Michigan State University
College of Law
Article published in the Michigan State International Law Review.
- by Ariel Lett
This Article argues that the national debate on Indian gaming wrongly focuses on the issue of off-reservation gaming and other symptoms of the current imbalance in Indian gaming law, rather than addressing the fundamental reason for the... more
The Internal Revenue Service in recent years has been particularly concerned about third-country residents' 1 use of bilateral income tax treaties to avoid paying tax on United States source income. 2 Although third-country residents have... more
His teaching, writing, and consulting focuses on integrating processes, technologies, and service valuation methods to re-invent legal services models used in corporations, governments, legal aid organizations, and law firms.
Some of the components of the delivery system we propose are new. Design and testing of these components is an essential stage in developing the complex, mixed-model approach. We propose that one or more states and a collaboration of... more
The Internal Revenue Service in recent years has been particularly concerned about third-country residents' 1 use of bilateral income tax treaties to avoid paying tax on United States source income. 2 Although third-country residents have... more
This Article proposes to modernize the archaic procedures states use to authorize marriages so as to provide legal flexibility, promote efficiency, and enhance individual choice. Almost universally, states require couples' presence within... more