Papers by Prof Mahesh Yadav

International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2016
The use of such measures helps to understand the impact of various anthropometric variables on pe... more The use of such measures helps to understand the impact of various anthropometric variables on performance of sportsman. The study was revealed to understand the correlation among anthropometric and sports performance. The purpose of this study was to find out anthropometric characteristics in high performer and low performer Long jumpers. 40 male Long jumpers of age 19 years were assessed for the present study. Out of which 20 were high performers and 20 were low performer, the data of athletes was collected at Athletics Summer Camp 2016 in Ranchi region. The Long jumpers having participation of at least two years were selected for the current study. All subjects were assessed for height, weight, girths, diameters, and skin fold thickness. The data was analyzed by Applying descriptive statistic i.e., mean, standard deviation & t-test to find out the significant differences of/in high & low Performer Long jumpers in tribal areas. The high performance Long jumpers had taller than low Performance Long jumpers for standing height, upper leg length, lower leg length. The low performer long jumpers possess significantly greater weight, skin fold measurements (p<0.05). In Body Girths and Skeletal Diameters no significant differences were found (p>0.05). It is concluded that in some of the parameters there were significant differences between high & low performer in Long jumpers and high performer athletes showed better in anthropometric measurement.

International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2019
This study has one fold objectives: (i) to know the effect of yoga Nidra on selected physiologica... more This study has one fold objectives: (i) to know the effect of yoga Nidra on selected physiological variables of pre diabetic male patient. Twenty pre diabetic male patients (30-45 years) from different parts of Gorakhpur were randomly selected and were randomized into two groups. These patients fully participated in all training sessions during ten weeks of the training schedule. During this practice they did not take any other treatment. All participants were randomized into two groups. Group-IYoga Nidra, Group-II –control group. ResultsThe calculated value of t is 0.633 which is less than the tabulated value of t which is 1.984 at 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05), therefore there is no significant difference existing between the yoga asana group and yoga Nidra group at the initial stage, before the training was applied to both the groups. The calculated value of t is 3.00 which is higher than the tabulated value of t which is 1.984 at 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05), ...
International journal of physical education, sports and health, 2016
The purpose of this study was to compare physical fitness variable flexibility of Kabaddi and Kho... more The purpose of this study was to compare physical fitness variable flexibility of Kabaddi and Kho-Kho Players. To fulfill the objective of the study, 15 Kabaddi and 15 Kho-Kho male players were selected as subject from GGV, Bilaspur, who have participated at university level an did not participate in any other special training or the coaching programme. The subject age ranged from 20 to 25 years. The component of physical fitness which was selected for the present study measured by sit and reach test. Measure scale was in inch. In order to analyze the data t-test was used. Investigator observed the significant different between Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players. The result shows that Kabaddi players were having more flexibility than KhoKho players.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2017

This study has one fold objectives: (i) to know the effect of yoga Nidra and pranayama on selecte... more This study has one fold objectives: (i) to know the effect of yoga Nidra and pranayama on selected psychological variables of pre diabetic male patient. Sixty pre diabetic male patients (30-45 years) from different parts of Gorakhpur were randomly selected and were randomized into three groups. These patients fully participated in all training sessions during ten weeks of the training schedule. During this practice they did not take any other treatment. All participants were randomized into three groups. Group-I Yoga Nidra, Group-II pranayama group and Group-III Control Group. Results: The calculated value of t is 0.633 which is less than the tabulated value of t which is 1.984 at 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05), therefore there is no significant difference existing between the yoga asana group and yoga Nidra group at the initial stage, before the training was applied to all the groups. The calculated value of t is 3.00 which is higher than the tabulated value of t which is 1...

In recent years, there has been a remarkable expansion of sports science offers methods by which ... more In recent years, there has been a remarkable expansion of sports science offers methods by which the very fast actions, which occur in sports, can be recorded and analyzed in detail. There are various reasons for doing this. One is to understand the general mechanical effectiveness of the movements, another is the detailed description of the skill, yet another is an analysis of the factors underlying successful performance. Strength in the lower limbs is of obvious concern in soccer. The ability to sustain it forceful contraction is also important in maintaining balance and control. Weight training strength is possibly important in maintaining a player balance on a slippery pitch and it also contributes to ball control. In the case of outfield players the lower part of trunk, the hip flexors, planter flexors and dorsi flexors of the ankle are used most. 33 players of Gorakhpur University (U.P) volunteered to participate as subjects for this study. Hence, all the subjects were regarded as having a reasonably good standard of performance in soccer. In this experimental study 33 soccer players were randomly assigned, 11 each in three experimental group namely polymetric strength training group, weight training group, and control group. plyometric and weight training for eight weeks combined with control group with improve power and torque acceleration energy and also improved performance in kicking with instep of the foot and inner instep of the foot in distance as well as in accuracy. There will be positive correlation between the effects of plyometric and isotonic strength training on selected soccer techniques. Based on the analysis and findings of the study, the hypothesis formulated earlier that there would be no difference in the effect of plyometric and weight training exercises on the performance of selected soccer techniques, is rejected in the case of covering distance and getting accuracy.

The purpose of present study was to examine the sports competitive anxiety level among different ... more The purpose of present study was to examine the sports competitive anxiety level among different university level team game male players of Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University (DDU), Gorakhpur (U.P.). For this study researcher were randomly selected 48 male (cricket=16, football=16 and hockey=16) players from of Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University (DDU), Gorakhpur (U.P.) and their age ranged from 18-28 years. To examine the anxiety level of the player's sports competitive anxiety test (SCAT) developed by Ranier Martens's standardized questionnaire was used. Descriptive statistics and one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and LSD test was used to find out the significance of differences with the help of SPSS (16.0 version) software. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The finding of study indicates that the mean of football (22.9375) players significantly lower level of anxiety in comparison to the cricket (24.6875) and hockey (23.8750) players. The mean of hockey (23.8750) players significantly lower level of anxiety in comparison to the cricket (24.6875) players. Thus, it concludes that the anxiety level of the football players is lower in comparison to the players of cricket and hockey players.

The use of such measures helps to understand the impact of various anthropometric variables on pe... more The use of such measures helps to understand the impact of various anthropometric variables on performance of sportsman. The study was revealed to understand the correlation among anthropometric and sports performance. The purpose of this study was to find out anthropometric characteristics in high performer and low performer Long jumpers. 40 male Long jumpers of age 19 years were assessed for the present study. Out of which 20 were high performers and 20 were low performer, the data of athletes was collected at Athletics Summer Camp 2016 in Ranchi region. The Long jumpers having participation of at least two years were selected for the current study. All subjects were assessed for height, weight, girths, diameters, and skin fold thickness. The data was analyzed by Applying descriptive statistic i.e., mean, standard deviation & t-test to find out the significant differences of/in high & low Performer Long jumpers in tribal areas. The high performance Long jumpers had taller than low Performance Long jumpers for standing height, upper leg length, lower leg length. The low performer long jumpers possess significantly greater weight, skin fold measurements (p<0.05). In Body Girths and Skeletal Diameters no significant differences were found (p>0.05). It is concluded that in some of the parameters there were significant differences between high & low performer in Long jumpers and high performer athletes showed better in anthropometric measurement. Introduction Anthropometric measurements are the best applicable means for studying body size, shape and composition. It helps greatly in sports talent selection, sports counseling and measurement of obesity for health related physical fitness. Anthropometry is the application of body measurement to the study of human size, shape, proportion, composition, maturation and gross functions so as to help understand human movement in the context of growth, exercise, performance and nutrition. Anthropometry is widely used for sports talent Identification, human growth study, performance enhancement in sports etc. Anthropometry examines the link between anatomy (structure) and performance (function) (MacDougall et al., 1982). Athletes often use extreme training methods to gain any edge they can over their competitors. sports training is a popular method of athletes utilize, especially endurance training consists of training several weeks in tribal area, preferably over 250 feet above sea level. Today it has been widely accepted by the experts that top performance in sports is achieved if an athlete possesses the basic anthropometric characteristics suitable for the event. Anthropometric factors may have different effects in different sports disciplines and over different body. Body composition also makes an important contribution to an individual's level of physical fitness for performance. Several studies on various body characteristics of different sports activities have been carried out by many researchers and they concluded that strong relationship exist between structure and performance (Gualdi Russo. Long jump which is an excellent track & field sports has been widely accepted as a highly competitive as well as recreational event all over the world. Anthropometric measurements have revealed correlation's between body structure, physical characteristics and sports capabilities. The knowledge of mathematical correlation permits sports physicians to evaluate and to predict performance – potentialities on the basis of physical characteristics and specific requirements of the game. Thus the aim of this work is
The purpose of this study was to compare physical fitness variable flexibility of Kabaddi and Kho... more The purpose of this study was to compare physical fitness variable flexibility of Kabaddi and Kho-Kho Players. To fulfill the objective of the study, 15 Kabaddi and 15 Kho-Kho male players were selected as subject from GGV, Bilaspur, who have participated at university level an did not participate in any other special training or the coaching programme. The subject age ranged from 20 to 25 years. The component of physical fitness which was selected for the present study measured by sit and reach test. Measure scale was in inch. In order to analyze the data t-test was used. Investigator observed the significant different between Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players. The result shows that Kabaddi players were having more flexibility than Kho-Kho players.

Games and sports is a specialized field. It requires a specific, scientific and systematic type o... more Games and sports is a specialized field. It requires a specific, scientific and systematic type of training to improve performance of player. Each activity requires a specific type physical fitness components; thus to improve these components, a specific type of training is required. The programmes of training Today process is known as sports training. Sports training are the branch of science which helps to increase sports performance. There are various types of training methods to improve performance by developing physical fitness in a proper way. Sports training programme improve physical fitness components along with health wellness. It guides us the correct method to perform physical activity. The programme of sports training also guide us the preventive, safe and correct ways of performing physical activity. Now a days every sports competition is becoming tough. Thus best training methods are developed and used to prove the excellence.
The purpose of this study was to compare physical fitness variable flexibility of Kabaddi and Kho... more The purpose of this study was to compare physical fitness variable flexibility of Kabaddi and Kho-Kho Players. To fulfill the objective of the study, 15 Kabaddi and 15 Kho-Kho male players were selected as subject from GGV, Bilaspur, who have participated at university level an did not participate in any other special training or the coaching programme. The subject age ranged from 20 to 25 years. The component of physical fitness which was selected for the present study measured by sit and reach test. Measure scale was in inch. In order to analyze the data t-test was used. Investigator observed the significant different between Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players. The result shows that Kabaddi players were having more flexibility than Kho-Kho players.

Fitness which may be defined as the successful adaptation to the stressors of one's life style is... more Fitness which may be defined as the successful adaptation to the stressors of one's life style is a desirable human condition and is based on a scientific and systematic training programme and those who are enamored of practice without science, are like a pilot who goes to the ship without rudder. As pointed out earlier and out of the latest scientific progress in the field of physical education and sports, it is a fact that strength is the most indispensable factor of physical prowess and the best way to develop strength is through an organized programme of weight training and all the empirical evidence available shows conclusively that through the judicious use of weight training, we effectively improve strength, muscular endurance and power, all of which are vital to the athlete. Based on the analysis and findings of the study, the hypothesis formulated earlier that there would be no difference in the effect of isometric and isotonic exercises on the performance of selected field events, is rejected in the case of putting the shot and running broad jump. With regard to the performance in putting the shot, both isotonic exercises and isometric exercises produced equal training effect in this event. All the two methods of strength training namely isometric, isotonic proved to be superior as compared to the control group in improving performance in running broad jump and putting the shot. Introduction In athletics, some amount of resistance has to be overcome and the greater the resistance, stronger should be the sportsman. A high level of speed, endurance, technique, and other coordinated abilities are impossible if the sportsman lacks the requisite amount of strength, which is regarded as the ability of the sportsman to overcome resistance or to act against it. The strength can be dynamic or static. The static (isometric) and dynamic (isotonic) strength are two principal types of strength which we come across in athletics. A more accurate measure of strength can be obtained by using dynamometers or tensiometers – instrument which measure force. The maximum strength which is the highest possible resistance, a sportsman can overcome through voluntary contractions of the muscles, the explosive strength which is the ability of the sportsman to overcome resistance with high speed, and the strength endurance which is the ability to act against resistance under conditions of fatigue can be developed through different weight training exercises. The maximum strength, strength endurance can be dynamic or static and the explosive strength can be dynamic. There is no short cut to strength development as there is non for the development of skill, agility or endurance in an athlete. No amount of fancy gimmicks or equipment or adoption of alleged time saving fads will substitute for a long term programme of hard work that is required to develop the quality of strength, needed by an athlete for optimum performance in his specialty. Greater progress in track and field performance during the past few years has been the result of harder work by the athlete, not by resorting to short cuts and less work. Since isotonic and isometric exercises are backbone of building the strength which is the pre – requisite for better result, it is mostly indispensable to have the better knowledge about the two types of strength builders. It further tempts the researcher to know as to which type is better than the other since so far the differentiation is not available. The two type of exercises must be taken up after warm up, for no one has yet disapproved that a warm, stretched muscle gives a greater response to a stimulus than a cold, unscratched one. At the same time to guard against stiffness, the cooling down at the end of each weight training session is necessary.

It has been told repeatedly that yoga helps to reduce anxiety and Yoga Asanas are great way to do... more It has been told repeatedly that yoga helps to reduce anxiety and Yoga Asanas are great way to do so. Too many papers in Past have been presented on the benefits of yoga posture. So what's unique about this research paper? This study has two fold objectives:-(i) Intends to equip students with best tools to deal with anxiety and (ii) To verify the claims made by yogis in past scientifically in the light of fact that world today is not same as that in 1400 or 1500 AD. Hundred football players (18-24 years) from different colleges of D.D.U Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur whose anxiety levels scores were assessed based on EdFenn Beck Anxiety Self Rating Scale, were randomized into two groups. These students fully participated in all training sessions during two weeks of the training schedule. During this practice they did not take any other treatment. All participants were randomized into two groups. Group-I-Yoga Asanas, Group-II –Yoga Nindra. The Anxiety levels of all these students were assessed before starting the program and after the completion of two weeks training procedure. Results-The calculated value of t is 0.633 which is less than the tabulated value of t which is 1.984 at 0.05 level of significance (p<0.05), therefore there is no significant difference existing between the yoga asana group and yoga Nidra group at the initial stage, before the training was applied to both the groups. The calculated value of t is 3.00 which is higher than the tabulated value of t which is 1.984 at 0.05 level of significance (p>0.05), therefore there exist a significant difference in the anxiety level between the yoga asana group and yoga Nidra group at the later stage at the end of the training. Hence it can be said that the yoga Nidra training helped in remarkable improvement in lowering the anxiety level of the Yoga Nidra group in comparison to the yoga asana group. Conclusion-The students showing minimal to moderate anxiety symptoms have shown significant decrease in their anxiety scores after two weeks 'Yoga Nidra' session. Even in most cases their anxiety level is reduced. But in case of students with severe anxiety symptoms there is very little improvement qualitatively whereas quantitatively there is greater reduction in anxiety scores. Also this research indicates that Yoga Nidra is an effective tool for dealing with psychological problems like anxiety. Introduction Anxiety is a normal emotional response to the challenging & threatening situations which lead us to emotional and Physical pressure. Today in our fast paced world, it nearly impossible to live without anxiety, whether you are a Student or working professional. According to the American Psychological Association anxiety is an emotion Characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. A certain amount of anxiety is necessary and useful part of studying. It assists student to work harder & be Focused on their studies. However if students are too much stressed they can't study effectively. It is important to distinguish between anxiety that assists you to study and anxiety that prevent you from studying effectively. We believe yoga is India's greatest gift to the world. We also respect the hard-work of all the past yogis. It has been told repeatedly that yoga helps to reduce anxiety and Yoga Asanas are great way to do so. But times have changed a lot now from the date since yogic techniques were invented. Even the levels of pollution today is much, much greater than that of 50 years ago then how can we be sure of the effect of a technique created centuries ago. So a research is needed to verify the effect of yogic techniques & their ability to handle anxiety.
Papers by Prof Mahesh Yadav