? ?
Journal created:
on 5 September 2005 (#8214673)
on 20 October 2005
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
緑花によおこそー! Welcome to GREENFLOWER!

緑花/Midoribana/GREENFLOWER is a tiny little LJ comm where fratrandas members put useful tutorials for Midori Tachibana (立花緑), a.k.a. oasis_stardune! You can also join and add stuff of your own if you like, but if you don't behave and/or make Midori cry, you get banned. Or really, kicked out of the sandbox.

ramofthewaves = K. "Hawkeye" Hill.
khongten = Nguyễn Bảo, a.k.a. "Mamo-chan".
thebkcam = TEH B.K.!
{not registered yet} = Setsuuuuuu.
...and others.

THE MIDORI: oasis_stardune! A.k.a. Midori, a.k.a. AMBERRRRR.

Other Cool LJ TutComms:
s2styles and s2layers are all about the new s2 layout system that LJ adopted in addition to s1 a while back. lj_styles and howto are still mostly focused on the s1 system, though, if that's more your thing...

We Also Love:
The CSS Zen Garden - pretty AND fully accessible!

(The links and comms are very web-design-oriented right now, but that should change as we add more to it.)
art, firefox, livejournal, lj, midoribana, tachibana midori, the gimp, thunderbird, tutorials, windows 98
