? ?

[sticky post] the stuff

a few bits of housekeeping:

feel free to friend me as you want - it's all good. Most of my posts are open. And anyone can comment on anything, I'm always open for conversation :)
surreal work week aside, I had a pretty good day on writing today on the next part of my Blood in the Water Yuri on Ice! series. I have about 20 tabs open with information on all of the 2015-16 figure skating season events, and also most of the pages from the Yuri on Ice wiki, as this next installment opens just before Yuuri’s free skate at the 2016 World Championship in Boston. I had to stop myself from constructing his program’s technical elements to figure out what he would really have scored, and instead just handwaved things.

Also I think I now know why the Yuri on Ice writers focused on the Grand Prix series instead of the others, and not just because it comes first in the season - at the GP events and final, there are only six skaters performing in each event. At the others, including Worlds, there are upwards of 24 skaters performing in every event - trying to write the stage mechanics of 24 skaters, plus coaches, is a bloody nightmare.

Anyway, the struggle continues. Have a good week, everyone. This entry was originally posted at There are currently comment count unavailable comments.

five favourite book-to-movie adaptations

so I was reading an article today that tried to match the best (and worst) book to movie adaptations using statistics. I don’t hold with “mathematics”, but I wanted to throw my hat in the ring with five of my favourites.

In no particular order, wherein I have both read the book and seen the movies:

  1. Matilda
  2. Princess Bride
  3. The Secret Garden
  4. Silence of the Lambs
  5. bonus: Sherlock Holmes (Grenada/Jeremy Brett) (I know it’s TV but in this case it counts)

I would argue that the Twilight movies are objectively better entertainment than the books, but then I didn’t actually like either, so they’re off the list.

Anyway. What are your favourite book-to-movie adaptations?

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I’m working on my resume and cover letter for Dream Job and all I have so far is the decision to not re-work a past cover letter, but start from scratch.

So I have a blank piece of paper.

Anyway here’s my resume of Things They Didn’t Ask For:

  1. Very seldom cries in the office
  2. Able to calmy teach people things they should be able to figure out by googling it
  3. Is nice
  4. Maintains good relationships with the IT guys (a vastly under-practiced skill at my workplace)
  5. Makes coffee when the pot is empty and puts dirty mugs in dishwasher
  6. Has been on campus for twenty-one years so knows a lot of people and stuff
  7. Hasn’t made a single mortal enemy on campus in seventeen years
  8. Perfect driving abstract
  9. My mom thinks I’m smart

And The One Thing They Did

  1. Tells really good stories
We'll see where this goes :/ This entry was originally posted at There are currently comment count unavailable comments.
i went for a walk with my mother this morning at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary this morning and then we somehow ended up in the Ladner Farmer’s Market which had probably double the normal population of Ladner shoved into a two-block radius. It was great.

The above is a panorama I took from the lookout tower facing west - off to the extreme left is Deltaport; in the right you can see North Vancouver on the horizon.

Not many birds at this time of year; ducks, Canada geese, some chickadees, and a few blue herons. Some old dude was saying he saw a bald eagle up a tree but that’s pretty common in the area too.

All in all, I can tell you that I’m not cut out for birding.

Oh, and I was outside for 90 minutes (with sunscreen) and I didn’t burn too badly. A win. This entry was originally posted at There are currently comment count unavailable comments.

small wins

this week at work has been long (3 10-hour days in a row! I love being on salary!) but at least I did score one tiny win - I managed to find the piece of the WordPress theme code that let me display the full content on our blog's categories pages, not the excerpt. 

This is probably only exciting to me, but at least I have accomplished something this week. 

Anyone got any weekend plans? This entry was originally posted at There are currently comment count unavailable comments.

Fanfic Q&A time (cloned from Tumblr)

Tagged on tumblr by @rosefyrefyre

Favorite story I’ve written and why? I have a few for different reasons:

  • Agent Afloat Atlantis - writing Ziva David in this story was a very interesting experience, and I think story is one of my better efforts in terms of language and crossoverness.
  • Widow Maker - not only do I love Natasha Romanoff, but the arc and plot of the story work for me in terms of pacing and direction. I think this is a good example of how it can take a writer a long time to grow into their craft, and this was pretty much written ten years after I started writing fanfic so not a bad haul.
  • Inevitable - I don't think it has aged as well as others of my fics, but then I feel that way about a lot of my Anita Blake stuff. The amount of fandom support I got from everyone in my years writing Inevitable have meant more to me than I can ever describe, and it helped give me a lot of confidence - if I could pull off a Harry Potter/Anita Blake crossover like this, I can do anything.
  • And Hands of Clay because of all the reasons.

Tropes I gravitate toward? Found family and crossovers.

Present or past tense? Past. Present-tense is okay for me in writing short little blurbs, but I stick with past-tense for anything big. Just my preference.

How many unfinished stories do I have? Oh, dear. Most of them I've had some long ones get away from me and then my motivation vanishes. Part of the cost of doing business in fandom I think. My big undones are Physics of the Spin, Old Soldiers, Hel's Bones, Rhapsody in Blue, Child of the Wolf... I left Dawning Light at the end of Act 1 so i'm okay with that ending. I hope I can one day get  back to Old Soldiers because we're now so far off canon for that Bucky that it doesn't matter any more, and with Rhapsody in Blue I want to wrap up Peggy's story. Who knows about Hel's Bones.

Ideas in Google docs? I use Dropbox instead of Google Docs but anyway all the ideas are in my head... which is not great because then they very seldom get written down, then they are forgotten and on I go.

Best review/comment I’ve received? So many. I love when people tell me things they liked about the chapter/story, so I can go back and forth with them in comments :D

Worst review/comment? I had an epic few  back on Twisting the Hellmouth - there was a guy back on there who was super critical/negative about a lot of people's stuff (not naming names because I think I spotted him on Tumblr while back and I’m not looking to revive the squabbles), and i have to say I'm glad we're now in different fandoms. But yeah I've been pretty luck with comments/reviews over the years.

Last book I’ve read? Do I read books anymore? I think it was a library book that has obviously left no impression. The last book I bought was Cold Case Vancouver - that's a good one (non-fiction).  I read a lot of fanfic - currently obsessed with Owlet's Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail series.

Do I plan to publish something original? I hope so. I'm working on ideas, trying to figure out what would work for me in engaging in original fiction. I have some great plot ideas but the characters are harder to get a handle on. I think that's why I gravitate to fanfic; the characters are already there.

Biggest writing inspiration?  Life experiences.  The places I've been, the things I've done, and of course the people that I've known. How is that for a boring answer? But yeah I find that the more I do, the more ideas I have.

But also, too, different things work for different stories. With the Widow's Tale series, all of the stories except for Old Soldiers I wrote out longhand then typed them up. With Hands of Clay, I listen to jazz while I write. I've learned to go with what works while it works, and not stress myself out when things stop working or I need to change it up.

Fanfic stories – how many have I posted? Dear god, probably over 200 in various forms? I have 80 works up on AO3, but I have so many more on TTH and on my LJ. I haven't ported everything to AO3 yet as some fics are too short or unfinished, but also.... how do I say this.... some were written when I was very young as a writer. They have not aged as well as one might have hoped.

What am I currently working on?  Hands of Clay, all the time. Working on ideas for how to finish Rhapsody in Blue and Old Soldiers. Always looking for new ideas - and since Supergirl has kiboshed my ideas for that Supergirl/Die Hard fusion, that's been pinned to the wall in case I can salvage it at some point.

What’s my username? Mhalachai, everywhere. AO3, Livejournal, Dreamwidth, TTH, and Tumblr.

Who's next? tag yourself if you want and comment here so I can see!

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life is expensive

So in follow up to yesterday's post: the brakes were shot, there was something wrong with the transmission, and the battery was failing. I bought the truck (a 2008 Ford Ranger) in 2013 and haven't had any maintenance issues with it before, so I suppose it was only a matter of time before things started to fall apart. Anyway, now I am much poorer and also safer (new front brakes, a fixed transmission, and a brand new battery) but I suppose that's one of the tradeoffs we make in life.

Now I just need to get my taxes filed and my return back to help cover this hit to the pocketbook.

Thanks to everyone for their ideas on fun activities; I'm going to put together a master list and post that up here :D This entry was originally posted at There are currently comment count unavailable comments.


 I have to take my truck in tomorrow for its regular service, and I think they're going to have to replace the front brakes (the dude said last time that they were getting close), so I'm mentally preparing myself for the hit to my pocketbook. Still, better to have working brakes.

Work has finally gotten to the point where the super busy times are settling down, so I'm hoping to can get back to those times where I have some creative energies when I get home in the evenings. 

I've been trying to think of some activity after work, like an art class or something... anyone have any suggestions?

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writing is hard

over the long weekend, I had a brief spurt of inspiration to maybe write a Valentine's Day outtake for Hands of Clay, and got 900 words in before i wrote myself into a corner that made me lose the buzz. Work today was a creative energy suck so I had nothing left to give once I got  home, but maybe I'll try tomorrow.

One of the things that I'm finding slightly... worrisome? bothersome? is that I don't have more stories in my head at this moment. I'm focusing on Hands of Clay and there are percolations in the background for my other MCU stories (er, none of which I've updated recently), but nothing new is really sparking any inspiration. None of the new TV shows are catching my attention, and I haven't been to any movies recently (yes, I know, I need to see Star Wars). I'm also slightly worried that Captain America: Civil War will actually kill me. Or maybe break my heart. Only a few months left before we know for sure.

Anyway, coming back from my creative hiatus this weekend and see how things go from there.

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Someone on tumblr connected me with Capti Narrator for listening to fanfics that haven't been podcasted - and oh dear lord it's the best screen-reader software I've ever encountered. It's free with a few default voices, then you can buy other voices that are more developed/natural.  I bought a voice from Ivona - Joey (US), and I've been listening to it read Hands of Clay to me on my phone and wow technology is wonderful.

To listen to a fanfic, download a copy of the story in HTML (AO3 has this option) and open it into your playlist and go to town. Capti can also connect to your dropbox in case you store all your fave fics there. 

There's a browser plugin too but I haven't gotten that far yet. 

Just one word of note - purchased voices don't transfer between devices (like between PC and iPhone) - don't make my mistake.

But anyway: Apparently Hands of Clay to date is 22 hours long O_O (when read at 192 wpm). That sure puts a lot in perspective. Also, I apparently fail at proofreading because there's like 3 or 4 times a chapter where I used the wrong word of flat-out missed words and I only noticed when i'm hearing the story. Arg. This entry was originally posted at There are currently comment count unavailable comments.

watching and reading

what I'm watching

Not much TV this season, other than my obsessive re-watching of Murder, She Wrote, before Netflix cracks down on vpns. I'm watching Elementary and Supergirl (surprisingly good) and trying to get into the new shows but nothing is striking my fancy as yet. I'm saving Agent Carter to watch in a spree next week when my PVR reaches critical mass.

On the other side of things, I'm watching Father Brown on PBS (like, different than the books and in a good way; Mark Williams (aka Arthur Weasly) is a perfect embodiment of the character). Also catching up on Poirot (and still super-angry about the adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express) and taping reruns of things like Matlock and Quincy MD because I am 90 years old.

I'm off shows I was into in the past; Once Upon a Time has completely lost me, and I drifted from Castle last year. I tell myself I'm still watching Criminal Minds and NCIS but I haven't seen an episode this season, so I guess that's a lie.

what I'm reading

I'm trying to get back into reading books in general. My current read is A is for Arsenic: the Poisons of Agatha Christie by Kathryn Harkup, a non-fiction book looking at the science of poisons used in the fictional works of Agatha Christie, as well as the chemical mechanism of killing and some real life examples. It's really interesting and a good resource for mystery writers.

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things and stuff

a few bits of housekeeping:

feel free to friend me as you want - it's all good. Most of my posts are open. And anyone can comment on anything, I'm always open for conversation :)

lj friending meme

There are former LJers who would like to return, but their friends lists have been deserted.
Let's all welcome them back with open arms and show them that LJ is very much alive!

if anyone wants to connect in, let's do this :)

2015 in review

[originally posted on tumblr]

So, anyway looking back:

Pros to the year:

I did a lot of work on letting shit go, and trying to live the understanding that other people are living their lives and doing their best and that’s not a reflection (negative or positive) on me. Basically all those life lessons in Hands of Clay that the dads are taking time to impart on the kids, that’s my personal philosophy this year.

Did a lot of writing this year, but not as much as previous years - I figure that it was all quality writing so it’s still a win.  An overview of the last three years (numbers from AO3 + my crappy math)

  • 2013: 204,942
  • 2014: 267,071
  • 2015: 198,484 (plus hundreds of crappy tumblr posts)

Things that were crap in 2015 for me personally:

  • a ‘mid’-life crisis and the ever-present crippling fear of death
  • My PMDD kicked my ass over the first part of the year.
  • While work is good, there are Circumstances Outside My Control coming down in 2016 that I’ve been worrying about quite a lot.
  • I spend too much goddamned money.

Resolutions for 2016:

  • Write more consistently
  • Get more sleep.
  • Drink less caffeine and alcohol (we say that every year don’t we)
  • Do at least 5 ‘races’ this year (10K walks, probably, or maybe a 5K shamble run)
  • Make it through.

what about you? what are you hoping for in 2016?

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A summary of my last week:
  • The bathroom fan in my apartment stopped working
  • The handle/latch on one of the living room windows fell off
  • Flat tire (see below)
  • My credit card was compromised 
On the up side, I did my 10K walk yesterday with my mother and we shaved 10 minutes off our time from last time!

All in all, ugh.

the tire thing

Backstory - last Thursday we had a cold snap and my truck's tire pressure warning light came on so I took her to the gas station - the tires were at around 5psi too low so I filled them up and off I went. Fast forward to today, when the warning light came on again just as I was getting to work. Back right tire was down again which through copious amounts of googling suggested was a slow leak. Now my truck is at Canadian Tire waiting for someone do do something about that. Luckily, I'm working from home tomorrow so I'm not on a time crunch and can go in to pick it up whenever they're done.

But still.

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My five kitchen essentials

 Because I need something to blog about and a clickbait-y headline never hurt. These are not kitchen essentials per-say, but the things I would pack to take with me if I was moving to the woods and never coming back. 

1. A good cast iron frying pan.  I stole mine from my mother when I moved out ngl and it's just great.

2. Granulated garlic, salt and pepper. Like, I have a cupboard full of spices and herbs and stuff, but in a pinch I could make do with those three.

3. A good knife that can hold an edge. I have a chef's knife i won in a raffle and a paring knife that cost me two bucks from Ikea. And that means I need...

4. A functional knife sharpener. The only gimmicky thing I have in my kitchen is the Sypderco Triangle Sharpening Kit and it's brilliant. 

5. Fresh limes. I mean, besides warding off scurvy, lime juice makes everything better. 

What are your five kitchen essentials? This entry was originally posted at There are currently comment count unavailable comments.


I keep meaning to come back to this place to post, but you know how it goes. I was poking around my old entries and I think it's interesting how I'm less likely to talk about myself online these days. Part of it is the 'do I really want this on tumblr" but also I'm apathetic :P

So I'm going to try to make at least one post a week on DW/LJ and we'll see how things go.

Also, if anyone has any questions or comments, drop them into comments :D

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Back from the Boundary Bay 10K

originally posted on Tumblr

It was a good morning for a race - it stopped raining as I was driving down, then picked up again on kilometre 9 along with the wind, but we did it! Those poor folks running the full marathon though. Anyway, me and my mum did the 10km in just over 2 hours. Not bad for someone who’s slacked off on her training.

For those not familiar with BC, here’s Boundary Bay.

We started on the left hand side of the map, east side of Tsawwassen ((/təˈwɑːsən/; from North Straits Salish: [səˈwɑːsən] or [tsəˈwɑːsən], meaning "facing the ocean")), where that little dip in the shoreline is, then curved north and east around the bay. For the Americans in the audience, Point Roberts is an American exclave like Alaska and a few points in Minnesota.

Some picture from the 10K shamble race:


Birds flying in formation overhead. Also, at the 5km turn around, I heard someone firing a shotgun at the passing birds. In a Canadian provincial park. Like, what the hell is that even.

The start of the race and the top of my head - the dude on the bike was medical, I think.

here is the sun shining through a gap in the clouds over the bay


Some dude running the half-marathon passes the 1km-to-go mark with us


Post-race bacon-blue-cheese-mushroom burger at the Roadhouse.
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Old Bones translated into Russian

Kollega over on AO3 has translated my Bones/Torchwood crossover, Old Bones, into Russian: Старые кости. So neat!

For those of you unfamiliar with the story, it’s my solution to the Gormogon case, focusing on Angela Montenegro and Jack Harkness. It’s one of those stories I look at, seven years later (O_O) and wonder why I can’t write like that anymore. (I know, the answer is that I’ve grown as a writer and am now writing in different ways about different things, and that’s okay too)

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Hands of Clay - Chapter 21: Footprints

Hands of Clay - Chapter 21: Footprints

James Barnes leads a busy life as a single working father in New York. But when his childhood best friend Steve Rogers falls back into his life, James will have to re-learn what love, friendship and and family are really all about.

Read Chapter Twenty-One: Footprints on AO3

This is a Bucky/Steve no-powers!AU/kidfic. Story inspired by this fanart.

In this chapter: After the stunning revelations in the last chapter, real life reasserts itself in unfortunate ways.

Note: This is a bit of a slower chapter, with a focus on the children. I edited this while on a great deal of nyquil so if anything looks weird let me know.

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the new tumblr update is making me persnickety I feel like I want to play the headcanon game when it comes to Hands of Clay. Either send me your Hands of Clay headcanons (comment or asks), or ask me about my headcanons/story bible/behind the scenes stuff - I’ll answer anything I can that isn’t spoilery. 

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In today’s vehicular adventures, we had a bad storm over the weekend and when I drove to work this morning, a suspicious splish-splosh sounded from the driver’s side door. I of course was not thrilled by the prospect of a trip to the mechanic, so after some scattered internet research, I learned that vehicle doors should have a drainage hole in the bottom of them to (wait for it) allow for proper drainage, and that sometimes the hole can get plugged with stuff. So I get home, sloshing the whole way, and still wearing my work clothes set about trying to find this blasted thing in between having to close the door for the passing traffic (I park on a narrow lane).

So I find the drainage hole. Which was plugged with a little plastic doohicky (probably from the factory days).

And I pulled the plug out.

After watching gallons of water pour out of my truck door, I picked up my purse, closed the door, and came upstairs to wash ick off my hands.

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finally: crossposting from Tumblr to LJ/DW

Thanks to the power of technology, there is finally a way to cross post from Tumblr to Livejournal and/or Dreamwidth.


Get yourself a free account at IFTT (if this, then that)

Then go to this recipe: and activate it. You’ll need to connect your Tumblr account to IFTTT, as well as your email - I’m using Gmail so I connected my relevant email account.

Then, and this is how I do it, I set up my Dreamwidth account for the postings, because  I have DW crosspost all entries to LJ automatically.

In DW: Go to your account settings at, then select Mobile:

In the box, enter whatever email address you connected in IFTTT. For your pin, go crazy but note that DW doesn’t save capital letters in the pin.

Then string together your account name with your pint in the following form: [email protected].

Now head back to your IFTTT recipe box:

And enter in that [email protected] into your address bar.


A word of caution: This recipe will crosspost EVERYTHING on Tumblr, both your new content and  all your reblogs. You can turn off the automatic push in the recipe’s top right-hand corner:

And then turn it on just before you make a super-important post. Like this one.

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Hey anon, I finished Inevitable last year

to the anon who commented on chapter 76 about the story not being finished, I actually finished Inevitable chapters 77-80 last March, and posted the whole story at AO3: Happy reading :)


Hands of Clay updates

So I've been posting Hands of Clay chapters for the past several months without putting up the notifications here - I've drifted away from this place so much. Anyway. Consider this a mega-update:

Chapter 16 went up yesterday. If you want to start at the beginning, here's chapter 1.

Hands of Clay
A Captain America AU story by [personal profile] mhalachai / mhalachaiswords

Summary: James Barnes leads a busy life as a single working father in New York. But when his childhood best friend Steve Rogers falls back into his life, James will have to re-learn what love, friendship and and family are really all about.

Rating: Teen for slightly mature themes, swearing
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, kid!Natasha, kid!Clint

Story inspired by this fanart by tumblrer bannannibal.

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Fanvid roundup

Hey everyone. So I reblogged some fanvids on my tumblr yesterday and wanted to share them with you here because they are wonderful.

MCU: Hawkeye (Fan-Made Trailer) by TatyanaOracle

Hannibal: You Belong With Me by Chick Grayson

Leverage: Parachute - Alec/Eliot/Parker

And one out of the archives, because I'm catching up on Night Vale podcasts:

Welcome to Night Vale: Goodnight, Night Vale by lawnchair-crisis

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So in light of the Criminal Minds spin-off news, I have a great idea for a low-budget CM spin-off. We can call it Criminal Minds: Quantico, and it will take place entirely in the FBI's Quantico facilities:

  • 37% Penelope Garcia at her computer while the BAU team jets around the country (CM cast can guest star weekly on her computer screen)

  • 12% clerks of the week standing around the water cooler talking office developments and politics

  • 24% character building scenes in the Quantico cafeteria (there has to be one right?) complete with jokes over the food

  • 3% X-Files gags whenever anyone has to go down to the filing room in the basement

  • 7% characters discussing cases outside while the cadets run around the campus on training jogs

  • 4% background discussions of the socio-political situation both in the US and internationally

  • 11% use of Spencer Reid dropping in on other departments during his lunch break and actually being seen as a valuable asset by 99% of FBI agents (instead of the boring trope of mocking the slightly eccentric genius and disregarding their insight i hate that trope)

  • 2% dinosaurs

Who's with me?

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