Videos by Christophe L Barbier
United Nations Secretary-General’s Campaign
UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women
16 Days o... more United Nations Secretary-General’s Campaign
UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
25th November - 10 December 2020 53 views
Papers by Christophe L Barbier
Academia Letters, 2021
The relationship between technology and climate change is a catch-22. While technology has been k... more The relationship between technology and climate change is a catch-22. While technology has been known to contribute to climate change, it has also allowed us to become the global world we are, made us aware of our impact on the planet, and opened paths to nd practical solutions to global warming. The impact of technology reveals the intersectionality between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specically SDGs No. 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13,Climate Action, at its core.
International Affairs, 1996
Fifty years ago there was a widespread determination to prevent a return to the mass unemployment... more Fifty years ago there was a widespread determination to prevent a return to the mass unemployment and currency instability of the 1920s and 1930s. This determination was the backdrop to the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944 for a new international financial system which aimed at ...
Academia Letters, 2021
The relationship between technology and climate change is a catch-22. While technology has been k... more The relationship between technology and climate change is a catch-22. While technology has been known to contribute to climate change, it has also allowed us to become the global world we are, made us aware of our impact on the planet, and opened paths to nd practical solutions to global warming. The impact of technology reveals the intersectionality between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specically SDGs No. 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13,Climate Action, at its core.
Academia Letters, 2021
The relationship between technology and climate change is a catch-22. While technology has been ... more The relationship between technology and climate change is a catch-22. While technology has been known to contribute to climate change, it has also allowed us to become the global world we are, made us aware of our impact on the planet, and opened paths to nd practical solutions to global warming. The impact of technology reveals the intersectionality between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specically SDGs No. 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13,Climate Action, at its core.
Henry L. Feingold , 1996
How unique is the Holocaust?
How does the coherence challenge play out in relation to the EU’s commitment to protect and promo... more How does the coherence challenge play out in relation to the EU’s commitment to protect and promote human rights? The question comports many components based on the human rights approach to the cohesiveness, regulatory policies, and the concretization of the human rights for promotion, protection, respect, and loyal binding agreement.

The global economy has become more globalized and interconnected socially, economically and finan... more The global economy has become more globalized and interconnected socially, economically and financially due to the creation of several and important institutions at the end of World War II. These establishments were created to stabilize the international monetary system and the world economy. (WTO) World Trade Organization, (IMF) International Monetary Fund, (GATT) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, (IGO) International Governmental Organization, the World Bank Group, (OCED) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. These are among many others who have recently been established by global powers to reduce world poverty, improve health, sanitation, economic interdependence and free trade in the South (LDCs) also known as Less developed countries. LDCs are still struggling to compete and be at the same economic development as the North (EDCs) also known as Economically Developed Countries. In this research paper, I will lay out a framework for major institutions which were installed by the United States and its allies at the end of World War II. These systems became the backbone to assist in equalizing the world economy into a stable system of international and economic interchange in trade, investment, cooperation, and development. I will also examine and explain in details each organization and their purpose to help manage the global economy by providing evidence of regional and bilateral economic cooperation and development. These organizational groups are essential at facing the many challenges that globalization brings forth with the rapid economic diversification and the battle between economic internationalism and economic nationalism. Today this divisional debate between economic internationalism and nationalism has become more prevalent as the globalization of the world economies continue to both unite and divide between the North-South relations moving forward in the future.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) established itself shortly after the end of World ... more Abstract
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) established itself shortly after the end of World War II. During that time other international organizations such as World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) and the emergence of the European Union (EU) followed the same principles based on economic integration, monetary stability, and international order. One primary and global objective in mind was to stabilize the world economy and, as a result, prevent another world war from happening. Throughout its sixty years history, the IMF has shown that there were significant economic disparities between the North and the South and it grew stronger, more exacerbating, and more politically strained, constraining the South by favoring the North instead. The North-South inequality became an international issue of great concerns in which the South accused the North of benefiting and prospering upon the richness from the poorer countries. The economic differences and the elimination of trade barriers fostered more wealth to the North than the South. So much for the West pushing for free trade. Has the IMF helped breach the gap of wage inequality, cheaper labor force using exploitations, financial demands, and tariffs on exports and imports? In this research paper, I will examine the favorable conditions that helped develop and brought prosperity to the North disfavoring and making, in the end, the poorer countries not any less rich but more impoverished in all aspects of the international political economy. I will also analyze the inner-working of the IMF and demonstrate that the South the (LCDs), less developed countries and the (EDCs), economically developed countries are at odds, and more financially underpinned by the imperialism and capitalism. That dominating empowerment of imperialism and old died out neocolonialism continue to this day to suffocate the less developed countries from prospering, having a thriving economy and a richer state’ system such as the North’s economic model.

International security and the pursuing of safety have intrigued, surprised, and created a host o... more International security and the pursuing of safety have intrigued, surprised, and created a host of issues and problems when it comes to securing state's and nation’s personal and national borders security. The future in which the world of globalization has taken its roots since the coming of the Internet, the World Wide Web, has set free the globe into an interconnected network of trades, commerces, financial systems of exchanges, social media communications and travels. The 70 years existence of the United Nations has battled with the idea of an international security force that provides a more peaceful world at the end or has it? The question in International Relations field seems to lead more toward a national security apparatus for each state and nation instead of an international security force and system promulgated by the UN. States and countries alike are confronted with self-defense issues that would provide protection for their citizenry by not relying on a global agenda drafted by the UN to depend on the world security system. In this research paper, I will extrapolate the divisional theorem between the future for international security hold for the future with the aspects of self-defense and self-preservation. Each state focuses on their personal safety apparatus for survival and protection which in the end would guarantee safer and longer relations amongst states. An essential element of any structural state and nation is the preservation and protection of the state’ integrity and sovereignty for continuing existence and prosperity for its citizenry without conflicts. Which security apparatus would that be? A global agenda for securing safety worldwide, or each state to its self-defense mechanism by assuring its survival and at what cost? Lastly, I will examine the nature of pacifism and its struggling rise to convert the world and all nations into non-violent interventions with the abolition of wars and complete disarmament.

International law takes its roots in the ancient religious precept by the most famous name of all... more International law takes its roots in the ancient religious precept by the most famous name of all, Holland’s Hugo Grotius (1583-1645). He devised the global system of law which originated from the genesis in the early formation of states. There are two important concepts to take into account: the cause of war and the conduct of war. Within the world of international law, there are legal, domestic and international systems that operate by a set of rules that dictate trade, commerce, finance, communication, and travel. The International law came into being because of the intricate relationship between states and their relations to each other. Centuries in the making, international law has shaped the international community, the evolution of globalization, and the expectancy of each state to be interdependent by being aware of their environment and maintain diplomatic relation on human rights. In this research paper, I will draw the line between the international law in regards to the laws of war that seem to supersede the universal standard of acceptance. I will provide concrete examples that support the notion that sometimes international law and the law of wars can be misguided, miscalculated, and blended into-a-out-of-focus concept at the international level that brings conflicts of interests between states. Self-gain and self-interests cause wars to be engaged and world peace to be disturbed based on false assumption and misbehavioral preemptive measures based on irrationality. The spread of democracy worldwide is often threatened by wars. There is a growing body of evidence that the laws of wars could not support wars in general terms to be fought in the first place.

The world of diplomacy started in the 20th century at the times where monarchs and dynastic empir... more The world of diplomacy started in the 20th century at the times where monarchs and dynastic empires used to rule the world. The realm of authority resided exclusively within the monarchical, hierarchical, and political structure of ruling kings over their territories and beyond. Democracies at that time were not prominent, not well-established, and diplomatic negotiations were conducted and restricted solely to the sphere of reliable power. Treaties and international duties also stayed within the ruling power of King’state supremacy and were not as broadly exploited as what it is today called the democratization of democracy on a global scale. The democratization of diplomacy has created foreign policy reforms in its policy-making process by attracting interest groups, allowing public opinion to be engaged international affairs, and legislature works at formalizing its relations to domestic, national, and international politics. The nature of the diplomatic setting exists in at both the national and international level. In this research paper, I will conduct one of the most critical diplomatic negotiations of all times which were the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis between the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the United States. That intense diplomatic negotiation, communication, and cabling were about the prevention of a nuclear war attack on the United States and the Soviet withdrawal of its nuclear arsenal stationed on the island of Cuba. It was the most intense two weeks where nuclear explosions could have obliterated humanity entirely. A power of play and chess game between the Communist Soviet Union, Communist Party of Cuba, and the capitalist United States demonstrate the levels of delicate intricacies that employs in conducting diplomacy at the highest level for establishing world peace and avoiding nuclear war at all costs.

If poverty across the globe goes unchecked, or not enough foreign aids and foreign policy attenti... more If poverty across the globe goes unchecked, or not enough foreign aids and foreign policy attentions is being addressed to countries in desperate needs, national security, state's economy, and the livelihood of societies could be in jeopardy. Poverty across the world in the most abject places can easily destabilize the world economy, the international system of governance, and bring about social unrest, crimes, economic hostility, and extreme violence. Poverty is categorized by a state of insufficiency where basic means of subsistence are not met, and survival is minimal. Many poor people die every day because of malnutrition, lack of water, food, and basic necessities for sustaining life. The world's poor which is being addressed at the Congressional level by the Borgen Project which is a non-profit organization that uses foreign policy tools, global awareness and advocacy for changes to reduce poverty worldwide. Calling and writing to Congressional Leaders at governmental level has proven to be effective at passing crucial pieces of legislations to advocate in fighting the world's poor. This the reason why reforming foreign policy is paramount to better tailoring its system for assisting the poorest of countries in the most humanist ways possible. There are indeed great disparities between rich and poor countries, but that does not mean that rich countries can stay on the sideline and be passive. The security of the world depends on that fragile balance of helping and caring for the world's poorest countries. Because every human being is entitled to life and its rights to live decently.

To President Obama: The effects of poverty contained many significant implications both at the po... more To President Obama: The effects of poverty contained many significant implications both at the political and social level where these hindrances hamper at eradicating poverty itself. Many countries today are still living at the poverty line, and millions of people are still suffering from malnutrition to lack of clean water, accessibility of infrastructures, electricity, basic survival subsistence to a normal and decent life. The quality of living for these poor countries are also bringing about a bigger threat to the national security for peace around the world. As a matter of fact, more instability and social unrest are emerging as a sign that these countries afflicted with poverty at any level cannot subsist on their own, and as a result, their state of affairs become unmanageable and the government falter and crumble under the crushing weight of poverty. The effects of poverty not only reduce the chances for children to grow and prosper in a suitable environment but the physical and environmental conditions that accompany poverty limit the possibilities for many families to survive in the most extreme cases. One of the primary reasons why very poor families have multiple children is due to the fact that biologically parents know that many of their offspring may not see their children grow and get old. Many of these children per families are forced to bear many kids in order to provide a future lineage and bloodline in the family tree. Many of these kids are not born with a chance to make it to adulthood due to severe malnutrition, abnormal formations at birth, lack of drinkable water, and insufficiency of basic needs and wants that every child needs to have in order to grow to adulthood and live at an old age with a fulfilling life. This is still not the case for many underdeveloped and extremely poor countries around the globe despite the foreign aids, humanitarian relief funds, and others means of helping and assisting the world's poor. The government itself has the power to implement these changes and advocate for the fight in eradicating poverty anywhere it is to be found. No children or families should be living every day of their lives in deplorable conditions. The perversity of poverty is many, and this debilitating burden on any human being is ravaging, discouraging, and life-threatening for anyone who experiences extreme and adjects poverty. Poverty itself should be a thing of the past as many developed, and industrialized countries have the means to evolve and progress toward a new world which is more interconnected with today technologies and advanced communications. Many non-profit organizations have tackled the issue of poverty worldwide, but it is not enough. What should be a priority at the government level is to promote national security, safety, and well-being for any concerned citizens of any nation or state. That is the only guarantee that the world will be a safer place to live, and that world peace will be given a fair chance at being promulgated and shared around the globe. Ending poverty is paramount. Let's all be advocates for change and eradicate poverty worldwide. Thank you.
Running Head: FOREIGN POLICY 1
Hinduism is the oldest religion known in the world. It is also considered the most complex of all... more Hinduism is the oldest religion known in the world. It is also considered the most complex of all religions by some scholars. It is the third most practiced religion, under Jainism and Buddhism within the Hinduism concepts. Hinduism’s practices vary greatly, from devotions to local deities, philosophical systems, cultural practices, and ceremonies. Worshippers of all kinds have for centuries perpetrated and adapted their religious practices. There are literally millions of major and minor gods who are venerated in their respectful temples with their priests. Surprisingly, the origin of Hinduism has no clear founders but many teachers and leaders have influenced the minds of billions of followers.

During the reign of the Ottoman Empire, Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully in a multi... more During the reign of the Ottoman Empire, Jews, Christians, and Muslims lived peacefully in a multicultural and multi-state society. These three different ethical cultures lived harmoniously despite their religious beliefs and traditional customs. In the 1900s, the age of nationalism was strong and Zionism started to spread throughout Jewish communities all over Europe. The Zionists believed that the Jewish people needed a Jewish State and the Zionists looked to Palestine, which was then under British control after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, as the location to establish this Jewish state. WWI and WWII brought fluctuations of immigrant displacement, anti-Semitism, and extreme nationalism during the Nazi regime. The Jewish people, among many others, were executed en masse at the hands of the anti-Semitic Nazi regime during the Holocaust. When the events of the Holocaust were revealed at the end of World War II, foreign aid flooded to the Jewish people and in 1947, the Jewish State of Israel was officially declared by the United Nations as an independent state in Palestine. The Arab Muslim population living in the area refused to accept independence of Israel and as a result, political and territorial disputes emerged between the Israelites and the Palestinians. These disputes quickly led to violence and the Israel-Arab conflict continues today.

The nature of the economic market is based primarily on human nature and its psychologic... more Abstract
The nature of the economic market is based primarily on human nature and its psychological predisposition of being too overly confident when the economy is doing well, and in that, there is no stopping at all. The economic market is subject to the aspect of men's rational and sometimes irrational behaviors. Both men’s ambitions and their driven mechanism to make profits and maximize returns no matter how risky their financial transactions become, in the end, the human spirit of a-good-economy-optimism will prevail. That unconventional method of operation in the financial world has always brought within its sphere, inconsistencies which have been affecting the structural fabric of societies since the dawn of market economy. Historical periods of downturn economic crashes have proven through historical analysis that most crises came from human calamities in believing that the economy will always regulate itself no matter how dangerous it can become. In this research paper, I will explain that any economic crisis can be preventable by the name of, ‘the white swan’s vs. ‘the black swan.' If only human nature could refrain itself from being blinded by the veil of ignorance when it comes to betting on the world market economy, then, rationality and morality would win over irrationality and exuberance. ‘The black swan' is based on the unpredictability that sometimes events are not preventable due to their dubious nature. Three major economists among others have revolutionized the way how the economic market works and as a result, have very different views on how to solve major economic decline. These brilliant economists such as John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich Hayek, Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter, Hyman Minsky among others have all transformed the significance of how capitalism can collapse due to the continuous economic crisis that has not been categorized as significant enough to avert future ones. Lastly, I will share my personal view on the better side of the debate and how future economic crisis can readily be prevented and as a result, the world could save itself from another Great Depression.
Videos by Christophe L Barbier
UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
25th November - 10 December 2020
Papers by Christophe L Barbier
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) established itself shortly after the end of World War II. During that time other international organizations such as World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) and the emergence of the European Union (EU) followed the same principles based on economic integration, monetary stability, and international order. One primary and global objective in mind was to stabilize the world economy and, as a result, prevent another world war from happening. Throughout its sixty years history, the IMF has shown that there were significant economic disparities between the North and the South and it grew stronger, more exacerbating, and more politically strained, constraining the South by favoring the North instead. The North-South inequality became an international issue of great concerns in which the South accused the North of benefiting and prospering upon the richness from the poorer countries. The economic differences and the elimination of trade barriers fostered more wealth to the North than the South. So much for the West pushing for free trade. Has the IMF helped breach the gap of wage inequality, cheaper labor force using exploitations, financial demands, and tariffs on exports and imports? In this research paper, I will examine the favorable conditions that helped develop and brought prosperity to the North disfavoring and making, in the end, the poorer countries not any less rich but more impoverished in all aspects of the international political economy. I will also analyze the inner-working of the IMF and demonstrate that the South the (LCDs), less developed countries and the (EDCs), economically developed countries are at odds, and more financially underpinned by the imperialism and capitalism. That dominating empowerment of imperialism and old died out neocolonialism continue to this day to suffocate the less developed countries from prospering, having a thriving economy and a richer state’ system such as the North’s economic model.
The nature of the economic market is based primarily on human nature and its psychological predisposition of being too overly confident when the economy is doing well, and in that, there is no stopping at all. The economic market is subject to the aspect of men's rational and sometimes irrational behaviors. Both men’s ambitions and their driven mechanism to make profits and maximize returns no matter how risky their financial transactions become, in the end, the human spirit of a-good-economy-optimism will prevail. That unconventional method of operation in the financial world has always brought within its sphere, inconsistencies which have been affecting the structural fabric of societies since the dawn of market economy. Historical periods of downturn economic crashes have proven through historical analysis that most crises came from human calamities in believing that the economy will always regulate itself no matter how dangerous it can become. In this research paper, I will explain that any economic crisis can be preventable by the name of, ‘the white swan’s vs. ‘the black swan.' If only human nature could refrain itself from being blinded by the veil of ignorance when it comes to betting on the world market economy, then, rationality and morality would win over irrationality and exuberance. ‘The black swan' is based on the unpredictability that sometimes events are not preventable due to their dubious nature. Three major economists among others have revolutionized the way how the economic market works and as a result, have very different views on how to solve major economic decline. These brilliant economists such as John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich Hayek, Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter, Hyman Minsky among others have all transformed the significance of how capitalism can collapse due to the continuous economic crisis that has not been categorized as significant enough to avert future ones. Lastly, I will share my personal view on the better side of the debate and how future economic crisis can readily be prevented and as a result, the world could save itself from another Great Depression.
UNiTE by 2030 to End Violence against Women
16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence
25th November - 10 December 2020
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) established itself shortly after the end of World War II. During that time other international organizations such as World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) and the emergence of the European Union (EU) followed the same principles based on economic integration, monetary stability, and international order. One primary and global objective in mind was to stabilize the world economy and, as a result, prevent another world war from happening. Throughout its sixty years history, the IMF has shown that there were significant economic disparities between the North and the South and it grew stronger, more exacerbating, and more politically strained, constraining the South by favoring the North instead. The North-South inequality became an international issue of great concerns in which the South accused the North of benefiting and prospering upon the richness from the poorer countries. The economic differences and the elimination of trade barriers fostered more wealth to the North than the South. So much for the West pushing for free trade. Has the IMF helped breach the gap of wage inequality, cheaper labor force using exploitations, financial demands, and tariffs on exports and imports? In this research paper, I will examine the favorable conditions that helped develop and brought prosperity to the North disfavoring and making, in the end, the poorer countries not any less rich but more impoverished in all aspects of the international political economy. I will also analyze the inner-working of the IMF and demonstrate that the South the (LCDs), less developed countries and the (EDCs), economically developed countries are at odds, and more financially underpinned by the imperialism and capitalism. That dominating empowerment of imperialism and old died out neocolonialism continue to this day to suffocate the less developed countries from prospering, having a thriving economy and a richer state’ system such as the North’s economic model.
The nature of the economic market is based primarily on human nature and its psychological predisposition of being too overly confident when the economy is doing well, and in that, there is no stopping at all. The economic market is subject to the aspect of men's rational and sometimes irrational behaviors. Both men’s ambitions and their driven mechanism to make profits and maximize returns no matter how risky their financial transactions become, in the end, the human spirit of a-good-economy-optimism will prevail. That unconventional method of operation in the financial world has always brought within its sphere, inconsistencies which have been affecting the structural fabric of societies since the dawn of market economy. Historical periods of downturn economic crashes have proven through historical analysis that most crises came from human calamities in believing that the economy will always regulate itself no matter how dangerous it can become. In this research paper, I will explain that any economic crisis can be preventable by the name of, ‘the white swan’s vs. ‘the black swan.' If only human nature could refrain itself from being blinded by the veil of ignorance when it comes to betting on the world market economy, then, rationality and morality would win over irrationality and exuberance. ‘The black swan' is based on the unpredictability that sometimes events are not preventable due to their dubious nature. Three major economists among others have revolutionized the way how the economic market works and as a result, have very different views on how to solve major economic decline. These brilliant economists such as John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich Hayek, Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter, Hyman Minsky among others have all transformed the significance of how capitalism can collapse due to the continuous economic crisis that has not been categorized as significant enough to avert future ones. Lastly, I will share my personal view on the better side of the debate and how future economic crisis can readily be prevented and as a result, the world could save itself from another Great Depression.
My research will focus on Russia’s relations versus the Western world from the past to the present day. Russia's vision and perception of the West since the end of the Cold War have changed the world substantially, and as a result, the idealism for the West and Russia to be strong allies have rather distanced themselves both diplomatically and politically on the international stage. For viewers to understand the implication of this research analysis, I will examine Russia’s brutal past, the Russian Revolution of 1917, the post-WWII Soviet era, the unending Cold War’s with renewing tensions today and the fall of Communism which precipitated the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989. These historical events are thematically linked as early as the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380 in which Russians defeated the Mongols by creating a surprising attack hidden from view. This ideological mechanism of Maskirovka in Russian (Маскировка), meaning ‘masking’ is a deceptive psychological apparatus used in Russian’s technical warfare during previous wars to deceive its enemies from within in a mastery art of wars. This psychological framework of deception is still present today in a series of recent international events about the attempt at reacquiring the former Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia as a sovereign state within the former Soviet Union Republics now known today as Russia. The invasion of Crimea, followed by the annexation of Ukraine in 2014 and the military intervention in Syria in 2015 not only reinserted Russia as a superpower, but also demonstrated these geopolitical moves were carried out to counter-attack NATO aggressive policy of containment toward the Baltic States and along the Russian national borders. Russia also views the West with the propagation of pro-liberalism, the promotion of democracy, human rights, international law, and the global war on Islamic terrorism carrying some significant caveats. The West places Russia on a pedestal of being an antagonist player, nonconformist and rebellious in contradiction with the West’s foreign policy which dictates liberal values and liberties. All of these historical events corroborate with consistency and conformity with the current cold war tensions and frustrations between Russia and the West in a battle of disinformation, cyber warfare attacks and impartial truths. This Russian doctrine also magnifies why Russia does not correlate to the West in a same diplomatic and political manner as the West does. As a result, it creates more geopolitical differences and political divisions. In this Master’s research paper, I will analyze the underlying causes of diplomatic tensions such as the historical, ideological, geopolitical, and political nuances that Russia’s past battles, wars, attacks, and foreign invaders from the West hemisphere have led Russia to be both fearful and defensive toward the Western world. Russia’s tumultuous and dramatic past has cast an overshadowing net over unconstructive ties with the West and deteriorating relations that continue to exacerbate any diplomatic relations from leading to successful outcomes. That has prevented both hemispheres from reaching encouraging and promising mutual footings in world affairs. Is there a way to mollify the renewed tensions between the West and Russia? Yes, and I will demonstrate that both the West and Russia can mend their differences and reset their partnerships. However, the latter is also true that increasing strains during the investigation will bring forth to the readers tangible evidence that Russia and the West will continue for years to come to be suspicious and skeptical of one and another. East-West’s problematic political discourses compounded by distrustful and complicated bilateral relations within the crossfire NATO and the European Union could potentially destabilize peace and security and as a result, reshape the world itself between the East and the West.
There is still a lot of information we don’t know and both climate change and technology are evolving, changing, and affecting human lives each passing day.
We need to rely on hard-based scientific facts to guide us in the right direction.
Technology has helped humanity solved climate issues so we need to rely on technology to minimize the environmental impacts on our own ecosystems and natural environments to live healthier and better lives in the future.
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Violence against women is a human rights violation and public health issue, and ending violence against women should be a top U.S. priority. The International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA) would do just that: this bipartisan bill would make ending violence against women and girls a U.S. priority, streamlining U.S. work, and building on previous successes and lessons.
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