Doug Mientkiewicz Love
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Doug Mientkiewicz Love

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[31 Aug 2005|09:28pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Name: Lauren Jean
Age: 21
Location: St. Paul, MN
Favorite Team: the Twins
Favorite Player: Torii Hunter (unfortunately out), past players Tony Oliva, Bert Blylyven
Favorite Pitcher: Johan Santana
Favorite baseball memory: Kirby's game six home run
How many games do you attend per year: 4 or 5
How'd you find us? Looked at the baseball communities
What do you like best about Doug? Defense, especially the stretch off the base

On a Clear Night

[04 Aug 2005|10:09pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

well it doesnt seem like anybody goes here much but i love dougy so i figured id join out of loyalty :o)

Name: hanna♥
Age: 15
Location: boston
Whats your favourtie MLB team: RED SOX, cubs after them
Favourite player: on the current red sox? jason varitek (got his 1st career grand slam today!)
Favourite pitcher: curt schilling
Favourite Baseball Memory: the sox winning the world series
How many games do you attend a year: a few
Howd you find us: red sox search
What do you like best about Doug: his incredible defensive skills

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[01 Aug 2005|08:03pm]
Join redsoxbaseball
On a Clear Night

Heeeeeeeeeellllllllllllooooooooooo [29 Jul 2005|03:51am]
Anyone alive in here?


Name: Dannielle
Age: 18
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Boston Red Sox, with a tie for my 2nd being the Reds & the Mets.
Favourite player: Doug Mientkiewicz, Mark Bellhorn, Morgan Ensberg
Favourite pitcher: Barry Zito, Braden Looper
Favourite Baseball Memory: My first game at Fenway (6/13/05) and the time I saw the Reds overcome a six-run margin to defeat the Blue Jays a couple years ago.
How many games do you attend a year: More each year. So far I've been to 5 in Cincinnati, 3 in Boston, and 1 in Cleveland. I'm sure I'll go to another 5 more Reds games and one more in Detroit.
Howd you find us: Doug's name.
What do you like best about Doug: He's so goofy, even when he's not doing so well.
1 Can See October| On a Clear Night

New :) [21 Apr 2005|09:47am]

Name: Donna
Age: 20
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Minnesota Twins
Favourite player: Well...Doug, duh. LOL. But I love Gabe Kapler, Corey Koske, Torii Hunter, David Ortiz, Jacque Jones, and I could go on with more Twins players that I used to watch in the minor league.
Favourite pitcher: Uhm...hmmm. *shrugs* lol
Favourite Baseball Memory: When I saw the Twins play their minor league team in CT.
How many games do you attend a year: Never been to a MLB game and now that I'm not home during the summers and no one out here likes baseball like I do, it's very rare for me to get to one.
Howd you find us: I searched Doug's name
What do you like best about Doug: The fact that when I first started to go to baseball games I went to the minor league team we have at home in CT (I go to school in Las Vegas), the New Britain Rock Cats, and he was one of the first players that I started to cheer for because I loved his last name, haha. It's cool. So now what I really like is how I can watch him on TV when before I would just sit in the stands and watch him, it's awesome to see that he made it!!
On a Clear Night

a change [26 Jan 2005|05:28pm]

so I guess now we will have to add the NY Mets to the interests list of this community??
5 Can See October| On a Clear Night

Picture of Dougie and Big Papi [13 Jan 2005|07:18pm]

[ mood | curious ]

I've been curious about this for a while. I've been wondering if there was a picture of Doug Mientkiewicz and David Ortiz hugging? It was after the ALCS, I believe. If there's any pictures and anyone knows where I can find one, I will be forever grateful.

Thank you in advance,


On a Clear Night

[13 Jan 2005|07:21pm]

Name: Emily
Age: Sixteen
Location: Whitman, Mass.
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Boston Red Sox!
Favourite player: I'm guessing position player because the next question is pitcher. Minky &Trot Nixon &Jason Varitek.
Favourite pitcher: Derek Lowe
Favourite Baseball Memory: 2004 ALCS &WS // DLowe's no hitter // 2000 season
How many games do you attend a year: Only about 2. It used to be more but they hiked up prices. =/
Howd you find us: Interests search for Mientkiewicz.
What do you like best about Doug: He's such a great player. He puts in so much effort &it really shows. Also, he's the first real defensive 1Bman we've had in a while. Plus, you can't deny that he's cute. =)
On a Clear Night

[02 Jan 2005|06:14pm]
[ mood | Yup. ]

Heyo...Collapse )

On a Clear Night

[02 Nov 2004|04:55pm]
So here's the list of American League gold glovers:

1st Base - Darin Erstad (Anaheim)
2nd Base - Bret Boone (Seattle)
3rd Base - Eric Chavez (Oakland)
Short Stop - Derek Jeter (Yankees)
Catcher - Ivan Rodriguez (Detroit)
Pitcher - Kenny Rogers (Texas)
Outfield - Ichiro Suzuki (Seattle)
Outfield - Vernon Wells (Tornoto)
Outfield - Torii Hunter (Minnesota)

Congrats to all the winners! And especially to Torii for winning his fourth straight! But does anyone else feel that Corey Koskie and Doug Mientkiewicz were robbed?
8 Can See October| On a Clear Night

GO RED SOX! [28 Oct 2004|12:12pm]
Aww guys! What a great night for baseball fans all over the nation! I can't believe the Red Sox really did it! We witnessed history folks!

And for all you Doug Mientkiewicz fans out there, you might appreciate this article:
1 Can See October| On a Clear Night

[24 Oct 2004|11:38pm]
Everytime I see Bill Mueller.... I always, ALWAYS think of Doug Mientkiewicz! They look soooo much alike! Does anyone else see this!

2 Can See October| On a Clear Night

[21 Oct 2004|06:07pm]

Name: Jess
Age: 21
Location: Central Mass
Whats your favourtie MLB team: Red Sox, Oakland A's
Favourite player: Doug Mientkiewicz, Bernie Williams, David Ortiz
Favourite pitcher: Curt Schilling, Bronson Arroyo
Favourite Baseball Memory: I have too many to pick from
How many games do you attend a year: I haven't gone to a game yet. I dont have the money or the transportation
Howd you find us: search
What do you like best about Doug: Doug's one of the most talented players I've seen. He's got a lot of spirit. I could write a book about how great he is.
On a Clear Night

Heya! [21 Oct 2004|10:20am]

[ mood | crazy ]

I'm a newbie here, SO...

Name: Kara
Age: 17
Location: Minnesota
Whats your favortie MLB team: Twins, Red Sox, Pirates, Mets (In that order)
Favorite player: Lew Ford (Twins) and Ichiro Suzuiki
Favorite pitcher: Johan Santana (CY YOUNG AWARD!)
How many games do you attend a year: 10-20
Howd you find us: searching
What do you like best about Doug: He's an awesome player, and used to play for the Twins

1 Can See October| On a Clear Night

[20 Oct 2004|10:38pm]
Okay... I have 2 little things:

1) I would think Doug's feeling a little bittersweet about advancing to the World Series. I mean, he helped turn around the Twins organization and we're so close to the World Series twice. And then being traded this season and finally making it? I'm sure he's having a blast and is loving every minute of it, but still... I would think it would be bittersweet. No?

2) Yay for making great plays and making key hits!! Good for him, especially when since he's been struggling at the plate all season. And he still looks so darn cute! I love it!
2 Can See October| On a Clear Night

Go boston!! [10 Oct 2004|07:13pm]

Beat the yankees..
Twins should have won..
1 Can See October| On a Clear Night

[23 Sep 2004|04:20pm]

[ mood | drained ]

Name: Candace

Age: 18

Location: Minnesota

Whats your favourite MLB team: Minnesota Twins and Boston Red Sox (In that order)

Favourite player: Lew Ford, Doug Mientkiewicz, Torii Hunter, AJ Pierzynski, Jacque Jones, Corey Koskie, Joe Mauer, Johnny Damon, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, Shannon Stewart, Justin Morneau, Luis Rivas, Cristian Guzman (and many many more!!) Kirby Puckett, Rod Carew, Harmon Killebrew, and Kent Hrbek in the past

Favourite pitcher: Johan Santana, JC Romero (A lot of the Twins pitchers) Bert Blyleven in the past

Favourite Baseball Memory: All three times the Twins clinched (2002, 2003, 2004), all my Twins games (1995, 1998, 2004, 2004), Lew Ford looking directly at me in July 2004! :) Um...When the Twins won the ALDS in 2002

How many games do you attend a year: As many as I can. Unfortunately, since 1995, I've only been to four :(

Howd you find us: Search

What do you like best about Doug: Can I just say everything? Because I don't think anybody wants to be here forever, because if I told you what I like best about Doug, we'd be here forever. *nods*

On a Clear Night

Newbie here! ::waves:: [11 Sep 2004|09:31pm]

Name: Tina
Age: 15
Location: Massachusetts
Whats your favourtie MLB team: RED SOX
Favourite player: Curt Schilling, Manny Ramirez, David Ortiz, Doug Mientkiewicz...
Favourite pitcher: Curt Schilling
Favourite Baseball Memory: Okay hm. I want to say the 1975 WS when Carlton Fisk waved his HR fair..But I bet that doesn't count because TECHICALLY I wasn't alive then. Game 3 last year against oakland. Trot Nixon, back from injury. Manny points to center field for a Homer, Trot delivers. Red Sox Win :).
How many games do you attend a year: around 5 or 6
Howd you find us: I looked up doug as an interest :-P
What do you like best about Doug: He's one hell of a first baseman, that's for sure. He isn't too bad to look at, either! ;-) I don't know what it is, really...but something about him makes me want to cheer for him everytime he steps to the plate or goes diving for a ball.

I just wanna say I'm SO glad we have Doug on our team. Honestly, at first I was nervous about him, because we had basically just got rid of what many call the *heart* of the Sox. But, from the minute I saw him on that field, I knew we struck gold. He isn't afraid to risk his body for any catch, any attempt. He seems like such an enjoyable guy, too. Energetic, funny, definetely qualities that helped him fit in so quickly with the players, and the fans. He's won me over, along with the rest of Sox nation. We <3 you Doug!!!
1 Can See October| On a Clear Night

Diving catch [09 Sep 2004|01:36pm]

In case you're missing Doug
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Sad [31 Aug 2004|09:30pm]

Why is this still being brought up? I mean, I can understand being sore at first, but shouldn't Dougie be comfortable in Boston by now and over the controversy???
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