Papers by Gerd Schulte-Körne

Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2014
Objective: Diagnosis of comorbid depressive disorder is challenging, even in mental health care. ... more Objective: Diagnosis of comorbid depressive disorder is challenging, even in mental health care. Screening instruments could be economic tools in indicating depression. For the first time, the current study investigates the validity of the newly developed Depression Screener for Teenagers (DesTeen) and its abbreviated five-item form DesTeen-a in a mental health setting. Methods: A total of 88 patients aged 13-16 years were recruited in institutions specialized in child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapy or psychosomatic medicine. DSM-IV-TR diagnoses of major depression or dysthymia based on a structured diagnostic interview served as the gold standard for validation. For assessing the criterion validity of the DesTeen and the DesTeen-a, areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) were calculated. Specificity and sensitivity were computed for optimal cut-off scores according to the Youden Index. Results: Point prevalence of depression was 27.3%. Diagnostic accuracy of the DesTeen was high (AUC = .94). Using a cut-off score of ≥18, sensitivity was .96 and specificity was .86. The DesTeen-a showed no loss in validity (AUC = .94). At a cut-off point of ≥6, sensitivity remained excellent (.96), while specificity was slightly lower (.80). Limitations: The limited representativeness and the small sample size restrict the generalizability of the findings. Conclusions: The DesTeen and its abbreviated version are valid instruments to screen for adolescent depression in mental health care. Since structured interviews to diagnose comorbid mental disorders are rarely applied, the DesTeen and the DesTeen-a can support mental health specialists in making the diagnostic process more efficient, thus facilitating effective treatment planning.
SUMMARY Background: 10–20% of children and adolescents have a mental health problem of some type.... more SUMMARY Background: 10–20% of children and adolescents have a mental health problem of some type. Manifestations such as attention deficits, cognitive disturbances, lack of motivation, and negative mood all adversely affect scholastic development. It is often unclear what factors associated with school affect children's mental development and what preventive measures and interventions at school might be effective.

Psychische Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen treten mit einer Häufigkeit von c... more Hintergrund:
Psychische Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen treten mit einer Häufigkeit von ca. 10%-20% weltweit auf. Symptome, wie z.B. Aufmerksamkeitsstörung, Denk- und Antriebstörung und negative Stimmung beeinflussen die schulische Entwicklung. Ärzte können durch eine enge Kooperation mit den Schulen dazu beitragen, schulische Belastungsfaktoren frühzeitig zu erkennen und notwendige Maßnahmen und Hilfen einzuleiten. Am Beispiel der depressiven Störung, Hyperkinetischen Störung und der schulischen Entwicklungsstörungen untersucht dieser Review, wie und welche schulischen Faktoren sich auf die psychische Entwicklung von Kindern auswirken und welche schulischen Präventions- und Interventionsmethoden wirksam sind.
Selektiver Review basierend auf Literaturrecherchen nach systematischen Reviews, Metaanalysen, RCTs und kontrollierte Studien in PubMed, PsychInfo und goggle scholar.
Psychische Störungen erhöhen das Risiko für eine Klassenwiederholung, Schulabsentismus und Schulabbruch. Veränderungen des Schulklimas und die Implementation von evidenz-basierten Schulprogrammen können das Erkrankungsrisiko für internalisierende und externalisierende Störungen reduzieren. Der ärztliche Dienst sollte durch Kooperation mit der Schule frühzeitig zur Schuleingangsuntersuchung und durch Screenings schulische Risikofaktoren für psychische Erkrankungen feststellen.
Ärzte sollten in Zusammenarbeit mit den Schule unterstützenden Diensten, wie z.B. Schulsozialarbeit und Schulpsychologen die Lehrkräfte im Erkennen und im Umgang mit psychischen Störungen bei Schülern unterstützen. Evidenzbasierte Präventionsprogramme sollten in Schulen implementiert sowie Veränderungen des Schulklimas angestrebt werden.
SUMMARY Background: Reading and spelling disorder (dyslexia) is one of the more common specific d... more SUMMARY Background: Reading and spelling disorder (dyslexia) is one of the more common specific developmental disorders, with a prevalence of approximately 5%. It is characterized by severe impairment of learning to read and spell.

Orthographic spelling is a major difficulty in German-speaking children with dyslexia. The aim of... more Orthographic spelling is a major difficulty in German-speaking children with dyslexia. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an orthographic spelling training in spelling-disabled students (grade 5 and 6). In study 1, ten children (treatment group) received 15 individually administered weekly intervention sessions (60 min each). A control group (n=4) did not receive any intervention. In study 2, orthographic spelling training was provided to a larger sample consisting of a treatment group (n=13) and a delayed treatment control group (n=14). The main criterion of spelling improvement was analyzed using an integrated dataset from both studies. Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed that gains in spelling were significantly greater in the treatment group than in the control group. Statistical analyses also showed significant improvements in reading (study 1) and in a measure of participants' knowledge of orthographic spelling rules (study 2). The findings indicate that an orthographic spelling training enhances reading and spelling ability as well as orthographic knowledge in spelling-disabled children learning to spell a transparent language like German.

Orthographic processing is a construct that encompasses the skills of recognizing, storing, acces... more Orthographic processing is a construct that encompasses the skills of recognizing, storing, accessing, and applying the print conventions of a writing system. Few studies have investigated orthographic processing in dyslexic children and it is not yet clear whether lexical and sublexical orthographic processing are both impaired in these children. The present study examined orthographic processing in dyslexic children (N = 19, below-average word reading as well as below average spelling skills, T-values \40) and typically developing children (N = 32) aged 8–10 years. Different aspects of orthographic processing were measured. Word-specific knowledge (lexical level) was assessed with an Orthographic Choice Task. General orthographic knowledge (sublexical level) was assessed with three pseudoword tasks. The Freq-Choice-Task is a choice task that measures children's knowledge of frequent double consonants (e.g., nilemm–nilebb). The Pos-Choice-Task measures children's knowledge about legal positions of double consonants (e.g., sinnum–ssinum). The Pos-Speed-Task measures children's ability to identify orthographic irregularities in words presented singly (e.g., mmotin). Results show that dyslexic children are able to discriminate illegal/infrequent letter pattern from legal/frequent letter pattern. Seeing either a word with legal or illegal letter patterns singly (Pos-Speed-Task), dyslexic children show deficits in identifying illegal letter pattern as wrong, whereas they have no problems to identify legal letter pattern as correct. Furthermore, dyslexic children show a reduced word specific orthographic

Intervention is key to managing developmental dyslexia (DD), but not all children with DD benefit... more Intervention is key to managing developmental dyslexia (DD), but not all children with DD benefit from treatment. Some children improve (improvers, IMP), whereas others do not improve (non-improvers, NIMP). Neurobiological differences between IMP and NIMP have been suggested, but studies comparing IMP and NIMP in childhood are missing. The present study examined whether ERP patterns change with treatment and differ between IMP and NIMP. We investigated the ERPs of 28 children with DD and 25 control children (CON) while performing a phonological lexical decision (PLD) task before and after a 6-month intervention. After intervention children with DD were divided into IMP (n = 11) and NIMP (n = 17). In the PLD–task children were visually presented with words, pseudohomophones, pseudowords, and false fonts and had to decide whether the presented stimulus sounded like an existing German word or not. Prior to intervention IMP showed higher N300 amplitudes over fronto-temporal electrodes compared to NIMP and CON and N400 amplitudes were attenuated in both IMP and NIMP compared to CON. After intervention N300 amplitudes of IMP were comparable to those of CON and NIMP. This suggests that the N300, which has been related to phonological access of orthographic stimuli and integration of orthographic and phonological representations, might index a compensatory mechanism or precursor that facilitates reading improvement. The N400, which is thought to reflect grapheme-phoneme conversion or the access to the orthographic lexicon increased in IMP from pre to post and was comparable to CON after intervention. Correlations between N300 amplitudes pre, growth in reading ability and N400 amplitudes post indicated that higher N300 amplitudes might be important for reading improvement and increase in N400 amplitudes. The results suggest that children with DD, showing the same cognitive profile might differ regarding their neuronal profile which could further influence reading improvement.

European Journal of Human Genetics, 2014
Dyslexia is one of the most common childhood disorders with a prevalence of around 5-10% in schoo... more Dyslexia is one of the most common childhood disorders with a prevalence of around 5-10% in school-age children. Although an important genetic component is known to have a role in the aetiology of dyslexia, we are far from understanding the molecular mechanisms leading to the disorder. Several candidate genes have been implicated in dyslexia, including DYX1C1, DCDC2, KIAA0319, and the MRPL19/C2ORF3 locus, each with reports of both positive and no replications. We generated a European cross-linguistic sample of school-age children -the NeuroDys cohort -that includes more than 900 individuals with dyslexia, sampled with homogenous inclusion criteria across eight European countries, and a comparable number of controls. Here, we describe association analysis of the dyslexia candidate genes/locus in the NeuroDys cohort. We performed both case-control and quantitative association analyses of single markers and haplotypes previously reported to be dyslexia-associated. Although we observed association signals in samples from single countries, we did not find any marker or haplotype that was significantly associated with either case-control status or quantitative measurements of word-reading or spelling in the meta-analysis of all eight countries combined. Like in other neurocognitive disorders, our findings underline the need for larger sample sizes to validate possibly weak genetic effects. 18 Centre ré fé rent pour le diagnostic des troubles du langage et des apprentissages, Dé partement de pé diatrie, CHU Nord,

This study surveyed and compared support systems for poor readers in six member states of the Eur... more This study surveyed and compared support systems for poor readers in six member states of the European Union (EU). The goal was to identify features of effective support systems. A large-scale questionnaire survey was conducted among mainstream teachers (n = 4,210) and remedial teachers (n = 2,395). Results indicate that the six support systems differed substantially, with effective support systems showing high performance on all variables measured. More specifically, effective support systems were characterized by (a) high levels of both teacher and student support and (b) frequent interactions between teachers and remedial teachers as well as between remedial teachers and diagnosticians. The high prevalence of poor reading ability in the current EU member states demonstrates that educational reforms are critically needed. The results of this study provide concrete starting points for improving support systems for poor readers.

Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 2015
This article looks at a means of objectively evaluating the quality of psychometric tests. This a... more This article looks at a means of objectively evaluating the quality of psychometric tests. This approach enables users to evaluate psychometric tests based on their methodological characteristics, in order to decide which instrument should be used. Reading and spelling assessment tools serve as examples. The paper also provides a review of German psychometric tests for the assessment of reading and spelling skills. This method facilitates the identification of psychometric tests.of high methodological quality which can be used for the assessment of reading and spelling skills. Reading performance should ideally be assessed with the following instruments: ELFE 1-6, LGVT 6-12, LESEN 6-7, LESEN 8-9, or WLLP-R. The tests to be used for the evaluation of spelling skills are DERET 1-2+, DERET 3-4+, WRT 1+, WRT 2+, WRT 3+, WRT 4+ or HSP 1-10.
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie
For the first time, trance states have been included in the International Classification (ICD-10)... more For the first time, trance states have been included in the International Classification (ICD-10) as a separate identity. The case of a 13-year-old boy is presented and the diagnostic process discussed especially the differentiation between trance states and epilepsy. Psychotherapy and the in-patient treatment course are described including the factors facilitating a positive outcome.
Der Nervenarzt
This paper reports the result of a study conducted in a single family, in which members of three ... more This paper reports the result of a study conducted in a single family, in which members of three generations were affected by a conversion disorder. The phenotype and the age of onset were very similar in all the family members affected. The etiology is best understood in terms of a genetic condition and as the result of imitation and identification with an affected family member.
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie
Selective and sustained visual attention were tested in 29 boys with developmental dyslexia and 2... more Selective and sustained visual attention were tested in 29 boys with developmental dyslexia and 28 normal spellers (also boys) matched for age, grade in school, I.Q. and other developmental parameters. The developmental dyslexia group had deficits in selective attention. A significant effect of task difficulty was found. There was no dysfunction in sustained attention.
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie
![Research paper thumbnail of [The Marburg Parent-Child Spelling Trainer--follow up studies after 2 years]](
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie
The results of a two-year parent-child training program are reported. After one year of supervise... more The results of a two-year parent-child training program are reported. After one year of supervised tutoring by one of their parents, the children had only improved in those spelling areas that had been worked on in the program, otherwise there was no general improvement in their spelling ability. After the second year, not only their spelling ability in the specific areas had continued to increase, but their general spelling ability (spelling test percentile rank) had also improved. Their self-confidence had increased markedly as well. Significant predictors of the specific spelling improvement were the specific spelling ability at the initial measurement and whether or not the mother was working; significant predictors for the general improvement could not be found. Supervised tutoring by the parents was shown to be effective for improving childrens' spelling ability.
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie
The first results of a parent-child program for improving the children's spelling... more The first results of a parent-child program for improving the children's spelling are reported. Seventeen spelling-disabled children and their mothers took part for about one year in a supervised tutoring program that was based on German spelling rules. The parents met with two therapists one evening a month and received guidance with the program. Overall there was no improvement in spelling. However, a qualitative analysis of spelling errors revealed marked improvement in those areas that had been worked on in the program. Significant predictors of spelling improvement were the spelling ability of the mother and whether the mother was working or not.
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 2015
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Papers by Gerd Schulte-Körne
Psychische Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen treten mit einer Häufigkeit von ca. 10%-20% weltweit auf. Symptome, wie z.B. Aufmerksamkeitsstörung, Denk- und Antriebstörung und negative Stimmung beeinflussen die schulische Entwicklung. Ärzte können durch eine enge Kooperation mit den Schulen dazu beitragen, schulische Belastungsfaktoren frühzeitig zu erkennen und notwendige Maßnahmen und Hilfen einzuleiten. Am Beispiel der depressiven Störung, Hyperkinetischen Störung und der schulischen Entwicklungsstörungen untersucht dieser Review, wie und welche schulischen Faktoren sich auf die psychische Entwicklung von Kindern auswirken und welche schulischen Präventions- und Interventionsmethoden wirksam sind.
Selektiver Review basierend auf Literaturrecherchen nach systematischen Reviews, Metaanalysen, RCTs und kontrollierte Studien in PubMed, PsychInfo und goggle scholar.
Psychische Störungen erhöhen das Risiko für eine Klassenwiederholung, Schulabsentismus und Schulabbruch. Veränderungen des Schulklimas und die Implementation von evidenz-basierten Schulprogrammen können das Erkrankungsrisiko für internalisierende und externalisierende Störungen reduzieren. Der ärztliche Dienst sollte durch Kooperation mit der Schule frühzeitig zur Schuleingangsuntersuchung und durch Screenings schulische Risikofaktoren für psychische Erkrankungen feststellen.
Ärzte sollten in Zusammenarbeit mit den Schule unterstützenden Diensten, wie z.B. Schulsozialarbeit und Schulpsychologen die Lehrkräfte im Erkennen und im Umgang mit psychischen Störungen bei Schülern unterstützen. Evidenzbasierte Präventionsprogramme sollten in Schulen implementiert sowie Veränderungen des Schulklimas angestrebt werden.
Psychische Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen treten mit einer Häufigkeit von ca. 10%-20% weltweit auf. Symptome, wie z.B. Aufmerksamkeitsstörung, Denk- und Antriebstörung und negative Stimmung beeinflussen die schulische Entwicklung. Ärzte können durch eine enge Kooperation mit den Schulen dazu beitragen, schulische Belastungsfaktoren frühzeitig zu erkennen und notwendige Maßnahmen und Hilfen einzuleiten. Am Beispiel der depressiven Störung, Hyperkinetischen Störung und der schulischen Entwicklungsstörungen untersucht dieser Review, wie und welche schulischen Faktoren sich auf die psychische Entwicklung von Kindern auswirken und welche schulischen Präventions- und Interventionsmethoden wirksam sind.
Selektiver Review basierend auf Literaturrecherchen nach systematischen Reviews, Metaanalysen, RCTs und kontrollierte Studien in PubMed, PsychInfo und goggle scholar.
Psychische Störungen erhöhen das Risiko für eine Klassenwiederholung, Schulabsentismus und Schulabbruch. Veränderungen des Schulklimas und die Implementation von evidenz-basierten Schulprogrammen können das Erkrankungsrisiko für internalisierende und externalisierende Störungen reduzieren. Der ärztliche Dienst sollte durch Kooperation mit der Schule frühzeitig zur Schuleingangsuntersuchung und durch Screenings schulische Risikofaktoren für psychische Erkrankungen feststellen.
Ärzte sollten in Zusammenarbeit mit den Schule unterstützenden Diensten, wie z.B. Schulsozialarbeit und Schulpsychologen die Lehrkräfte im Erkennen und im Umgang mit psychischen Störungen bei Schülern unterstützen. Evidenzbasierte Präventionsprogramme sollten in Schulen implementiert sowie Veränderungen des Schulklimas angestrebt werden.