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Numerous differences in the petrography and organic geochemistry of two Tertiary, low rank coal deposits of Bulgaria, formed within comparable depositional environments, are outlined. Different floral assemblages are indicated as the main... more
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      Earth SciencesOrganic GeochemistryEnvironmental SciencesGround Water
Coal petrologic and mineralogic investigations, along with proximate and Rock-Eval pyrolysis, were performed on samples from a borehole in the center of the Karlovo basin in order to determine the depositional environment of the Karlovo... more
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      GeologyMineralogyDepositional EnvironmentCoal Geology
The aim of the present study is to provide additional information about the properties and depositional environment of the Kipra lignite seam, which was deposited during the regressive stage of development of the Maritza-West basin.... more
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À. Çäðàâêîâ, É. Êîðòåíñêè. 2004. Ìàöåðàëåí ñúñòàâ è óñëîâèÿ íà îòëàãàíå íà âúãëèùàòà îò Áåëîáðåaeêèÿ áàñåéí, Áúëãàðèÿ. -Ñïèñ. Áúëã. ãåîë. ä-âî, 65, 1-3, 157-166. Ðåçþìå. Áåëîáðåaeêèÿò âúãëèùåí áàñåéí å ðàçïîëîaeåí â Çàïàäíà Áúëãàðèÿ â... more
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      CoalCoal Geology
Compositions of Balsha lignite, Sofia coal-bearing basin, Bulgaria and carbonaceous shales are studied by petrological and geochemical proxies. The macropetrographic characteristic of profiles is relatively constant. The lignite is... more
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      GeologyCoal Geology
This paper presents results of monitoring research in the soils close to Thermal Power Plant “Bobov Dol”. The aim is to determine the changes in soil sorption capacity and soil acidity.The data obtained from research confirm that typical... more
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The article dealt with rem ote sensing satellite im ages m ade in the area of therm al power plant Bobov Dol. The spectral reflectance characteristics of different rocks and m inerals were studied using m ultispectral satellite im ages.... more
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The aim of this study is spatial analysis and assessm ent of the content of As in soils in the area of Bobov Dol Therm olectric power plant. Soil sam ples were taken according to previously selected polygonal network. The sam ple... more
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The paper deals with the content and composition of organic matter of soils polluted with ash from thermal Power Plant “Bobov dol”. coal impurities have impact not only on the amount of total carbon but also on the type of humus. Fine ash... more
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    • Soil Science
2 "Минпроект ЕАД", София РЕЗЮМЕ. Пети въглищен пласт от Балканския басейн е опробвани с 10 пластови проби. Въглищните аншлиф-брикети са изследвани в отразена бяла и флуорисцентна светлина в маслена имерсия и е измерен показател на... more
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The lignite seam was sampled in ten sections. According to the International In-Seam Coal Classification Gotse Delchev lignite can be classified as metalignite with calorific value -15.86 MJ/kg and huminite reflectance -0.246%. The... more
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РЕЗЮМЕ. Опробвани са въглищни пластове от Бобовдолския басейн. Определено е съдържанието на главните елементи във въглищната пепел. Пепелообразуващи елементи са Si, Al, Fe, Ca, S, Mg, Ti и K, тъй като техните концентрации надвишават 0,5%.... more
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The lignite seam was sampled in ten sections. According to the International In-Seam Coal Classification Gotse Delchev lignite can be classified as metalignite with calorific value -15.86 MJ/kg and huminite reflectance -0.246%. The... more
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Petrographic investigations of the Staniantsi lignite were performed on 45 samples using reflected white and fluorescent light. The dominant maceral group was determined to be Huminite with average amount of 84.2%. Textinite, ulminite,... more
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The lignite seam was sampled in ten sections. According to the International In-Seam Coal Classification Gotse Delchev lignite can be classified as metalignite with calorific value -15.86 MJ/kg and huminite reflectance -0.246%. The... more
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Twenty-four coal samples were collected from a gallery in the eastern part of the Maritza West basin in order to determine their inorganic composition. A variety of major, minor and accessory minerals is present. The mineral composition... more
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    • Mineralogy
Two limestone beds from Staniantsi Basin, Western Bulgaria, were sampled in an attempt to provide additional data on the palaeoenvironmental conditions during the deposition of the lacustrine sequence in that basin. Microscopy, XRD, SEM... more
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    • Facies
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Резюме. Въглищни пластове от (Пернишки, Бобовдолски и Пирински басейн) са опробвани с по 10 до 12 пластови проби. Въглищните аншлиф-брикети са изследвани в отразена бяла и флуоресцентна светлина в маслена имерсия и е измерена... more
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