Papers by Dr. Md Hossain Ali H Ali
Journal of Agrometeorology
Preface Concept, Need, & Role of Engineering Economics Fundamentals & Applications of Eco... more Preface Concept, Need, & Role of Engineering Economics Fundamentals & Applications of Economic Theories Data Sources, Demand Forecasting, & Cost Estimation for Project Analysis Fundamentals & Theories of Financial Analysis for Project Evaluation Indicators & Decision Rules for Project Selection among Alternatives Risks & Uncertainties in Engineering Projects Time for Equipment Replacement Models & Softwares in Economic & Financial Analysis Index.
Springer eBooks, 2011
, except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection w... more , except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software , or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.

Journal of Natural Resources and Development, 2014
A vast array of scientific literature is concerned with simulation models. The aim of models is t... more A vast array of scientific literature is concerned with simulation models. The aim of models is to predict the unknown situation as close to as real one. To do this, models are validated and examined for their performance under known condition. In this paper, commonly used model performance evaluation indices are overviewed and examined under different situations. Difference based, efficiency based (Nash and Sutcliffe coefficient, model efficiency of Loague and Green, Legates and McCabe's index) and composite indices (such as index of agreement, d, and d r) were found ambiguous, inconsistent and not logical in many cases. A new index, Percent Mean Relative Absolute Error (PMRAE), is proposed which is found unambiguous, logical, straightforward , and interpretable; thus can be used to evaluate model performance. The model evaluation performance ratings based on PMRAE are also suggested. Model evaluation Statistical indicators Model performance

Water Resources Management, 2011
Water is essential for economic, social, and environmental development. Global water resources ar... more Water is essential for economic, social, and environmental development. Global water resources are vulnerable due to increasing demand related to population growth, pollution potential, and climate change. Competition for water between different sectors is increasing. To meet the increasing demand, the use of groundwater is increasing worldwide. In this paper, the water-table dynamics of the northeastern region of Bangladesh were studied using the MEKESENS software. This study reveals that the depth to water-table (WT) of almost all the wells is declining slowly. In many cases, the depth will approximately double by the year 2040, and almost all will double by 2060, if the present trend continues. If the decline of the water-table is allowed to continue in the long run, the result could be a serious threat to the ecology and to the sustainability of food production, which is vital for the nation's food security. Therefore, necessary measures should be taken to sustain water resources and thereby agricultural production. Demand-side management of water and the development of alternative surface water sources seem to be viable strategies for the area. These strategies could be employed to reduce pressure on groundwater and thus maintain the sustainability of the resource. Keywords Groundwater. Sustainable development. Agriculture. Bangladesh 1 Introduction Ecosystems and natural resources support life on Earth and provide inputs and services to the economy. Water is a vital natural resource and is a key prerequisite for all three dimensions of sustainable development-economic, social, and environmental.

Increased groundwater use in the Barind area during the last few decades has caused serious groun... more Increased groundwater use in the Barind area during the last few decades has caused serious groundwater level decline, decreased pump discharge and hence increased irrigation cost, and many associated hydrological problems which have become the biggest threat to sustainable agricultural production under climate change situation. The aims of this research were (i) to identify optimum/water-saving irrigation schedule of possible crops of different seasons, and (ii) yearly total yield and irrigation need assessment of different crop rotations to identify water-saving crop rotation. Field experiments were conducted for three consecutive years at four locations with four new cropping patterns, intervening non-rice crops (wheat, mustard, lentil) as well as natural rainfall matching 'Aus rice' crop. Irrigation water savings and economic benefits of each cropping pattern were evaluated. The results revealed that cultivation of non-rice crops instead of irrigation-intensive 'Boro rice' along with efficient irrigation schedule can reduce a substantial amount (48-58%) of irrigation demand along with higher economic benefits (both net profit and Benefit Cost Ratio). The findings of this research will help to plan management decisions to combat the declining trend of groundwater table, as well as the consequences of climate change and drought.

Water Policy, 2023
The lowering of the groundwater table caused by increased groundwater use in the dry, Barind regi... more The lowering of the groundwater table caused by increased groundwater use in the dry, Barind region has prompted sustainability concerns. In this study, water-table (WT) scenarios were simulated by the MODFLOW model under different crop rotations in Barind, a dry region of Bangladesh, to examine the effects of crop rotations on groundwater level. The studied crop rotations and recharge conditions were: with existing cropping pattern; 100, 30 and 50% of present Boro rice is replaced by Aus rice; existing cropping pattern, but with reduced recharge to 90 and 80% of present recharge. A calibrated MODFLOW model was used to develop WT scenarios. According to the modeling results, the declination of WT will be lessened and the situation with regard to WT will therefore be improved with the gradual substitution of Boro by Aus and Rabi (30, 50 and 100%). The simulated WT scenario will be useful for policymakers to set policies about cropping patterns or groundwater withdrawal amounts targeting the area's long-term sustainability of groundwater.
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2010

For proper management of groundwater resources, estimation of groundwater recharge is crucial. In... more For proper management of groundwater resources, estimation of groundwater recharge is crucial. Information on groundwater recharge is particularly important in dry areas where groundwater is continuously depleting. In this study, groundwater recharge was estimated at two locations in the dry, Barind area of Bangladesh using the applied tracer, water balance (WB) and water-table fluctuation (WTF) methods. In the WTF method, considerations for drinking and irrigation withdrawal were taken. For runoff estimation in the WB method, a modified form of the USDA-SCS method was used. The results revealed that the average yearly recharge at the Nachol location varied from 104.9–195.8 mm/year under different methods, having a mean of 136.1 mm/yr over the methods. At Niamatpur location, the recharge rate varied from 125.1 to 210 mm (9.9 – 15.1% of yearly rainfall) under different methods, having a mean of 157.6 mm/yr. On average, the WTF method produced the lowest estimate of recharge followed by WB method. Based on the local geological and hydrological settings and the suitability/limitations of the methods themselves, the tracer technique may be regarded as a reliable method for the study area. The information on recharge will help the ‘water resource agency’ and ‘policymakers’ to adjust pumping/irrigation schemes, avoid over-exploitation of the groundwater resource, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the resource in the area.
gation and Water Management, BAU, for their valuable suggestions and critical review while prepar... more gation and Water Management, BAU, for their valuable suggestions and critical review while preparing the manuscript. Thanks are due to the authority of BINA for grant me the fellowship under 'Research and Development Project, BINA', funded by the Government of Bangladesh. Sincere thanks are due to the staff members of Agricultural Engineering Division, Plant Physiology Division, and Soil Science Division of BINA, and BINA sub-station, Ishurdi, for their assistance and cooperation in various ways during the work.
Physics Letters B, 2002
We investigate the supersymmetric extension of the hot NUT-Kerr-Newman-Kasuya spacetime. Along wi... more We investigate the supersymmetric extension of the hot NUT-Kerr-Newman-Kasuya spacetime. Along with four standard supersymmetries, this type of spacetime admits fermionic symmetries generated by the square root of bosonic constants of motion except the Hamiltonian. Such new supersymmetries correspond to the Killing-Yano tensors, which play an important role in solving the Dirac equation in curved spacetime.

Reliable hydraulic parameters values are essential and crucial basic data for potential groundwat... more Reliable hydraulic parameters values are essential and crucial basic data for potential groundwater withdrawal (aquifer yield) and also for sustainable groundwater management. They are also essential for simulation model study for different management scenario analyses. The laboratory test has limitations, while in situ tests produce representative aquifer parameters. The pumping test method is the only method that provides simultaneous information on the hydraulic behavior of the well, the aquifer, and the aquifer boundaries. Pumping tests were performed to determine aquifer hydraulic properties such as hydraulic conductivity (K), transmissibility (T), and specific yield (Sy) at two Upazilas of the Barind area, namely Nachol and Niamatpur. The aquifer formation is composed of layers: upper fine sand, medium sand, a conductive sand layer, and lower fine sand at the bottom, below which the impervious clay layer exists. The K was determined through Dupit's steady radial flow equation, T through Theis's and Copper-Jacob approach, and Sy through Copper-Jacob and gravity drainage of aquifer materials. The mean K, T, and Sy were found as 30.3 m 3 /m 2 /day, 756.7 m 3 /m/day, and 4.6%, respectively for the Nachol location; and 52.7m 3 /m 2 /day, 1027.3 m 3 /m/day and 6.6%, respectively for Niamatpur location. The values obtained are supported by regional values reported earlier, and also by other locations' values situated elsewhere having similar aquifer materials. To achieve long-term sustainability in the studied locations, withdrawal of groundwater resources should be optimized considering the aquifer hydraulic properties values.
Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research, 2021
The study was carried out for investigation and analysis of long-term (45 years) monthly rainfall... more The study was carried out for investigation and analysis of long-term (45 years) monthly rainfall data of Rajshahi from 1975 to 2019 for better selection of crops and agricultural technology in this region of Bangladesh. The rainfall trend was determined using parametric and non-parametric method. Probability analysis of rainfall was performed for estimation of dry, wet, and average year rainfall. The results revealed negative trend of yearly rainfall, but it is statistically insignificant. By non-parametric method, ‘no trend’ was observed for yearly rainfall. Increasing trend of monthly rainfall during March and May and decreasing trend in other months were observed. The rainfall deficit period continued from November to March, and in some instant up to April (rainfall

The study was carried out for investigation and analysis of long-term (45 years) monthly rainfall... more The study was carried out for investigation and analysis of long-term (45 years) monthly rainfall data of Rajshahi from 1975 to 2019 for better selection of crops and agricultural technology in this region of Bangladesh. The rainfall trend was determined using parametric and non-parametric method. Probability analysis of rainfall was performed for estimation of dry, wet, and average year rainfall. The results revealed negative trend of yearly rainfall, but it is statistically insignificant. By non-parametric method, 'no trend' was observed for yearly rainfall. Increasing trend of monthly rainfall during March and May and decreasing trend in other months were observed. The rainfall deficit period continued from November to March, and in some instant up to April (rainfall<PET).Total deficit for dry, wet, and average year were found as 488.2 mm, 405.7mm and 426.1mm respectively. By adopting low water-demanding cropping patterns during the deficit period, the withdrawal of groundwater can be minimized.
Among various water cycle characteristics, groundwater recharge is the leading hydrologic paramet... more Among various water cycle characteristics, groundwater recharge is the leading hydrologic parameter determining groundwater resources availability and sustainability. Accurate estimation of groundwater recharge is important for proper development and management of the resource. Groundwater recharge was estimated under field condition at Ishwardi region of Bangladesh using tracer technique as well as water-balance method. Two years average recharge rate was found as 53.7 mm/year under tracer technique (5.14%o of yearly rainfall); and 46.2 mm under water balance method (4.42% of yearly rainfall). The results of the study will be helpful for planning of sustainable groundwater in the area.
Int. J. of Applied Sci., 1(2):68-76, 2018
In Bangladesh, sesame suffers from water-logging during its growing period. Multi-year and multi-... more In Bangladesh, sesame suffers from water-logging during its growing period. Multi-year and multi-location field trials were carried out to study the effect of different durations of water-logging at different growth stages on seed yield of sesame. From two years results, it is revealed that the effects of water-logging during a particular growth stage or particular duration of water-logging on seed yield depends on pre-and/or post water-logging from the rainfall. Differential effects of the cultivars were also observed. The cultivar Binatil-2 and Binatil-3 showed reasonable seed yield under water-logging at flowering and mid pod-formation stages for 24 to 36 hours.
An accurate estimate of crop water requirement is of vital importance in planning, design and ope... more An accurate estimate of crop water requirement is of vital importance in planning, design and operation of irrigation and water resources system. Relationships between the evapo-transpiration of a pre-selected crop (the reference crop), which is referred to as reference evapo-transpiration (ET 0), and other crops are established by multiplying ET 0 by crop coefficients. The Penman-Monteith (P-M) equation with its new definition of ET 0 is recommended by FAO as the standard method of crop water requirement calculation. Using 54 years climatic data, the ET 0 for different regions of Bangladesh were calculated with FAO CROPWAT software. The implication of the ET 0 values in crop planning are discussed.

Salt stress is one of the most important abiotic stresses that adversely affect crop productivity... more Salt stress is one of the most important abiotic stresses that adversely affect crop productivity and causes significant crop loss worldwide. The objective of this field study was to investigate the effect of different irrigation regimes and ameliorative on the yield performance of some rice lines/cultivars in salt affected area of Bangladesh. Irrigation treatments were comprised of: continuous saturation + gypsum application at flowering stage (T 1); continuous ponding with 2 cm + gypsum application at flowering stage (T 2); continuous ponding with 5 cm + gypsum application at flowering stage (T 3); AWD lowering with 5cm (T 4); AWD lowering with 10 cm (T 5). The lines/varieties tested were: V 1 = RC-222, V 2 = RC-228, V 3 = Binadhan-8, and V 4 = Binadhan-10. The interaction results revealed significant effect on yield attributing characters as well as on grain yield. The highest grain yield (5.83 t/ha) was observed in continuous ponding by 2 cm coupled with gypsum at flowering stage, followed by continuous saturation condition plus gypsum, with Binadhan-8. Considering the grain yield and irrigation water used, Binadhan-8 can be cultivated under continuous saturation condition couple with gypsum application at flowering stage.

(2004). Photo-thermal unit requirement of wheat under different levels of irrigation. J. Banglade... more (2004). Photo-thermal unit requirement of wheat under different levels of irrigation. J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 2(2): 351-360 Abstract The productivity of a crop depends on genotype x environment interaction. Temperature and light influence various physiological processes including photosynthesis and respiration; and consequently the rate and duration of growth and thus the productivity of wheat. An investigation was made on the photo-thermal unit requirement of the newly released wheat variety 'Satabdhi' under different irrigation regimes. Full irrigated wheat required more days for onset, duration and thermal units for expression of various phenophases or for maturity than that of non-irrigated one; but almost similar of the units within the treatments irrigated at 2 or 3 stages. A relatively fixed amount of heat units were needed to proceed from one phenophase to the other or sowing to maturity, irrespective of the sowing date studied. The 'growing-degree days' (GDD) and 'crop heat unit' (CHU) indices were found superior to other units in explaining wheat maturity. Heat use efficiency for production of seed yield and total dry matter production was evaluated. The highest heat use efficiency (2.26 and 6.66 kg/ha/deg.-day for seed yield and dry-matter, respectively) were obtained in well irrigated treatment, and the lowest (1.14 kg/ha/deg.-day) in full deficit treatment.
M.H. Ali). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e ... more M.H. Ali). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a g w a t 0378-3774/$ -see front matter #
Papers by Dr. Md Hossain Ali H Ali