Welcome to mini cola bubble, a home for miniminkie fics and colabubble icons among other things. If you don’t like slash, boysmex or anything along those lines don’t join. miniminkie and colabubble are sister’s with a shared love of slash and pretty boy’s touching . And we welcome you to our small corner of the web. We hope you enjoy your stay.
The Smutmeister
The Uke
The Smutmeister is also known as Anna, BB or miniminkie. She’s the wannabe fanfic writer who been known to upload music. She’s currently obsessed with Merlin on BBC and McJonas which is Mcfly/Jonas Brothers crossover slash. She mainly writes McJonas, but is addicted to writing Luke/Clyde from Sarah Jane Adventures. She’s been known to fan girl over Merlin - Doctor Who-Torchwood - J2 RPS - Mcfly RPS- Jonas Brothers RPS - House - Gorillaz - Gossip Girl - Life On Mars - Ben 10 - Hairspray - RPS Football slash - NCIS - McJonas RPS - Sarah Jane Adventures She ships Merlin/Arthur Merlin - Morgana/Gwen Merlin - Gaius/Gwen Merlin - Doctor/Master Dr Who - Jack/Doctor Dr Who - Jack/Ianto Torchwood - Luke/Clyde Sarah Jane Adventures - Ben/Kevin Ben 10 - Nick/Tom McJonas - Kevin/Nick Jonas Brothers RPS - PoynterFletcher Mcfly RPS - Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles RPS.
The uke is also known as Abby or AL or colabubble. She’s the icon maker and screencapper, she uploads the music mostly and knows all there is to know about soaps. A Hollyoaks addict she’s been known to fan girl the following. Hollyoaks, Heroes, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Greek, Yaoi, Legend of Zelda, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy. She Ship’s Warren/Justin - Rhys/Gilly - Rhys/Josh - Gilly/Warren - Peter/Hiro - Mikey/Gerard Way - Gerard Way/Jared Leto - All Mcfly Slash - Ryan Ross/Pete Wentz, - Danny Jones/ Joe Jonas