Kasem Z Ahmed
Dr. Kasem Zaki Ahmed graduated with a BSc and MSc in Agriculture from Minia University, and earned his PhD in Plant Genetics (Biotechnology) from the Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary, in 1993. His university career started at the Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, Egypt, and was promoted as full Professor in 2004. He held several academic administrative positions as, Member of the Promotion Committee of the Professors and Assistant Professors in Genetics, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Microbiology (2013-2015); Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, (2011-2014); Head of Genetics department (2010-2011), Director of Minia Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Minia University (2004 till now). He worked as a Visiting Professor at the Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium in 2001.
As a researcher, Dr. Ahmed published a total of 70 articles in refereed journals, and one chapter in reference book. He supervisor on more than 25 studies of MS and PhD degree in biotechnology. He won several research prizes and awards including The 2011 African Crop Science Society AWARDS for outstanding scientists; Minia University Encouragement Prize 2004; and Minia University Prize for the best scientific Paper for Agricultural Sciences, Egypt, 2004.
Dr. Ahmed was one of the founding members of the Minia Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Fac. Agric., Minia Univ., El-Minia, Egypt.
Dr. Ahmed is elected President of the African Crop Science Society (2007-2009) and Member of the Executive Board of the Global Plant Council (2013-2015); member of many other scientific organizations. He is reviewer for M.Sc. & Ph.D. theses and many international scientific journals.
. E-mail address: [email protected]
As a researcher, Dr. Ahmed published a total of 70 articles in refereed journals, and one chapter in reference book. He supervisor on more than 25 studies of MS and PhD degree in biotechnology. He won several research prizes and awards including The 2011 African Crop Science Society AWARDS for outstanding scientists; Minia University Encouragement Prize 2004; and Minia University Prize for the best scientific Paper for Agricultural Sciences, Egypt, 2004.
Dr. Ahmed was one of the founding members of the Minia Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Fac. Agric., Minia Univ., El-Minia, Egypt.
Dr. Ahmed is elected President of the African Crop Science Society (2007-2009) and Member of the Executive Board of the Global Plant Council (2013-2015); member of many other scientific organizations. He is reviewer for M.Sc. & Ph.D. theses and many international scientific journals.
. E-mail address: [email protected]
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Papers by Kasem Z Ahmed
وفى الفترة الأخيرة نادى العديد من الخيرين في هذا العالم، بضرورة إتاحة كافة الابحاث المنشورة لكل الباحثين حول العالم مجانا، وربما هذا يساعد على تطور وتسارع عملية البحث العلمي وتقليل النفقات للوصول الى البحوث المنشورة. لكن دوما هناك من يستغلون الافكار الانسانية النبيلة لصالحهم فقط دون النظر لفائدة المجتمع؛ فقفز لصوص الانترنت والذين طبقوا الفكرة لإتاحة البحوث مجانا للقراء ولكنهم يجمعون كثير الاموال من راغبي النشر السريع في دوريات دولية من اجل الترقي، وتم هذا دون مراعاة لجودة البحوث أو دقة عملية التقييم والتحكيم أو حتى جودة الطباعة. وبدأت تلك الظاهرة تطفو فى فضاء الإنترنت منذ قرابة عشر سنوات مضت، ولكنها تسارعت بوتيرة غير مسبوقة فى الفترة الاخيرة، فأعداد دور النشر والدوريات الوهمية تزداد سنويا وبمعدل متسارع، وأصبحت اعدادها تتجاوز الألاف. ولكن "زاد الطين بله" باتجاههم لترويج بضاعتهم الفاسدة بابتداع مقاييس (معاملات تأثير) مضللة.
وسوف نستعرض فى مقالنا هذا ما آل إلية هذا السيل المنهمر من النشر العلمي الوهمي وآخر إحصاءاته بالاستعانة بقائمة "بيل" للدوريات ودور النشر الوهمية حتى هذا العام 2017م. وأتضح أنه كل من يتعرض لهذه الدوريات المشبوهة يلقى الكثير من التهديدات والهجوم من اصحاب شبكات المصالح المنتشرة حول العالم. وأخطر ما سوف تسببه تلك الظاهرة هو فقدان الثقة في الابحاث العلمية المنشورة والخلط بين الدوريات العلمية الجادة وتلك التي يسعى اصحابها فقط خلف الاموال.
Key Words: Allium cepa, oxalic acid, Sclerotium cepivorum
"يشترط الا يتضمن الانتاج العلمي للمتقدم اكثر من بحثين منشورين او مقبولين للنشر فى عدد واحد من نفس الدورية او المؤتمر العلمي و لا تقبل الابحاث التى تنشرONLINE الا اذا كانت من قبل ناشر معلوم دوليا".
tween tomato genotypes for their ab
ility for callus formation on the two
types of explants on the different types of media. Th
e highest genotype for callus formation was Super Marmand
(77.10%) and the lowest genotype for callus formation was 12 M (56.3 %). M
medium (83%) could be recommended
as appropriate medium for callus induction for all genotypes.
Concerning the type of explants the results showed that
cotyledon leaf explants (70.39%) were better than hypocotyl
s explants (66.67%) for callus formation. In the present
experiment the mean numbers of regenerated shoots s
howed highly significant differences between genotypes.
Amcostar exhibited large number of shoots under all factors studied as compared to other genotypes. The effect of
genotypes and media interaction on plant regeneration from
callus was highly significant. The best combination for
indirect regeneration was Amcostar genotype on M
medium (93.8% with a mean 9.7). The growth dynamic of callus
tissue was evaluated during the growing period of 30 days on the basic medium MS supplemented with different
concentration of PEG, The concentrations of PEG in the medium showed a great effect on the growth value at the end
of 30 days growing period. The mass of callus and shoots re
generated directly from explants were evaluated after 60
days of growing on regeneration MS medium supplemented
with different concentration of PEG. The highest dry
weight was achieved when the Peto-86
explants were cultivated on MS supplem
ented with 75.00 gram PEG. Shoots
regeneration frequency of cotyledon segment of tomato
genotype ranged from 12.00 to 82.40 %. The highest shoot
regeneration was achieved on the explants
of Super Strain B it was 2.14 shoot pe
r explants. The mean number of shoots
per explants was decreased by increasing the concentration of mannitol in the medium the mean numbers of shoots per
explants were 1.811, 1.59, 1.50, 1.34 and 1.43 for the Ma
nnitol concentration 0.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0 and 100.0 mM/L,
respectively. The regeneration capability
it's self-affected strongly by the in
creasing of mannitol in the medium.
Cuminum cyminum
L. cv. 'Balady'), the sole popular commercial variety of cumin in Egypt. After culture for 2-4 months on B5 solid
callus induction medium supplemented with 0.88 mg/l 2,4-dichlor
ophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) plus 0.86 mg/l kinetin (Kin), merist
globules and yellow, friable ECS were induced from the explants of seedling hypocotyls. ECS were initiated from these embryogen
ic calli
in the same liquid B5 callus induction medium. After selection of small aggregates and single cell cultures at 15-day intervals
for 2
months, homogeneous and yellow ECSs, composed of single cells, small cell aggregates were established. Based upon the growth
dynamic of ECS, the entire old medium was replaced weekly by an equal volume of fresh medium. Plating of ECS (1-12 months old)
on 3
different solid B5 media (B5
and B5
) resulted in the induction and development of approximately six, two and six compact,
organized calli/ml of ECS, respectively. Variation in callus induction ability was influenced by the time elapsed after subcult
ures and the
medium used. Plated cells responded best 5 days after subculture; 11 calli/ml ECS were obtained while 8.2 shoots/ml ECS regener
ated on
medium containing 0.065 mg/l Zeatin + 0.021 mg/l Kin. A total of 230 plants were obtained, ~75% of which were survived under
conditions, flowered and produced normal seeds. Chromosome number of suspension cells ranged from 12-28 chromosomes, and
the majority of cells (51%) had a normal (14) chromosome number,
which was also observed in 63% of tested root tip cells of reg
وفى الفترة الأخيرة نادى العديد من الخيرين في هذا العالم، بضرورة إتاحة كافة الابحاث المنشورة لكل الباحثين حول العالم مجانا، وربما هذا يساعد على تطور وتسارع عملية البحث العلمي وتقليل النفقات للوصول الى البحوث المنشورة. لكن دوما هناك من يستغلون الافكار الانسانية النبيلة لصالحهم فقط دون النظر لفائدة المجتمع؛ فقفز لصوص الانترنت والذين طبقوا الفكرة لإتاحة البحوث مجانا للقراء ولكنهم يجمعون كثير الاموال من راغبي النشر السريع في دوريات دولية من اجل الترقي، وتم هذا دون مراعاة لجودة البحوث أو دقة عملية التقييم والتحكيم أو حتى جودة الطباعة. وبدأت تلك الظاهرة تطفو فى فضاء الإنترنت منذ قرابة عشر سنوات مضت، ولكنها تسارعت بوتيرة غير مسبوقة فى الفترة الاخيرة، فأعداد دور النشر والدوريات الوهمية تزداد سنويا وبمعدل متسارع، وأصبحت اعدادها تتجاوز الألاف. ولكن "زاد الطين بله" باتجاههم لترويج بضاعتهم الفاسدة بابتداع مقاييس (معاملات تأثير) مضللة.
وسوف نستعرض فى مقالنا هذا ما آل إلية هذا السيل المنهمر من النشر العلمي الوهمي وآخر إحصاءاته بالاستعانة بقائمة "بيل" للدوريات ودور النشر الوهمية حتى هذا العام 2017م. وأتضح أنه كل من يتعرض لهذه الدوريات المشبوهة يلقى الكثير من التهديدات والهجوم من اصحاب شبكات المصالح المنتشرة حول العالم. وأخطر ما سوف تسببه تلك الظاهرة هو فقدان الثقة في الابحاث العلمية المنشورة والخلط بين الدوريات العلمية الجادة وتلك التي يسعى اصحابها فقط خلف الاموال.
Key Words: Allium cepa, oxalic acid, Sclerotium cepivorum
"يشترط الا يتضمن الانتاج العلمي للمتقدم اكثر من بحثين منشورين او مقبولين للنشر فى عدد واحد من نفس الدورية او المؤتمر العلمي و لا تقبل الابحاث التى تنشرONLINE الا اذا كانت من قبل ناشر معلوم دوليا".
tween tomato genotypes for their ab
ility for callus formation on the two
types of explants on the different types of media. Th
e highest genotype for callus formation was Super Marmand
(77.10%) and the lowest genotype for callus formation was 12 M (56.3 %). M
medium (83%) could be recommended
as appropriate medium for callus induction for all genotypes.
Concerning the type of explants the results showed that
cotyledon leaf explants (70.39%) were better than hypocotyl
s explants (66.67%) for callus formation. In the present
experiment the mean numbers of regenerated shoots s
howed highly significant differences between genotypes.
Amcostar exhibited large number of shoots under all factors studied as compared to other genotypes. The effect of
genotypes and media interaction on plant regeneration from
callus was highly significant. The best combination for
indirect regeneration was Amcostar genotype on M
medium (93.8% with a mean 9.7). The growth dynamic of callus
tissue was evaluated during the growing period of 30 days on the basic medium MS supplemented with different
concentration of PEG, The concentrations of PEG in the medium showed a great effect on the growth value at the end
of 30 days growing period. The mass of callus and shoots re
generated directly from explants were evaluated after 60
days of growing on regeneration MS medium supplemented
with different concentration of PEG. The highest dry
weight was achieved when the Peto-86
explants were cultivated on MS supplem
ented with 75.00 gram PEG. Shoots
regeneration frequency of cotyledon segment of tomato
genotype ranged from 12.00 to 82.40 %. The highest shoot
regeneration was achieved on the explants
of Super Strain B it was 2.14 shoot pe
r explants. The mean number of shoots
per explants was decreased by increasing the concentration of mannitol in the medium the mean numbers of shoots per
explants were 1.811, 1.59, 1.50, 1.34 and 1.43 for the Ma
nnitol concentration 0.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0 and 100.0 mM/L,
respectively. The regeneration capability
it's self-affected strongly by the in
creasing of mannitol in the medium.
Cuminum cyminum
L. cv. 'Balady'), the sole popular commercial variety of cumin in Egypt. After culture for 2-4 months on B5 solid
callus induction medium supplemented with 0.88 mg/l 2,4-dichlor
ophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) plus 0.86 mg/l kinetin (Kin), merist
globules and yellow, friable ECS were induced from the explants of seedling hypocotyls. ECS were initiated from these embryogen
ic calli
in the same liquid B5 callus induction medium. After selection of small aggregates and single cell cultures at 15-day intervals
for 2
months, homogeneous and yellow ECSs, composed of single cells, small cell aggregates were established. Based upon the growth
dynamic of ECS, the entire old medium was replaced weekly by an equal volume of fresh medium. Plating of ECS (1-12 months old)
on 3
different solid B5 media (B5
and B5
) resulted in the induction and development of approximately six, two and six compact,
organized calli/ml of ECS, respectively. Variation in callus induction ability was influenced by the time elapsed after subcult
ures and the
medium used. Plated cells responded best 5 days after subculture; 11 calli/ml ECS were obtained while 8.2 shoots/ml ECS regener
ated on
medium containing 0.065 mg/l Zeatin + 0.021 mg/l Kin. A total of 230 plants were obtained, ~75% of which were survived under
conditions, flowered and produced normal seeds. Chromosome number of suspension cells ranged from 12-28 chromosomes, and
the majority of cells (51%) had a normal (14) chromosome number,
which was also observed in 63% of tested root tip cells of reg