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use your woman as a human shield
07 February 2011 @ 01:37 pm

It's finally time to shut down operations at milou_veronica. Thank-you to everyone for their kind words and uh, patronage, over the years(!). Somehow we reached 6000+ watchers. From now on, if I ever make any layouts (which will not happen horribly frequently) or what-not, they'll be over at ephectic. You can find the current milou_veronica layout there, as well as some more variations on that theme.

image | live

image | live

image | live

image | live
salvation in white knuckles on a wheel
style: flexible squares
features:custom comment pages, mini icons, topbar/bottombar
browsers: FF, IE8, Safari, Chrome

here @ ephectic

P.S: Also, why not check out the ephectic layout, which is kind of awesome and unlike what I usually do.
use your woman as a human shield

image | live
layout:grace to be regained or won
style: flexible squares
accounts: Basic, Paid, and Sponsored
features:custom comment pages, mini icons, sidebar
browsers: Uh, most. I assume.

They're counting on a guilty conscience to save youCollapse )
Current Music: Draw Your Swords - Angus And Julia Stone
use your woman as a human shield

image | live
layout:a prisoner of history
style: flexible squares
accounts: Basic, Paid, and Sponsored
features:custom comment pages, mini icons, topbar
browsers: IE8, FF, Safari, Chrome

Armies and ice and dirty greenCollapse )
Current Music: Sleep - The Dandy Warhols
use your woman as a human shield
This and another layout batch that I'll post sometime soon, are actually a part of the same 'set' in they way I usually do (in the sense that they're all quite distinct, but explore a certain theme in a variety of ways). But next up I'm going to make a "layouts I'm never going to get around to polishing into proper posts" post. By which I mean the milou_en_avril and clockrobot layouts.

image | live

image | live
layout:carried to Ohio in a swarm of bees
style: flexible squares
accounts: Basic, Paid, and Sponsored
features:custom comment pages, mini icons, sidebar/links list
browsers: IE7+, FF, Safari, Chrome

In that day there's a moment when it all goes awayCollapse )
Current Music: Arcade Fire - The Suburbs