Papers by Dark Twisted Mind
Studenții vor face o prezentare power point unde vor indica modul în care anumite situații din ul... more Studenții vor face o prezentare power point unde vor indica modul în care anumite situații din ultimii 100 de ani au modificat puternic volumul populației globale/continentale sau a unei țări. Studenții pot face tema individual sau pe echipe de 2 persoane și vor prezenta o astfel de situație (altele decât cele prezentate la curs). Fiecare student va identifica minim 2 surse bibliografice.

Part 1 The Practice of Human Resource Management 2 in their behaviours by the kinds of processes ... more Part 1 The Practice of Human Resource Management 2 in their behaviours by the kinds of processes and structures that have evolved there. ' As Keegan and Francis (2010: 873) noted: HR work is now 'largely framed as a business issue'. The emphasis is on business alignment and strategic fit. These are important requirements but focusing on them can lead HR professionals to place correspondingly less emphasis on employee needs and motivations when developing their new and altered arrangements. A simplistic view of the business imperative permits little room for considering how HR strategy should impact on individual employees. HRM indeed aims to support the achievement of business goals but, equally, it should aim to build a relationship based on trust, openness and personal fulfilment. This first part of the handbook deals with the broad areas and concerns of the practice of HRM covering its conceptual basis, the strategic framework within which HRM activities take place and the various factors that affect it, including the impact of HRM on performance, the specific functions of human capital management, knowledge management and competency-based HRM and, importantly, the ethical and social responsible considerations that need to be taken into account when practising HRM. International HRM is dealt with in Part IX. • The fundamental concept of HRM and how it developed • The meaning of HRM • The goals of HRM • The philosophy of HRM • The underpinning theories • The reservations made about HRM • Models of HRM • The position of HRM today Part 1 The Practice of Human Resource Management 6 • encourage the application of an ethical approach to people management. An earlier list of HR goals was made by Dyer and Holder (1988: 22-28) who analysed them under the headings of contribution (what kind of employee behaviour is expected?), composition (what headcount, staffing ratio and skill mix?), competence (what general level of ability is desired?) and commitment (what level of employee attachment and identification?). Guest (1987) suggested that the four goals of HRM were strategic integration, high commitment, high quality and flexibility. And Boxall (2007: 63) proposed that 'the mission of HRM is to support the viability of the firm through stabilizing a cost-effective and socially legitimate system of labour management'.
Part X HRM policy and practice 40 HR policies 41 HR procedures 42 HR information systems 43 Emplo... more Part X HRM policy and practice 40 HR policies 41 HR procedures 42 HR information systems 43 Employment law Part VI Performance and reward 25 Performance management 26 Reward managementstrategy and systems 27 The practice of reward management 28 Managing reward for special groups Part XI HR skills
Papers by Dark Twisted Mind