Entries by tag: why god why
oh my god.
- Nov. 20th, 2005 at 4:30 PM
- Current Mood:
- Current Music:loveless :: michiyuki ( ALBELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL~ <3 )
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- ...
- :d
- aah
- aerith
- afterglow
- ah
- aids curing time!
- albel
- albel can sing too
- albel is a sex god
- albel is still a sex god
- albel loses
- albelle
- all
- anyone please
- apply for membership
- arbel is a little bitch
- arbel wishes he was hot like albel
- are you embarassed
- argh
- asshat
- asshats
- awesome
- baby shower
- back the fuck off
- bad german
- bah
- bastard
- bastards
- battle royale must live on
- birthday
- bitches
- blackwings
- breaking things
- bring it bitch
- cause i sure as hell think you are
- celebration
- chainsaw
- cheating
- cheating makes fayt an angry boy
- children
- christmas cookies
- coconuts
- cookies
- crazy
- curing of the aids
- curing of the herpes perhaps
- damn bill collectors
- damnit
- damnit all to hell
- dead fayt
- death
- did he listen to me?
- did i spell embarass right
- die juice man die
- die lucy
- ding dong
- dinner
- dnangel wings
- do i always have to choke a bitch to get
- don't do this to me
- don't fucking mess with me
- don't read these tags the wrong way you
- drinking
- drunk idiots
- eugh
- every time you emo i kill a kitten
- everyone
- ew
- expirimenting on animals is okay
- family bonding
- fanfic contest
- farleen is chasing me
- farleen's voice isn't as high as vox's
- fayt
- fayt is a college drop-out
- fayt is a diva
- fayt is a n00b
- faytbasket
- faytnoa
- fklajkdlas
- fol
- fools
- for the love of god
- forgive me plz
- fuck fuck fuck
- fuck it
- fuck off
- fuck you
- fuck you all
- fuck you belzeber
- fuck you fayt
- fuck you luther
- fucker
- fucker killed my cat
- fucking azazer
- fucking brat
- fucking hell
- fucking idiots
- fucking lias
- fucking lies
- fucking luther
- fucking memegens
- fucking memes
- fucking revive me already
- fucking team arbel
- fucking water supply
- fucktards
- get your dumb asses changed back now dam
- gigglesquee
- glou jr deserves better
- glouther
- go away
- god i hope this works
- god it's so scary
- god someone help me
- goddamnit all
- goddamnit robert
- goodbye cruel universe
- gross
- hahaha
- hahahaha
- happy day
- heehee
- heehoo
- hello there
- help
- help me
- help!
- hi aimee
- hi!
- hurry the fuck up
- husband
- i am not a fucking necrophile
- i am so fucking sexy
- i can't believe i have to do this
- i can't believe this
- i can't take my eyes off of you
- i didn't know i was so crazy
- i do win fayt
- i don't want to do this
- i got married
- i hate windows
- i hate you all
- i hate you all except albel
- i have work to do
- i hope i don't get tear gas'd for this
- i just killed a man with my bare hands
- i keel j00 ded
- i keel you
- i killed him dead
- i like mocking you idiots
- i love albel
- i love fayt
- i love you
- i miss albel
- i miss you mitzi
- i need more alcohol
- i still haven't forgotten
- i suck at mod posts
- i thought we were over this
- i want a fucking fort
- i want no part in this
- i win
- i win no matter what
- i'm a zombie now yay
- i'm already wasted
- i'm feeling a bit crazy now
- i'm fine
- i'm going to fuck your shit up
- i'm going to the deepest circle of hell
- i'm not irresponsible
- i'm so cool
- i'm so glad i'm not going to remember th
- i'm the main character
- ice cream
- idiots
- insane gay bastard
- introductionary
- investigation
- it's skull-cracking time
- jesus christ
- joining
- jpop for the win
- karaoke
- l stands for love and lucifer
- let me give you my love
- love
- love ballads for the win
- luciferdarn it all
- lucy supporters suck
- lucy x fate otp
- luther's dead
- lutherdarnit
- lyric spamming is interesting
- mackwell-faytnoa
- maid outfits
- marriage
- mellow
- membership
- meme
- mirage is an idiot
- mmm
- mod post
- money
- money makes people do crazy things
- month
- morons
- motherfucker
- mr inquistor can die and so can biwig
- mrs fayt nox
- mrs mirage fittir
- murder
- murders
- my babies pwn yours
- my children are not into incest
- my family really does suck
- my life fucking sucks
- my mood icon does it better
- my poor aimee
- my sexfort will rule all
- my sword
- n_n
- necrophilia
- new community
- no recollection for me kthx
- nookie
- oh god
- oh goddamnit
- oh my fucking god
- oh my god
- oh my god why
- oh no he didn't
- oh well
- okay
- omfg
- omfg posers
- omg
- only not
- ooc note
- our babies would pwn all yours
- pancakes
- pissy ghost
- please anyone
- please be stopping with the angsting
- please don't let her get me
- please i'm begging you
- presents for the win
- psh
- public apology
- rabbit stew
- rar
- rawr
- really
- rebellion
- romero suxx0rz liek omfg
- sad
- sanity is for losers
- save me
- scary
- sex
- sex is good
- sex sex sex
- sexiest leather
- sexual purity test
- shit's gon' die
- shopping
- shut the fuck up albel
- shut the fuck up fayt
- sick
- singing
- skanky clothes
- skirt
- sorry aimee
- sorry mackwell about your kittens
- sowelu
- spreading the easter joy
- stacy is more manly than vox
- stfu albel you don't win
- stfu arbel
- stop the emo
- stress
- stuff
- sup welch
- survey
- suspects
- sweeping
- taking off
- talk to me plz
- taunting is fun
- team arbel
- team arbel sucks
- team lucifer
- team lucifer for the win
- teehee
- that felt good
- that was not a compliment
- that's a command not a request
- the dangers of alcohol
- the diplo
- the other us's
- this damn ship is so dirty
- this is so great
- this is what i get for drinking alcohol
- three headed twincest babies
- truth or dare
- tsuzuki
- uh
- uh oh
- um
- unyeah
- victims
- visiting hours be damned
- viva la killing shit
- viva la team lucifer
- vox sings like a woman
- vox sucks
- wankers
- weirdos
- welch needs a lay
- werd
- what now
- what the fuck inquisitor
- who else wants to see a tapdancing koala
- whooblies
- why do i even bother with sleep?
- why god why
- why has god decided to punish me so
- why me god
- win win win
- wonderful
- wow
- wow i fucked up
- wow i'm so drunk right now
- wow it's a hole
- wtf
- yay
- yay crossovers
- yayeeeeee
- yeah
- yet somehow this song is so me
- you whiny bastards
- you're
- you're all fucking doomed
- you're all retards
- your band is going to suck
- your dick = nonexistant
- yuck
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