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Loanwords are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language (the source language). A loanword can also be called a borrowing. The abstract noun borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a... more
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    • Postmodern Literary Theory and Popular Culture
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      American Theatre of the 20th CenturyArthur Miller
In Canada, the process of inventing the Canadian nation by its writers has been an on going process. Perhaps in no other country in recent history has the quest for national identity been such a major preoccupation for so long as it has... more
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    • Canadian Literature
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This paper seeks to explore the vivid vibrance of Toni Morrison's fiction with regard to her classic work Tar Baby. The use of names and name calling in this novel stand unrivalled in her oeuvre of African American heritage.
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    • African American Genre Fiction
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    • Indian Writing in English, Diasporic Cultural Fiction
This paper seeks to explore allusions from the Bible as well as contemporary feminist and historical events which have populated Margaret Atwood's dystopic novel The Handmaid's Tale. A mere cursory reading makes us aware of so many events... more
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considerations while comparing the two areas of fiction and film particularly on a plot-point-byplot-point basis to see how they match up against each other.
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    • Public health systems and services research
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      Public health systems and services researchThe American
The relation between preoperative left ventricular muscle mass and clinical outcome of the Fontan procedure was evaluated retrospectively in 22 patients with tricuspid atresia who were selected for this physiologic surgical correction by... more
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      AdolescentChildHemodynamicsLeft Ventricular Assist Device
Discussion about the social issues in Mahesh Dattani's work with special preference to his important play Final Solution
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    • Feminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslationLiterary translation
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      African American StudiesToni MorrisonToni Morrison (Literature)Magical Realism in Toni Morrison's Beloved
In the context of post-apartheid period, there have been certain measures introduced to have employment equity in South Africa. The integration of black leadership in a white dominant companies was one among them. The purpose of this... more
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      Organizational BehaviorMarketingInformation TechnologyKnowledge Management
In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the canonical trials of the Catholic Church due to the growing need to handle different types of trials namely marriage nullity trials, penal trials in the context of sexual abuse on... more
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      Canon LawCode of Canons of the Eastern Churches
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    • Educational Psychology
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    • Gender Studies