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      Information SystemsMultiobjective OptimizationLand Use PlanningLand Use
Sustainable urban form has been recognized as one of the major concerns of the planning practice. Current land use pattern trends with low-density, single-use, leapfrog urban growth on city outskirts call for a more efficient land use... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisGeographic Information ScienceMultiple CriteriaConsensus Building
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Suburbia and exurbia have an undeniable appeal to many urban dwellers. At the same time, they are characterized by an ineffective and fragmented residential patchwork of developed and undeveloped tracts. This research addresses a question... more
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      Agent Based SimulationUrban And Regional PlanningUrban GrowthLand Use
This paper presents a new approach to deriving preferences assigned to evaluation criteria in geographical multicriteria decision analysis. In this approach, the preferences, expressed by numeric weights, are adjusted by distance measures... more
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      Human GeographySensitivity AnalysisGeomatic EngineeringGIS
We report on the first year results of a four-year (2003-2007) research project called ���participatory geographic information systems for transportation���(PGIST). This project investigates the development and evaluation of geospatial... more
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Large quantity water withdrawals (> 70 gallons per minute���GPM) in Michigan are regulated by the state's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The goal of this regulation is to protect fish sensitive to reductions in stream... more
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Multiple criteria land suitability evaluation is perhaps the best known application domain of spatial multiple criteria analysis���S-MCA (Malczewski 2006). It involves a set of quantifiable spatial criteria, their standardization... more
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Sustainable urban form has been recognized as one of the major concerns of the planning practice. Current land use pattern trends with low-density, single-use, leapfrog urban growth on city outskirts call for a more efficient land use... more
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Lake phosphorus concentrations are strongly influenced by the surrounding landscape that generates phosphorus loads and water inflow to lakes, and the physical characteristics of the lake that determine the fate of these inputs. In... more
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      Landscape EcologyEarth SciencesBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Traditional approaches to studying human-environment interactions often ignore individual-level information, do not account for complexities, or fail to integrate cross-scale or cross-discipline data and methods, thus, in many situations,... more
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      Human GeographyDemographySocioeconomicsComplexity Theory
Understanding patterns, processes, and consequences of land-cover change requires close linkages among various ecological, socioeconomic, demographic, and behavioral data. In this chapter, we present an interdisciplinary study of human... more
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      Remote SensingData AnalysisLand CoverDemographic change
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      Earth SciencesInformation ManagementDecision MakingEnvironmental Change
Monitoring vegetation using remote sensing is beset with difficulties. Primary among these are the variations of vegetation reflectance with sun zenith angle, view zenith angle, and terrain slope angle. To provide corrections of these... more
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      Remote SensingNear InfraredStandardisationGeomatic Engineering
Monitoring vegetation condition by remote sensing is made difficult by the variation of canopy brightness (radiance) with view direction and sun position. In this paper, we develop a physical model of canopy radiance that models this... more
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      Earth SciencesRemote SensingBiological SciencesVisible Light
A substantial body of research exists exploring the spectral unmixing of remotely sensed image data. Specifically, we refer to the attempts and successes to model the percent vegetation cover (2-dimensional horizontal density) within a... more
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      Case StudyNdviData CollectionSpectral Mixture Analysis
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      StandardisationGeomatic EngineeringPhysical Model
Changes in climate and land management practices in the San Pedro River basin have altered the vegetation patterns and dynamics. Therefore, there is a need to map the spatial and temporal distribution of the vegetation community in order... more
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      Earth SciencesRemote SensingLand managementTemporal dynamics
In many semi-arid basins during extended periods when surface snowmelt or storm runoff is absent, groundwater constitutes the primary water source for human habitation, agriculture and riparian ecosystems. Utilizing regional groundwater... more
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      Earth SciencesRemote SensingEcosystems EcologyArid Land Ecology