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Michigan State University

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“Supersonic Price Chinese Book 1” by Polina Shinkina [Jun. 22nd, 2017|06:38 am]
Michigan State University

Nicolay Shinkin
The brilliant five units in Supersonic Price Chinese Book 1 by Polina Shinkina fully reflect the progressive approach on how to learn the Chinese language. Structural simplicity and academic depth of the exercises make the learning time pure pleasure and delight!

In addition, the ten commercial letters deeply and thoroughly worked out might be used as the templates for your everyday business correspondence.

Absolutely new and presented for the first time are: the Table of the Chinese Radicals and the Chinese Character Decomposition Guidance. Along with the exercises on the numerals they will make your learning life brighter and happier!
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我在英国学中文 Chinese Language Community [Apr. 19th, 2017|07:59 am]
Michigan State University

Nicolay Shinkin
我在英国学中文 Chinese Language Community
Chinese, marketing, commercial, financial, textbooks

The Blog publications include but not limited to: Chinese commercial correspondence, Chinese marketing correspondence, Chinese financial correspondence, business writing Chinese, Chinese characters decomposition, Chinese numbers, addition in Chinese, subtraction in Chinese, multiplication in Chinese, division in Chinese.
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Chinese Character Decomposition for Teachers [Apr. 7th, 2017|07:46 am]
Michigan State University

You know, each unit of Polina Shinkina’s textbooks contains the Chinese Character Decomposition Guidance with the help of which learners understand and memorize the Chinese characters better!

Decomposition of the Chinese character 小 xiǎo ‘small’

小 xiǎo small
亅 jué hook
八 bā eight

NB. Synonyms: Structural analysis of the Chinese characters, Breakdown of the Chinese characters, Chinese characters split.

More information: and
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(no subject) [Mar. 9th, 2011|06:43 pm]
Michigan State University

If you are a shopper on eBay check out the items being sold on eBay that the animal rescue get's a donation from.
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Get Well Soon, Coach! [Sep. 20th, 2010|08:38 am]
Michigan State University

Coach Dantonio had a heart attack after the ND game. =(
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Lost grad student [Jul. 27th, 2010|12:28 pm]
Michigan State University

Hello all.

I have a huge problem. I will be attending MSU this fall and to this day I have no housing arrangements. I had a place but last week I received a mail from the guy saying that he was calling off the deal due to some personal things. So I'm out of house and more important out of an address to refer for my student Visa.

I'm all ready searching in Craiglist and Roomster but need all the help I can get.

thanks in advance.
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Finals...Relax! [Apr. 19th, 2010|06:11 pm]
Michigan State University

MSU students get a great discount at Solace Therapeutic Massage in East Lansing!  Plenty of free parking.  Check us out before, during, and after finals
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Looking for housing [Apr. 18th, 2010|11:42 pm]
Michigan State University

Hey everyone!

I'll be starting graduate school at MSU in the fall, and I'm in the process of trying to find a place to live. Does anyone have any recommendations for complexes/places to look at (or places I should make a point of avoiding)? Thanks!
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To My Poetry Lovers in the Lansing/East Lansing Area! [Apr. 16th, 2010|11:31 am]
Michigan State University

The Rustbelt Poetry Slam is here!
50 Poets
11 Teams
9 cites
2 days


The CITIES Involved:
East Lansing

Schedule & Prices under the CutCollapse )
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Frontier Ruckus live TONIGHT Saturday January 23 @ the Blind Pig, Ann Arbor [Jan. 23rd, 2010|10:10 am]
Michigan State University

Tonight, January 23, 2010 @ The Blind PIg (208 N. First St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104)


Frontier Ruckus

Light in August

White Pine Trees

$8 / Under 21 $11.
18+ Doors 9:30 pm

Also see (Official band website)
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Check out #10 [Dec. 29th, 2009|10:31 am]
Michigan State University

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book,music,dvd swapping [Dec. 3rd, 2009|06:43 pm]
Michigan State University

Anybody else here interested in book,music, or dvd swapping? My current book's available to swap can be found here.

Here are my link's for book,cd and dvd swapping.
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Solace Therapeutic Massage-Great Student Rates [Aug. 21st, 2009|08:43 pm]
Michigan State University

[Current Location |United States, Michigan, Lansing]

Hey MSU students, Solace Therapeutic Massage is opening on 8/31/09
We make the healing power of massage affordable for everyone with low student rates.
We're easy to find and close to campus-located just north of Grand River Ave, just East of Hagadorn on Brookfield (right behind the Shell Gas Station)
We have plenty of free parking! 
$40 60 minute student massage!
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Question about parking permits [Aug. 17th, 2009|08:52 pm]
Michigan State University
I graduated in May and my brother, a sophomore, plans to use the same car that I used last year.  He isn't able to buy a permit, though, because last year I registered it under my name, and when he tries to register it for himself the system rejects his attempt because the car is "already registered".  He tried calling the parking office about it today but told me that after attempting to navigate through their automated menu for 15 minutes without any luck he just gave up.  They don't seem to have an e-mail address and he can't go there in person because we live nearly two hours away from campus, so he doesn't really have any alternative way to contact them.  Any suggestions?  TIA!
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(no subject) [Aug. 5th, 2009|11:28 am]
Michigan State University

Hey all,

I work for a music marketing company that is looking to hire part-time college reps for promotional work. We have partnered with an electronics/music retailer to help introduce and promote new features to music fans.

We're looking for people who are into music, have a solid knowledge of social networking, and are involved around campus, to help promote this campaign both on-line and on campus.

The job runs from August 31 - September 30, is part-time based around your own schedule, and IS paid. If you're interested, please e-mail me with a little note about your interest in the job and your resume, and I can let you in on more details. My email: ahintz (@) cmj (.) com

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Selling a wedding dress! [Jul. 30th, 2009|12:46 pm]
Michigan State University

Hello, all-

I am moving out of Michigan and have to get rid of a bunch of things. I was just married about a month ago, and want to sell my beautiful wedding dress. I have posted it on craigslist:

Check it out, there are pictures of the dress, and you can contact me through craigslist if you are interested. I'm throwing in the petticoat and veil for free. :)

This has been x posted.
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Email [Jul. 27th, 2009|10:45 pm]
Michigan State University

Can anyone give me the details for configuring Windows Live Mail for our MSU email accounts? I've tried following the guide for Outlook, but for some reason I am only able to receive, not send email.

A thousand thank yous.
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Furnished apartments? [Jun. 3rd, 2009|08:42 pm]
Michigan State University

I graduated from MSU this spring, but I'll be coming back next fall for the post-bac teacher certification program, and after 4 years of living in the dorms, I'd really like to avoid it this time. I'm looking for a 1 bed/1 bath apartment that isn't ridiculously expensive (I have a car, so proximity to campus and/or a bus stop aren't really concerns), preferably with an option for a 9 month lease...and it has to be furnished. I've had a hard time figuring out which places offer furnished apartments (well, except Chandler Crossings, but that's ummmm out of my price range), so if anyone has any suggestions I'd really appreciate it.
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Seeking an incredibly patient ASL tutor [May. 21st, 2009|05:53 pm]
Michigan State University

I'm enrolled in an Introduction to Deaf Culture and ASL class this summer at MSU and am looking for a tutor. I have a learning disability and things don't always register right in my head so ff you've worked with LD students before, it would be a huge plus. If not I need someone who is very patient and understanding. I'd be looking for help with basic sign and fingerspelling once a week for two hours. I'd need six weeks of sessions and am willing to negotiate prices. My schedule is very open, so if you have a busy one it shouldn't be a problem.

If you are interested please email me your credentials, preferred method of contact, and what you feel is a reasonable price, and I will get back to you. I can be reached at [email protected]

Thank you!
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English Majors [May. 12th, 2009|11:20 am]
Michigan State University

Are there any plain old English majors here, without any specialization? I need to graduate, and I already had my summer classes planned out, but I managed to fail one of my spring classes, which I need to retake, and it's basically messing up my plan. Do any of you know how strict they are about adhering to your cognates? Or can I just have 120 credits and be done?

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Online classes? [Apr. 29th, 2009|11:59 am]
Michigan State University

[How I feel |contemplativecontemplative]

I recently got an offer to do an internship for this summer and fall, and after this semester I'll only be 6 credits away from graduating. I get 3 credits for the internship... which means I'll need to take another 3 credit class while I'm on my internship in order to graduate in December.

Does anyone know of any good/easy/interesting/fun online classes offered in the fall? It needs to be at least 3 credits for the numbers to work out for me.

Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks.

Also... good luck on exams everyone. :)
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Go Green! Go White! [Apr. 6th, 2009|07:54 pm]
Michigan State University

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MSU exchange textbooks on-campus using [Dec. 4th, 2008|10:24 am]
Michigan State University

I saw flyers in the library for  It's actually pretty cool, It allows MSU students to exchange textbooks on-campus and its totally free.  I just listed my books and I'll get an e-mail when another MSU student buys it.  Has anyone else used this site?
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FREE! Dodgeball 8pm-10pm @ The Salvation Army Downtown Flint [Nov. 27th, 2008|11:50 am]
Michigan State University

Read more...Collapse )
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University Policy for Wednesday Before Thanksgiving [Nov. 6th, 2008|09:28 pm]
Michigan State University

I could swear that I have seen a policy somewhere before that night classes starting after a certain time on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving are canceled. Am I just making this up?

Of course now that it matters for me I can't find it anywhere. I hope I'm not just dreaming.
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question about voting tomorrow [Nov. 4th, 2008|03:26 am]
Michigan State University

hey everyone,
i just realized i didn't receive a new address sticker to put on the back of my license so the address on my registration matches the one on my license. (may have been my fault, but beside the point). i was worried i wouldn't be able to vote but then i remember getting an email from louanna k. simon saying that our student id's would work just fine rather than our michigan licenses? or would i still need a sticker on my student id? if so, can i vote in the district on my license and not even have to show my registration? sorry about all the questions, i've just been stressing out because i really, really want to vote and i do not want to wait in line for hours to find out i won't be able to!!
thank you so much, any help would be appreciated (:
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Get the vote out!- CATA Millage [Nov. 3rd, 2008|05:04 pm]
Michigan State University

It is very important to vote yes on the CATA Millage. If it does not pass bus service will stop at 6 and there will be no weekend service. You can read more about it here.
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election day [Nov. 2nd, 2008|06:06 pm]
Michigan State University

where can i find some information about what the ballot is going to look like tuesday? (proposals, candidates, etc.)
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Spitfire Poetry Today! In East Lansing!!!!! [Oct. 15th, 2008|09:56 am]
Michigan State University


SpitFire Poetry Slam & Open Mic
WED Oct 15th At the Green River Cafe (211 MAC AVE - East Lansing, Mi)
1st & 3rd Wed of Every Month
Doors Open @ 7:30pm, Show Starts @ 8Pm
$3 Student, $4 general

Special Guest Poet La Shaun "Phoenix" Moore!!

We have and Open Mic, then a feature, and a Slam, Slam Winner takes home $20
for more info
[email protected]
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Lost Keys on Campus [Oct. 14th, 2008|05:55 pm]
Michigan State University

I know this is probably a long shot, but I lost my keys this afternoon on campus. I left my dorm (Phillips) at 2:45pm, and went to class in Berkey from 3-4:20. I came back, ate in the caf, and then went to go to my room when I saw they were missing. I ran back to Berkey, checked at the union, and talked to the people in the caf and at the front desk of Phillips. No luck.

Has anyone else lost keys on campus? If so, any recommendations on where else to look for them at?

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