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The Lions

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[15 Jul 2010|03:08am]


that looks like Lewisham to me, what about you?
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[19 Sep 2007|02:29pm]

who is this willie donachie bloke and why is he still employed
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Bloody hell! [14 Sep 2005|11:02am]


MIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLWALL! I only just found out the Wolves result (was working last night and tbh I thought we'd lose) - come on!

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5-0 [20 Aug 2005|07:12pm]

What a joke.
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at least he ushered away the stretcher. [03 Jan 2005|06:17pm]

i think Wise will retire pretty shortly. the way he hobbled off today against Rotherham, and they way we just fell apart after he did. doesn't bode well, chaps.
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Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [04 Apr 2004|03:25pm]

ON OUR WAY TO CARDIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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hope for Sundays game. [31 Mar 2004|02:27pm]


any of you lads going Sunday?
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[30 Nov 2003|03:23am]

i can't believe what i witnessed earlier. the game should have been killed in the first half. we ain't going nowhere, wisey and that wilkins ponce keep making excuses about strikers. that's crap. timmy didn't seem to have a clue where he was playing today. wake up mate, you're upfront. you don't need to be in our 18 yard box all fuckin day.

i won't even start about last minute goals. we can't even take out teams like derby and bradford. only shining light was abu in the first half, absolutely class.

-mauled lion
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Jianluca Vialli for 4 games [19 Nov 2003|07:38pm]

I like him. But how is his shape now? What do you think?
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Reading vs Millwall [15 Nov 2003|05:05pm]

[ mood | sad ]

1-0 to Reading I belive!!

Anyone go? I had to work today!!!

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[28 Sep 2003|04:25pm]

i was drinking with a few scousers down for the Charlton game earlier and they were all running their mouths how they were gonna run home 5-0 [HAHA] and how West Ham were gonna turn us over.

they were lucky to get a point off us! maybe top six is a possibility after all.
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[06 Sep 2003|10:03pm]

4-3 to the pikies.
Words fail me.
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Couple of things... [29 Aug 2003|11:15am]

First) Rumour has it we've just signed Kevin Muscat off Rangers on a free.
Second) Anyone going tomorrow? I'm in block 12 if anyone fancies saying 'ello. I'll be the one who looks like the photo on this post.
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Millwall vs Crewe [22 Aug 2003|12:50am]

I pity Crewe! Crewe will fail to phase us!

By the way, if anyone wanders into my journal and gets the impression that i am changing my affiliation from Millwall to Chelsea... this is in no way true. I follow Chelsea's progress with interest, but i am a Lion through and through!
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Carling Cup round 1 [12 Aug 2003|06:14pm]

Good luck to the Lions in the Carling Cup tonight... i seem to remember us having a few problems seeing off minor teams such as Oxford... but i'm sure it'll all turn out well!

Millwall FC vs Oxford Utd
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