Papers by Lana Krizaj

Portal : Godišnjak Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda, 7 (2016.), Dec 2016
Application of silicate paints in the restoration of historical buildings: chapel of st. Anthony ... more Application of silicate paints in the restoration of historical buildings: chapel of st. Anthony of Padua
in Hršak Breg
The use of silicate paints for the final treatment of mostly exterior but also interior surfaces of historical buildings has widely been accepted in conservation practice for many years, despite the fact that it brings into question two conservation principles – authenticity and reversibility.
Given that silicate paints were used in the renovation of the Historicist chapel of St. Anthony of Padua in Hršak Breg near Krapinske Toplice, some basic information about the chapel is given here, with an account of its
comprehensive restoration in 2014 and 2015 and
special emphasis on the final colouristic treatment of exterior and interior surfaces.
The first part of the text brings an account of the historical continuity of the chapel of St. Anthony of Padua, as according to historical and topographical sources, an older chapel once stood at the site of the existing Historicist one. This is followed by a description of the chapel architecture and furnishings. A valorization is made of the chapel in the context of the great wave of Historicist renovations of church buildings, which swept across Hrvatsko Zagorje after the devastating earthquake of 1880 that brought down many historical buildings. A description is given of the poor condition in which the chapel was found during field trips in the period from 2010 to 2014 because of the damage caused by harmful workings of the atmosphere and a lack of maintenance. An account
is given of the course of its comprehensive restoration in 2014–2015. Special emphasis is put on the final colouristic treatment of exterior and interior wall surfaces, where silicate paints were used for the façades and sodium silicate for the inner walls. This is continued with a review of how the subject of the painting of exterior and interior surfaces of historical buildings is represented in professional literature, including the views of leading scholars in the field of cultural heritage protection.
The use of silicate paints for the final treatment of
mostly exterior but also interior surfaces of historical
buildings has been widely accepted in conservation practice for many years, owing to its comparative advantages in terms of durability, endurance, and consequently efficiency, and is therefore applied with almost no exception in the Krapina-Zagorje County, as argued by the examples mentioned.
As a conclusion, the principles of authenticity and reversibility are examined, and weather it is justifiable and acceptable to use silicate paints when renovating historical buildings, if these were originally not used.
Godišnjak zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske. 22/23 (1996/97), str. 181-187., 1999
Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora. 1-2 (2000), str. 50-67., 2000
-Kako bi se mnogo vidjelo, nuzno je da se odvrati pogled od sebe ... (Friedrich Nietzsche, Tako j... more -Kako bi se mnogo vidjelo, nuzno je da se odvrati pogled od sebe ... (Friedrich Nietzsche, Tako je govorio Zaratustra) Evo jos jednog u nizu, vjerujemo, korisnih tekstova 0 iskustvima i praksi drugih zemalja u upravljanju kulturnom bastinom i provedbi njene zastite. Kako je rijee 0 primjeru zemlje s dugaekom tradicijom konzervatorske djelatnosti i razvijenim sustavom zastite kulturne bastine, nalazimo ovo predavanje instruktivnim i za nase prilike. Koliko bi smisla imalo komparirati pojedine aspekte engleskog sustava zastite, kao sto su primjerice financiranje iii vlasnistvo, s hrvatskim i izvoditi brojeane pokazatelje s obzirom na potpuno neusporedive ekonomske i socijalne prilike, tesko je reei.
Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora. 3-4 (2000), str. 112-120., 2000
Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora. 1-2 (2000), str. 76-85., 2000
Vijesti muzealaca i konzervatora. 3-4 (2000), str. 121-128., 2000
5. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova / ur. Mirna Willer, Tinka Katić. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2002., str. 122-130., 2002
5. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova / ur. Mirna Willer, Tinka Katić. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2002., str. 223-228., 2002
6. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova / ur. , Tinka Katić. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2003., str. 39-48., 2003
Muzeologija. 41-42 (2004-2005), str. 196-204., 2005
7. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova / ur. Tinka Katić. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2004., str. 261-270., 2004
Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MA 7 - Kultur, Referat Stadtarchäologie (Hrsg.), Workshop 10 – Archäologie und Computer 2005 : Kulturelles Erbe und Neue Technologien. 7. - 10. November 2005. Wien : 2006, ISBN 978-3-901232-78-7, CD-ROM, 2006
The project of the development of the Croatian information system of cultural heritage "Teuta" wa... more The project of the development of the Croatian information system of cultural heritage "Teuta" was initiated in 2002 by the Ministry of Culture. Its primary goal was to serve as a tool for the efficient preservation of cultural heritage by ensuring the "base of knowledge" needed for any intervention in that field.
8. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova / uredila Tinka Katić. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2005., str. 215-220., 2005
9. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova / ur. Mirna Willer, Irena Zenić. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2006., str. 125-130., 2006
Ivi Maroeviću : baštinici u spomen / [urednici Žarka Vujić, Marko Špikić]. - Zagreb : Zavod za informacijske studije Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta, 2009. - (Spomenice Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti ; knj. 2), str. 311-338., 2009
S obzirom na uocenu potrebu standardizacije nazivlja kulturne bastine, u ovom je radu opisana i p... more S obzirom na uocenu potrebu standardizacije nazivlja kulturne bastine, u ovom je radu opisana i ponudena metodologija za izradu sveobuhvatnog hrvatskog tezaurusa za to podrucje. Kao polazisni model izraden je tezau rus graditeljske bastine kOji sadrii ukupno 796 pojmova. Prilikom izgradnje racunalne aplikacije za kompilaciju tezaurusa, predvideno je njegovo sire nje i na ostale skupine kulturne baStine (povijesne cjeline, arheoloska nala zista, pokretnu te nematerijalnu kulturnu baStinu).
Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske. 55, 2(2012), str. 29-40., 2012
Books by Lana Krizaj

Mala biblioteka Godišnjaka zaštite spomenika kulture Hrvatske svezak 18, 2017., Feb 2017
The aim of this paper is to establish an appropriate methodology for the compilation of the Croatian thesaurus of monument types, on the basis of thoroughly researched literature and praxis of other countries and, by its appliance, to create the model of thesaurus as the final result.
This paper is comprised of two parts: the first one is dealing with the phenomenology and organisation of knowledge as the general phenomenon as well as in the field of cultural heritage protection. Since the essence of this knowledge can be found in the conservation documentation and its derivatives such as monument inventories and more comprehensive information systems in the field of cultural heritage, the
necessity of standardization is stressed out.
The second chapter gives a brief overview of cultural
heritage protection as an activity and describes the legal framework of this activity in Croatia, with a particular emphasis on the legislation in the field of documentation and monument recording.
Croatian experiences and results in inventory creation
and establishment of a universal information system of
cultural heritage so far are described. Since the lack of
standardization in that field has been recognized, especially regarding universal heritage classification and terminology, a systematic chronological overview is given as well as an explanation of the necessity of compiling the Croatian thesaurus of monument types.
The third chapter deals with the thesaurus itself as a controlled vocabulary and presents major relevant thesauri of the world. It then describes the methodology applied for the compilation of the Croatian Thesaurus of monument types, which is the integral part of this paper. The model of the thesaurus is limited to the architectural heritage, be it single buildings or built complexes. During the establishment of the thesaurus core structure, the possibility of subsequent exten-sion of the thesaurus to other categories of heritage, such
as historical settlements, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, movable and intangible heritage, has been foreseen.
The second part of the paper is the thesaurus itself, prin-ted out as a hierarchically organised class list as well as an alphabetical list.
Thesis Chapters by Lana Krizaj
Papers by Lana Krizaj
in Hršak Breg
The use of silicate paints for the final treatment of mostly exterior but also interior surfaces of historical buildings has widely been accepted in conservation practice for many years, despite the fact that it brings into question two conservation principles – authenticity and reversibility.
Given that silicate paints were used in the renovation of the Historicist chapel of St. Anthony of Padua in Hršak Breg near Krapinske Toplice, some basic information about the chapel is given here, with an account of its
comprehensive restoration in 2014 and 2015 and
special emphasis on the final colouristic treatment of exterior and interior surfaces.
The first part of the text brings an account of the historical continuity of the chapel of St. Anthony of Padua, as according to historical and topographical sources, an older chapel once stood at the site of the existing Historicist one. This is followed by a description of the chapel architecture and furnishings. A valorization is made of the chapel in the context of the great wave of Historicist renovations of church buildings, which swept across Hrvatsko Zagorje after the devastating earthquake of 1880 that brought down many historical buildings. A description is given of the poor condition in which the chapel was found during field trips in the period from 2010 to 2014 because of the damage caused by harmful workings of the atmosphere and a lack of maintenance. An account
is given of the course of its comprehensive restoration in 2014–2015. Special emphasis is put on the final colouristic treatment of exterior and interior wall surfaces, where silicate paints were used for the façades and sodium silicate for the inner walls. This is continued with a review of how the subject of the painting of exterior and interior surfaces of historical buildings is represented in professional literature, including the views of leading scholars in the field of cultural heritage protection.
The use of silicate paints for the final treatment of
mostly exterior but also interior surfaces of historical
buildings has been widely accepted in conservation practice for many years, owing to its comparative advantages in terms of durability, endurance, and consequently efficiency, and is therefore applied with almost no exception in the Krapina-Zagorje County, as argued by the examples mentioned.
As a conclusion, the principles of authenticity and reversibility are examined, and weather it is justifiable and acceptable to use silicate paints when renovating historical buildings, if these were originally not used.
Books by Lana Krizaj
The aim of this paper is to establish an appropriate methodology for the compilation of the Croatian thesaurus of monument types, on the basis of thoroughly researched literature and praxis of other countries and, by its appliance, to create the model of thesaurus as the final result.
This paper is comprised of two parts: the first one is dealing with the phenomenology and organisation of knowledge as the general phenomenon as well as in the field of cultural heritage protection. Since the essence of this knowledge can be found in the conservation documentation and its derivatives such as monument inventories and more comprehensive information systems in the field of cultural heritage, the
necessity of standardization is stressed out.
The second chapter gives a brief overview of cultural
heritage protection as an activity and describes the legal framework of this activity in Croatia, with a particular emphasis on the legislation in the field of documentation and monument recording.
Croatian experiences and results in inventory creation
and establishment of a universal information system of
cultural heritage so far are described. Since the lack of
standardization in that field has been recognized, especially regarding universal heritage classification and terminology, a systematic chronological overview is given as well as an explanation of the necessity of compiling the Croatian thesaurus of monument types.
The third chapter deals with the thesaurus itself as a controlled vocabulary and presents major relevant thesauri of the world. It then describes the methodology applied for the compilation of the Croatian Thesaurus of monument types, which is the integral part of this paper. The model of the thesaurus is limited to the architectural heritage, be it single buildings or built complexes. During the establishment of the thesaurus core structure, the possibility of subsequent exten-sion of the thesaurus to other categories of heritage, such
as historical settlements, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, movable and intangible heritage, has been foreseen.
The second part of the paper is the thesaurus itself, prin-ted out as a hierarchically organised class list as well as an alphabetical list.
Thesis Chapters by Lana Krizaj
in Hršak Breg
The use of silicate paints for the final treatment of mostly exterior but also interior surfaces of historical buildings has widely been accepted in conservation practice for many years, despite the fact that it brings into question two conservation principles – authenticity and reversibility.
Given that silicate paints were used in the renovation of the Historicist chapel of St. Anthony of Padua in Hršak Breg near Krapinske Toplice, some basic information about the chapel is given here, with an account of its
comprehensive restoration in 2014 and 2015 and
special emphasis on the final colouristic treatment of exterior and interior surfaces.
The first part of the text brings an account of the historical continuity of the chapel of St. Anthony of Padua, as according to historical and topographical sources, an older chapel once stood at the site of the existing Historicist one. This is followed by a description of the chapel architecture and furnishings. A valorization is made of the chapel in the context of the great wave of Historicist renovations of church buildings, which swept across Hrvatsko Zagorje after the devastating earthquake of 1880 that brought down many historical buildings. A description is given of the poor condition in which the chapel was found during field trips in the period from 2010 to 2014 because of the damage caused by harmful workings of the atmosphere and a lack of maintenance. An account
is given of the course of its comprehensive restoration in 2014–2015. Special emphasis is put on the final colouristic treatment of exterior and interior wall surfaces, where silicate paints were used for the façades and sodium silicate for the inner walls. This is continued with a review of how the subject of the painting of exterior and interior surfaces of historical buildings is represented in professional literature, including the views of leading scholars in the field of cultural heritage protection.
The use of silicate paints for the final treatment of
mostly exterior but also interior surfaces of historical
buildings has been widely accepted in conservation practice for many years, owing to its comparative advantages in terms of durability, endurance, and consequently efficiency, and is therefore applied with almost no exception in the Krapina-Zagorje County, as argued by the examples mentioned.
As a conclusion, the principles of authenticity and reversibility are examined, and weather it is justifiable and acceptable to use silicate paints when renovating historical buildings, if these were originally not used.
The aim of this paper is to establish an appropriate methodology for the compilation of the Croatian thesaurus of monument types, on the basis of thoroughly researched literature and praxis of other countries and, by its appliance, to create the model of thesaurus as the final result.
This paper is comprised of two parts: the first one is dealing with the phenomenology and organisation of knowledge as the general phenomenon as well as in the field of cultural heritage protection. Since the essence of this knowledge can be found in the conservation documentation and its derivatives such as monument inventories and more comprehensive information systems in the field of cultural heritage, the
necessity of standardization is stressed out.
The second chapter gives a brief overview of cultural
heritage protection as an activity and describes the legal framework of this activity in Croatia, with a particular emphasis on the legislation in the field of documentation and monument recording.
Croatian experiences and results in inventory creation
and establishment of a universal information system of
cultural heritage so far are described. Since the lack of
standardization in that field has been recognized, especially regarding universal heritage classification and terminology, a systematic chronological overview is given as well as an explanation of the necessity of compiling the Croatian thesaurus of monument types.
The third chapter deals with the thesaurus itself as a controlled vocabulary and presents major relevant thesauri of the world. It then describes the methodology applied for the compilation of the Croatian Thesaurus of monument types, which is the integral part of this paper. The model of the thesaurus is limited to the architectural heritage, be it single buildings or built complexes. During the establishment of the thesaurus core structure, the possibility of subsequent exten-sion of the thesaurus to other categories of heritage, such
as historical settlements, cultural landscapes, archaeological sites, movable and intangible heritage, has been foreseen.
The second part of the paper is the thesaurus itself, prin-ted out as a hierarchically organised class list as well as an alphabetical list.