZ) a bývalý minister Miroslav Lajčák boli proti tomu. Nová vláda SR sa vo svojom programovom vyhlásení zaviazala, že prijme osobitný zákon o postavení národnostných menšín.

Diaspora Studies, 2020
The current challenges stemming from migration, globalism, and the highly interconnected world, u... more The current challenges stemming from migration, globalism, and the highly interconnected world, underline the importance of identities, not only for individuals but for social and political life too. For the past few decades, identity has become a significant concept in social sciences and an important political issue in many contemporary societies. Today collective identities seem to form a central concept in both theoretical and empirical studies of social movements, political mobilization and democratic legitimacy. This paper examines identity in multilevel contexts, from both conceptual and empirical perspectives. The paper seeks to critically analyse how the term ‘identity’ is used, defined and conceptualized in the social sciences, the national laws of Slovakia and Serbia; how it is built and constructed in Slovakia and how it is performed on the ground in diaspora. A mixed research design was applied, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study concludes that scholars today agree on what identity is in the social sciences, however academic, state and ordinary usages and understandings of the concept of identity vary in different contexts. Further, the study argues that Slovak national identity and other collective identities, together with Slovak-ness, are perceived in different ways at a state level and among ordinary people in the Slovak diaspora. Studying identity construction and identity performance on different levels, such as the state level and on the ground, both at home and in diaspora, can contribute to our understanding of the complexity of the identity concept and identification processes.
Elephant in the Lab., 2019
Prof. Lupia on the value of social science, its responsibilities, potentials and application.

International Scientific Conference: “Open Social Science Conference 2019 – Practicing New Standards in Transparency and Reproducibility”, 2019
Open social science conference on practicing new standards in
transparency and reproducibility wa... more Open social science conference on practicing new standards in
transparency and reproducibility was organized by Mannheim center for
European social research (MZES) and took place this year from January 25 to 27 at the University of Mannheim in Germany. The conference was supported by the Berkeley Initiative for transparency in the social sciences (BITSS). The focus of the conference was on the credibility, transparency, and replicability of social science research. The goal of the conference was to discuss state-of-threat in social science regarding the validity of published scientific findings and to suggest possible ways and new opportunities on how to improve openness in science and transparency in research. Part of the conference was also a workshop on open science research transparency and reproducibility, which took place on January 27 at the same venue.

Nationalities Papers The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 2018
Identity has been treated in relevant literature predominantly as a dynamic, fluid, multidimensio... more Identity has been treated in relevant literature predominantly as a dynamic, fluid, multidimensional, and ongoing process. Currently, identity is viewed as a process, as something achieved, and as a product of social relations. Scholars have acknowledged that members of minorities and diasporas can have very complex multiple identities, which are both dependent on social context and changeable over time. This article explores the national and ethnic identifications of Slovaks living in Serbia. Its main objective is to examine how the members of the Slovak diaspora identify themselves and what kind of national and ethnic awareness and pride they hold. As well, this paper explores their opinions and attitudes on language and cultural identity. This study used a web-based survey and basic statistics. The results of the explorative study indicate that members of the Slovak diaspora living in Serbia have multiple identities that coexist, do not conflict, and vary in their importance for respondents. Distinct national and ethnic identifications are perceived in different ways and have divergent emotional intensities. This study proposes further research on the importance of civic and ethnic values and on different perceptions of identity, citizenship, length of residency, and minority rights for collective identifications of minorities and/or diasporas.

Migration and diasporas are becoming more and more important social and political matters in cont... more Migration and diasporas are becoming more and more important social and political matters in contemporary world. Very often migration and diasporas are becoming politicized matters all over the world. Therefore it is very important to study migration and diasporas, and to explore the main issues, concerns and challenges that relate to these topics. However, each and every study on diaspora phenomenon is initially exposed to a fundamental question What is diaspora? This article's objective is to contribute to the conceptual clarity of the term diaspora(s). Paper propose a new definition of the term diasporas. Diasporas are clusters of individuals who migrated themselves or their ancestor, by will or coercion, from a particular place to a different place or parts of the world and who do (perform) diasporic identity. It is suggested here to apply the concept of diasporic identity as analytical category in order to bring more clarity in conceptualisation of the term diaspora and to support meaningful empirical and comparative work on diasporas.
Videos by Svetluša Surová
The recommendation concerning effective participation calls for the UN and other organisations dealing with minority rights, to make an effort to ensure that minority voices are not only heard but also taken into account. However, in a way in which minorities become equal partners and co-producers of the global, regional and national norms, standards and legislation and oversee the implementation and legal remedies. Minorities should not be seen only as a subject of policies but as an agent themselves. Minorities should reclaim their right to participate.
Recommendation concerning minority elections for National Minority Councils in Serbia, calls for ensuring that these elections are free and fair.
The recommendation for the UN would be to document and evaluate the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on minorities and based on these findings to established effective mechanisms for the protection of the human rights of Roma and other minorities too during the health crisis. As well, there is an urgent need to de-securitization Roma and minorities in general.
As well, I recommended to finally start a discussion on the importance of access to technologies by minorities and to include digital rights into human and minority rights protection regimes.
Papers by Svetluša Surová
Ez a dolgozat a nemzeti kisebbségeknek a szlovák parlamentben való participációját elemzi, melyet a nemzeti kisebbségekről szóló törvényalkotó szándék feltételez,[3] s mely participációt e tárgyban a munkacsoport is kiindulópontként jelölte meg.[4] Előbb azonban lássuk, mit is ért politikai participáció alatt a társadalomtudomány, s mit a nemzeti kisebbségek jogaival foglalkozó nemzetközi intézmények a gyakorlatban.
Tento článok bude zameraný na analýzu participácie príslušníkov národnostných menšín v slovenskom parlamente, ktorú predpokladá Legislatívny zámer zákona o národnostných menšinách (2) a ktorú navrhuje východiskový materiál pracovnej skupiny k tejto téme. (3) Najprv sa však pozriem na to, čo sa pod politickou participáciou chápe v spoločenských vedách a v praxi medzinárodných inštitúcií zaoberajúcich sa právami národnostných menšín.
transparency and reproducibility was organized by Mannheim center for
European social research (MZES) and took place this year from January 25 to 27 at the University of Mannheim in Germany. The conference was supported by the Berkeley Initiative for transparency in the social sciences (BITSS). The focus of the conference was on the credibility, transparency, and replicability of social science research. The goal of the conference was to discuss state-of-threat in social science regarding the validity of published scientific findings and to suggest possible ways and new opportunities on how to improve openness in science and transparency in research. Part of the conference was also a workshop on open science research transparency and reproducibility, which took place on January 27 at the same venue.
The recommendation concerning effective participation calls for the UN and other organisations dealing with minority rights, to make an effort to ensure that minority voices are not only heard but also taken into account. However, in a way in which minorities become equal partners and co-producers of the global, regional and national norms, standards and legislation and oversee the implementation and legal remedies. Minorities should not be seen only as a subject of policies but as an agent themselves. Minorities should reclaim their right to participate.
Recommendation concerning minority elections for National Minority Councils in Serbia, calls for ensuring that these elections are free and fair.
The recommendation for the UN would be to document and evaluate the overall impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on minorities and based on these findings to established effective mechanisms for the protection of the human rights of Roma and other minorities too during the health crisis. As well, there is an urgent need to de-securitization Roma and minorities in general.
As well, I recommended to finally start a discussion on the importance of access to technologies by minorities and to include digital rights into human and minority rights protection regimes.
Ez a dolgozat a nemzeti kisebbségeknek a szlovák parlamentben való participációját elemzi, melyet a nemzeti kisebbségekről szóló törvényalkotó szándék feltételez,[3] s mely participációt e tárgyban a munkacsoport is kiindulópontként jelölte meg.[4] Előbb azonban lássuk, mit is ért politikai participáció alatt a társadalomtudomány, s mit a nemzeti kisebbségek jogaival foglalkozó nemzetközi intézmények a gyakorlatban.
Tento článok bude zameraný na analýzu participácie príslušníkov národnostných menšín v slovenskom parlamente, ktorú predpokladá Legislatívny zámer zákona o národnostných menšinách (2) a ktorú navrhuje východiskový materiál pracovnej skupiny k tejto téme. (3) Najprv sa však pozriem na to, čo sa pod politickou participáciou chápe v spoločenských vedách a v praxi medzinárodných inštitúcií zaoberajúcich sa právami národnostných menšín.
transparency and reproducibility was organized by Mannheim center for
European social research (MZES) and took place this year from January 25 to 27 at the University of Mannheim in Germany. The conference was supported by the Berkeley Initiative for transparency in the social sciences (BITSS). The focus of the conference was on the credibility, transparency, and replicability of social science research. The goal of the conference was to discuss state-of-threat in social science regarding the validity of published scientific findings and to suggest possible ways and new opportunities on how to improve openness in science and transparency in research. Part of the conference was also a workshop on open science research transparency and reproducibility, which took place on January 27 at the same venue.
The chapters deal with protection from racially and ethnically motivated violence, symbolic politics, language rights, financial support of minorities and participatory minority rights. Authors deal with temporary equalising measures for overcoming social and economic disadvantage of minorities in the separate chapter. Conclusion of the annual report is dedicated to proposals for further potential directions for minority policy in Slovakia and recommendations for positive developments.
making processes are recognized as crucial elements for fostering social cohesion, promoting
democratic governance, and addressing systemic inequalities. This paper explores
the common challenges faced by non-majority communities in Kosovo, Slovakia, Hungary,
and the Czech Republic, drawing on a rich tapestry of qualitative data collected through interviews
and focus groups. The data presented in this analysis sheds light on the complex
interplay of political, social, and institutional factors that shape the experiences of minority
communities in each country. Through a comparative analysis of the data, this paper seeks to
elucidate the underlying dynamics that shape minority experiences across different national
contexts. By examining the legal and political mechanisms available to facilitate participation,
assessing the efficacy of existing policies, and exploring the nexus between inclusion
and community safety, the paper offers valuable insights into the opportunities and obstacles
facing minority communities in Kosovo, Slovakia, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, while
also offering a comprehensive analysis of the challenges, opportunities, and policy implications
derived from the data collected. Through an exploration of key themes such as political
representation, discrimination, access to services, and community safety, the paper aims to
provide a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics shaping minority inclusion in decision-
making processes. By engaging with the voices of those directly affected by discrimination
and marginalization, this analysis seeks to amplify minority perspectives and advocate
for policy reforms that advance social equity and solidarity.
vendimmarrëse njihen si elemente thelbësore për nxitjen e kohezionit social, promovimin e
qeverisjes demokratike dhe adresimin e pabarazive sistematike. Ky punim eksploron sfidat
e përbashkëta me të cilat përballen komunitetet joshumicë në Kosovë, Sllovaki, Hungari
dhe Republikën Çeke, duke u mbështetur në një tapiceri të pasur të të dhënave cilësore të
mbledhura përmes intervistave dhe fokus grupeve. Të dhënat e paraqitura në këtë analizë
hedhin dritë mbi ndërveprimin kompleks të faktorëve politikë, socialë dhe institucionalë që
formësojnë përvojat e komuniteteve pakicë në çdo vend. Nëpërmjet një analize krahasuese të
të dhënave, ky punim kërkon të sqarojë dinamikat themelore që formojnë përvojat e pakicave
në kontekste të ndryshme kombëtare. Duke shqyrtuar mekanizmat ligjorë dhe politikë në dispozicion
për të lehtësuar pjesëmarrjen, duke vlerësuar efikasitetin e politikave ekzistuese
dhe duke eksploruar lidhjen ndërmjet përfshirjes dhe sigurisë së komunitetit, dokumenti ofron
njohuri të vlefshme për mundësitë dhe pengesat me të cilat përballen komunitetet pakicë
në Kosovë, Sllovaki, Hungari dhe Republika Çeke. Duke ofruar një analize gjithëpërfshirëse
të sfidave, mundësive dhe implikimeve të politikave që rrjedhin nga të dhënat e mbledhura.
Përmes një eksplorimi të temave kryesore si përfaqësimi politik, diskriminimi, aksesi në
shërbime dhe siguria e komunitetit, punimi synon të ofrojë një kuptim më të thellë të dinamikës
komplekse që formëson përfshirjen e pakicave në proceset vendimmarrëse. Duke u
angazhuar me zërat e atyre që preken drejtpërdrejt nga diskriminimi dhe margjinalizimi, kjo
analizë kërkon të përforcojë perspektivat e pakicave dhe të avokoj për reforma politikash që
avancojnë barazinë dhe solidaritetin social.
Tento rozhovor viedla Svetluša Surová, senior výskumná pracovníčka Bratislava Policy Institute počas svojej krátkodobej vedeckej misie ENTAN na Glasgowskej univerzite v septembri 2021.
V rozhovore sa dočítate aj o tom:
ako virtuálna realita mení rasistické predsudky;
ako vplýva na deti;
prečo je problém, ak má virtuálny avatar našu podobu a čo sa mu môže stať.
Ako sa od pacientov nezákonne vyberajú peniaze?
Ako sa voči nekalým praktikám brániť?
The objective of the workshop is to bring together a community of scholars, researchers and practitioners to share their work and support development in the field. The workshop will be a great chance for participants to get feedback on their work, to create ties and encourage further collaboration.