Papers by Igor Nesterenko
arXiv (Cornell University), Oct 23, 2022
An unambiguous accordance between an objective lens for Ayscough′s telescope ′Adapted to Use at S... more An unambiguous accordance between an objective lens for Ayscough′s telescope ′Adapted to Use at Sea′ and another compound lens which was described by William Eastland in well-known Quere during the trial in October of 1765 was revealed. Preliminary analysis of small fragments of Quere from Eastland′, Stedman′ and Champneys′ testimonies was carried.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Bi-polar and multi-phase signal generator]](
FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: bi-polar and multi-phase signal generator may be used in defibrill... more FIELD: electricity. SUBSTANCE: bi-polar and multi-phase signal generator may be used in defibrillators with bipolar and multi-phase shape of pulses and intense bi-polar and multi-phase electric pulses generators. The signal generator contains serial connection of induction coil and uniform cells to generate both positive polarity signal and negative polarity signal. There can be one or several cells. Each cell include electric power storage unit which is in parallel connection with two serial connected electronic bugs with the integrated by-pass diode. The electronic bugs are coupled so that they can close positive polarity generation control circuit and negative polarity generation control circuit accordingly. In addition the connection point of both bugs is the first cell terminal. In parallel to power storage unit, two serial-connected electronic bugs are connected. In parallel to the latter bugs, discrete by-pass diodes are connected. The by¬pass diodes are connected so that can...

22nd Russian Particle Accelerator Conference, RuPAC 2010, 2010
The basic requirement for the VEPP-2000 Beam Position Monitor (BPM) is the measurement of the bea... more The basic requirement for the VEPP-2000 Beam Position Monitor (BPM) is the measurement of the beam orbit with 0.1 mm precision. To improve the measurement accuracy, the response of the electrostatic BPMs (pickups) were mapped in the laboratory before they were installed in the VEPP-2000 ring. The wire method for the sensitivity calibration and position-to-signal mapping is used. The test stand consists of high frequency coaxial switches to select each pickup electrode, movable antenna to simulate the beam, signal source, spectrum analyzer to measure the pickup signals, and analysis software. This calibration showed possibility of required accuracy. During calibration the electrical center of the different BPMs was measured with respect to the mechanical center. Conversion between the BPM signal and the actual beam position is done by using polynomial expansions fit to the mapping data within ±6 mm square. Results for these portions of the calibration are presented.
VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider construction has been completed in the Budker INP at the beg... more VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider construction has been completed in the Budker INP at the beginning of 2007 year. First beam was captured in a special lattice without final focus solenoids. In this regime all systems of power supplies, machine control and beam diagnostics were calibrated and tuned. In the same mode vacuum chamber treatment by synchrotron radiation was performed with electron beam current up to 150 mA. The first test of the round beam option was performed at the energy of 508 MeV with the solenoidal field 10 T in two interaction straight sections. Studies of the beam-beam interaction have been done in "weak-strong" and "strong-strong" regimes. Measurements of beam sizes in the both cases have indicated a beam behavior similar to expectations for the round colliding beams.
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams will extend the intensity frontier of heavy ion linac facilit... more The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams will extend the intensity frontier of heavy ion linac facilities, with continuous beam power up to 400 kW and beam energy ≧200 MeV/u. Strict demands are placed on the beam diagnostics in the front end, linac, and beam delivery systems to ensure delivery of high quality beams to the target with minimal losses. We describe the design of diagnostic systems in each accelerator sector for commissioning and operations.
The idea of round-beam collision was proposed more than 20 years ago for the Novosibirsk Phi-fact... more The idea of round-beam collision was proposed more than 20 years ago for the Novosibirsk Phi-factory design. [1] It requires equal emittances, equal small fractional tunes, equal beta functions at the IP, no betatron coupling in the collider arcs. Such an approach results in conservation of the longitudinal component of angular momentum. As a consequence, it yields an enhancement of dynamical stability, even with nonlinear effects from the beam-beam force taken into account. The Round Beam Concept (RBC) was realized at the electronpositron collider VEPP-2000 and successfully tested at the energy of 510 MeV. [2] Despite the low energy, a high single-bunch luminosity of 10 31 cm -2 s -1 was achieved together with a maximum tune shift as high as 0.1. At present the work is in progress to increase the energy of the collider to explore the range between 500 MeV and 1 GeV in collision.

VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider has been completed in the Budker INP in 2007. First beam was... more VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider has been completed in the Budker INP in 2007. First beam was captured in a special lattice with switched off final focus solenoids. This regime is used for all machine subsystems test and calibration as well as vacuum chamber treatment by synchrotron radiation with electron beam current up to 150 mA. Another special low-beta lattice with solenoids switched on partially was used for the first test of the round beam option at the energy of 508 MeV. Studies of the beam-beam interaction were done in “weak-strong” and “strong-strong” regimes. Measurements of the beam sizes in both cases have indicated beam behaviour similar to expectations for the round colliding beams. Also the first collider energy calibration at the phi-meson resonance was performed with SND detector. Since the end of 2009 VEPP-2000 started first experimental work with both particle detectors SND and CMD-3 at the energies of 500-950 MeV range with the lattice mode close to project....

Oncogene, 2016
Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (CC-RCC) is the most lethal of all genitourinary cancers. The fun... more Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (CC-RCC) is the most lethal of all genitourinary cancers. The functional loss of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene occurs in 90% of CC-RCC, driving cancer progression. The objective of this study was to identify chemical compounds that are synthetically lethal with VHL deficiency in CC-RCC. An annotated chemical library, the Library of Pharmacologically Active Compounds (LOPAC), was screened in parallel on VHL-deficient RCC4 cells and RCC4VHL cells with reintroduced VHL cDNA. The ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, was identified and validated for selective targeting of VHL-deficient CC-RCC in multiple genetic backgrounds by clonogenic assays. Downregulation of ROCK1 by siRNA selectively reduced the colony forming ability of VHL-deficient CC-RCC, thus mimicking the effect of Y-27632 treatment, whereas downregulation of ROCK2 had no effect. In addition, two other ROCK inhibitors, RKI 1447 and GSK 429286, selectively targeted VHL-deficient CC-RCC. CC-RCC treatment with ROCK inhibitors is cytotoxic and cytostatic based on BrdU assay, Propidium Iodide (PI) staining, and growth curves; and blocks cell migration based on transwell assay. Importantly, knockdown of Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF) β in the VHL-deficient CC-RCC had a protective effect against Y-27632 treatment, mimicking VHL reintroduction. On the other hand, CC-RCCVHL cells were sensitized to Y-27632 treatment in hypoxia (2% O 2). These results suggest that synthetic lethality between ROCK inhibition and VHL deficiency is dependent on HIF activation. Moreover, HIF1α or HIF2α overexpression in CC-RCCVHL cells is sufficient to sensitize them to ROCK inhibition. Finally, Y-27632 treatment inhibited growth of subcutaneous 786-OT1 CC-RCC tumors in mice. Thus, ROCK inhibitors represent potential therapeutics for VHL-deficient CC-RCC.
Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference
Physics Letters B, 2000
The cross section of the e + e − → ωπ 0 → π 0 π 0 γ reaction was measured by the SND detector at ... more The cross section of the e + e − → ωπ 0 → π 0 π 0 γ reaction was measured by the SND detector at VEPP-2M e + e − collider in the energy range from threshold up to 1.4 GeV. Results of the cross section fitting by the sum of ρ, ρ ′ and ρ ′′ contributions are presented.
Physical Review Letters, 2000
We report on first measurements with polarized electrons stored in a medium-energy ring and with ... more We report on first measurements with polarized electrons stored in a medium-energy ring and with a polarized internal target. Polarized electrons were injected at 442 MeV (653 MeV), and a partial (full) Siberian snake was employed to preserve the polarization. Longitudinal polarization at the interaction point and polarization lifetime of the stored electrons were determined with laser backscattering. Spin observables were measured for electrodisintegration of polarized 3 He, with simultaneous detection of scattered electrons, protons, neutrons, deuterons, and 3 He nuclei, over a large phase space.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1989
The anomalous magnetic moments of the relativistic electrons and positrons have been compared by ... more The anomalous magnetic moments of the relativistic electrons and positrons have been compared by measuring the spin precession phase difference at a given time interval. The difference in the anomalous magnetic moments between the electron and the positron has been shown to lie within 1⋅10−8 at 95 per cent confidence level which improves the accuracy of the previous measurements by an order of magnitude.
Results of the SND experiment at the VEPP-2M e + e − collider on the QED processes e + e − ! e + ... more Results of the SND experiment at the VEPP-2M e + e − collider on the QED processes e + e − ! e + e − and e + e − ! e + e − with production at large angles are presented. Energy and angular distribu- tions of the final particles were studied. No deviations from QED with an accuracy of 3.8% for the first process and 10.3% for the second were found.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2012
Preliminary results on e + e − → 3 π , 4 π , ω π 0 , η π + π − , p p ¯ , n n ¯ cross sections obt... more Preliminary results on e + e − → 3 π , 4 π , ω π 0 , η π + π − , p p ¯ , n n ¯ cross sections obtained with SND detector at VEPP-2000 collider are reported. The data were collected in 2010–2011 in the energy range 2 E = 1.0 – 2.0 GeV .
Physics Letters B, 1987
The anomalous magnetic moments of relativistic electrons and positrons have been compared by meas... more The anomalous magnetic moments of relativistic electrons and positrons have been compared by measuring the spin precession phase difference at a given time interval. The difference in the anomalous magnetic moments between the electron and the positron has been shown to lie within 1 X 10 -8 at 95% confidence level, which improves the accuracy of the previous measurements by an order of magnitude.
Papers by Igor Nesterenko