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sbongebob arg vidios be like:

This game was a banger! I really enjoyed it. There were so many funny moments to remember. 10/10

Very good game.

10/10 super good scary game, great atmosphere 

only real ones got to the true ending

I can't get enough of these SpongeBob games..
10/10 Thank you!

It was creepy when Spongebob chases you.



norm. RU.

The True Ingredients | Spongebob Horror Game. Full Game

I was thinking I gona hate. But I love it. Because it wasn’t serious. THX for not serious.

i tried downloading it but the game and evry file didnt work

(1 edit)

Was not expecting GREK to fight for me. Mr Krabs was cute before he transformed. Poor Plankton. I wasn't expecting to be a frog but no complaints#Grekislove. I hope you enjoy my video, I enjoyed the game

Very funny! Love the secret ending too! I love your games,

it's a perfect mixture of funny and scary.

is it possible that this game could be released on steam, with achievements? thanks very good game much love

Epic Fangame 5/5

Hi it says the patreon has been removed is there anywhere to get the original version now ? Just played and loved it and would love to get the og if I could


It's been a while since I've played a sponge horror game but luckily I found one AND OH GOD WHY IS SPONGEBOB 10 FEET TALL AND CHASING ME?! Youtube Link - 

The game is worth it buying. A really scary game with pretty good graphic, also i wanna tell you that this game is totally scary and if you have faint of heart never play this game.

Dlaczego nigdzie nie można znaleźć oryginalnej wersji?

great as always! 

Deleted post

Gameplay en español

Best SpongeBob game I've ever played.

The Amazing

why did plonkton look like that

When will you publish this game to your email subscribers?


I can't open my windows download version. Please help


Is there a free download link for TheTrueIngredients


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Thanks for the free true ingredients

How to get the true ingredients for free?

Sign to renderpi games.

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There is a link click on it and abracadabra!

oyun bir kere ücretsiz olabilir mi

(1 edit)

Oyunun ücretsiz sürümünü patronumuzdan indirebilirsiniz

Deleted 304 days ago

You can get the original version for free in our Patreon page :



Hey everyone! If you're itching to get your hands on the original version of "The True Ingredients," just swing by our Patreon page linked in the description above. And the best part? It won't cost you a thing! 

Thanks once again for all your fantastic support!




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