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Peer-to-peer technologies are increasingly becoming the medium of choice for delivering media content, both professional and homegrown, to large user populations. Indeed, current P2P swarming systems have been shown to be very efficient... more
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      User eXperienceNetwork codingVideo StreamingUser needs
Digital media companies have recently started embracing P2P networks as an alternative distribution channel. However, with current P2P swarming systems users need to download the full video, and hence, wait a long time before they can... more
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      Digital MediaNetwork codingUser needsVideo on Demand
This paper aims to quantify two common assumptions about social tagging: (1) that tags are "meaningful" and (2) that the tagging process is influenced by tag suggestions. For (1), we analyze the semantic properties of tags and the... more
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      Information ExtractionSocial TaggingUser StudyWeb Pages
There has been extensive work on network architectures that support multi-path routing to improve performance in wireless mesh networks. However, previous work uses ad-hoc design principles that cannot guarantee any network-wide... more
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      Congestion ControlFlow ControlSystem DesignGlobal Optimization
Round trip delays constitute the basic network measure that can be obtained by end systems without any network support. Our aim is to design measurement-based admission control strategies for streaming applications based on such minimal... more
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      Theory and PracticeWide Area NetworkAdmission ControlTheoretical Model
The current Internet features traffic from diverse applications; ranging from delay-sensitive web browsing to delay-insensitive data file transfers. This motivates service differentiation, yet router-centric solutions, e.g. diffserv, have... more
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      Congestion ControlTraffic ManagementQuality of ServiceData transfer
We consider collaborative tagging systems where users can attach tags to information objects. Such systems are widely used to add keywords meta-data to photos, videos, or web pages (social bookmarking applications). The meta-data is then... more
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    • Collaborative Tagging
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Handling interference is one of the major challenges in the design of multi-user distributed wireless systems. In current systems, interference is managed through carrier sensing mechanisms such as CSMA/CA and through MAC algorithms based... more
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      Wireless SystemsSoftware Defined RadioWireless NetworkLow Power
We consider the problem of ranking and suggesting popular items based on user feedback that appears in applications such as social tagging and search query suggestions. In particular, we assume that the user feedback is generated as... more
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      Social BookmarkingCase StudySocial Tagging
Compared to SAT, there is no simple concept of what a solution to a QBF problem is. Furthermore, as the series of QBF evaluations shows, the QBF solvers that are available often disagree. Thus, proof generation for QBF seems to be even... more
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    • Business applications of game theory
Ranking function synthesis is a key aspect to the success of modern termination provers for imperative programs. While it is wellknown how to generate linear ranking functions for relations over (mathematical) integers or rationals,... more
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      Distributed ComputingSoftware DevelopmentComputer SoftwareTemplate matching
Existing program analysis tools that implement abstraction rely on saturating procedures to compute over-approximations of fixpoints. As an alternative, we propose a new algorithm to compute an over-approximation of the set of reachable... more
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    • Control Flow Graph
With the availability of multi-core processors and large-scale computing clusters, the study of parallel algorithms has been revived throughout the industry. We present a portfolio approach to deciding the satisfiability of SMT formulas,... more
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      Parallel AlgorithmLarge Scale
Modern termination provers rely on a safety checker to construct disjunctively well-founded transition invariants. This safety check is known to be the bottleneck of the procedure. We present an alternative algorithm that uses a... more
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      Computer Aided DesignExperimental EvaluationTermination Analysis
In recent years, bit-precise reasoning has gained importance in hardware and software verification. Of renewed interest is the use of symbolic reasoning for synthesising loop invariants, ranking functions, or whole program fragments and... more
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      Distributed ComputingSAT Solver DesignFormal methodsTheorem Proving
Practical software verification is dominated by two major classes of techniques. The first is model checking, which provides total precision, but suffers from the state space explosion problem. The second is abstract interpretation, which... more
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      Abstract InterpretationModel CheckingFormal methodsSoftware Verification
We present a technique for program termination analysis based on loop summarization. The algorithm relies on a library of abstract domains to discover well-founded transition invariants. In contrast to state-of-the-art methods it aims to... more
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      Program AnalysisSoftware Verification and Validation
The increasing popularity of automated tools for software and hardware verification puts ever increasing demands on the underlying decision procedures. This paper presents a framework for distributed decision procedures (for first-order... more
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      SAT Solver DesignDistributed AlgorithmsTheorem Proving
Recent advances in software termination analysis have shown that program termination can be decided efficiently for many practically relevant problems, despite the fact that the Halting Problem in general is undecidable. This dissertation... more
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