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Michigan Teens 13-19
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in michiganteens' LiveJournal:

Monday, June 6th, 2005
4:23 pm
little brothers
My little brother is such a pain. He annoys me to no end about class, my computer, and Alexis {my friend he has a major crush on.} But sometimes he can b cool. He can make me laugh and stuff. Sometimes I have to protect him. He had a stroke when he was a small child. Trust me it happened he had to re learn everything and now he has to walk w/braces on his legs and has no use in his right arm. Sad I know but that dosen't stop him. he is an all day energizer bunny. He is in normal classes and is very hyper. I guess he is an average lil' bro.
P.S. he is blackmailing me to tell u guys his story. Had to say that while he left.

Current Mood: nerdy
Saturday, June 4th, 2005
3:01 pm
Hi Terri here. Just your average mighigan teen I noticed no one has updated in a while so I'm gonna start.

Current Mood: refreshed
Sunday, March 20th, 2005
2:32 pm
Hi, Im new to this community...I am 15 yrs old...I attend Armada High School..I am a freshman..Im just looking for people around my age to talk to and get to know each other...maybe in a few years Meet???
Thursday, February 3rd, 2005
9:47 pm
well im just being bored so i figured i might as well...
my name is meagan, meggie or meg more often though. im 17 and i will be 18 in a month + 3 days. excited about that. i attend holton high school in holton, michigan, as a senior for the next 3 months + 30 days.
i played soccer for 13 or 14 years. i am in choir at school, as well as drama at school.
i am bi in many ways...bisexual, bilingual, bipolar...
i work part time for a company called kennedy inventory company, where we travel to different dealerships counting car parts. i also work part time as a sales associate at a sears dealer store.
i drive a budget/old people car. a 1992 buick lesabre, but at least it gets me where i need to go.
as i said, i graduate rather quickly. i plan on attending baker college of muskegon for two years to receive my bachelor's in small business management. after that i plan on attending either grand valley state in allendale or central michigan in mt. pleasant for my four year teaching degree in secondary education for language arts.
the baker and gvsu/cmu may be switched around, depending on various circumstances with my family.
and thats me...anything else, just ask.

im out - peace.
always love,

Current Mood: calm - for once in my life
Wednesday, August 18th, 2004
1:32 pm

Hi, i'm kayla. i'm sixteen, soon to be 17 in about a month. I go to arthur hill high school in saginaw, michigan. I'm going to be a senior there. ;) Um, i'm bi-curious. I'm not quite sure yet though, but whatever. :D I play tennis, sing, and plan on going to grand valley state university in allendale. :)

any questions, ask.
Sunday, May 2nd, 2004
9:59 pm
Hey welcome to the group. i'm joe. i'm 15 i go to merrill high, i'm in the 9th grade and i'm bisexual. i hope u like the group. bye.

Current Mood: anxious