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Marginalized Sex in Mahesh Dattani’s Seven Steps Around the Fire and On a Muggy Night in Mumbai
Love, sexual desires, though related with instinctive behaviour, are controlled by the canons of morality. In the traditional Indian society, heterosexuality has been considered as the ‘norm’, an established gender related taboo and homosexuality has been shunned as ‘deviant, perversion and even criminal’ (Agarwal,2008, p. 46). Mahesh Dattani, the uncompromising dramatist in his two plays Seven Steps Around the Fire and On a Muggy Night in Mumbai boldly questions the homophobic Indian society and points out how the transgendered (though he retains the colloquial term, ‘hijra’) and the gay people are marginalized, victimized with social atrocities, and excluded into the periphery, though, no longer theirs is the subculture. The present paper focuses how the eunachs or the transgendered are stigmatized, treated as the ‘Other’ having no voice to speak for. As Subbu, the son of the Minister marries Kamala, an eunach, Mr. Sharma, the Minister connives with Salim, his bodyguard to murder Kamala and later on, he arranges a grand marriage ceremony for his son. The brutal murder was not reported in the newspapers, only Anarkali, another eunach who used to live with Kamala was arrested. All transgendered persons knew who was behind the murder but they can not speak as nobody will hear them. Thus, they are silenced. In another play, On a Muggy Night in Mumbai, Dattani shows how the traditional Indian societies through set behavioural patterns determine the established identity and the gay people like Kamlesh, Prakash (Ed), Bunny resort to hypocrisy and pretention. They frantically try to conform to the established sexual pattern in reorienting them but in turn highlights the insensitive Indian society which leads them to suffer from terrible identity crisis. Thus, the transgendered, the homosexuals are marginalized, even though their sexual inclination is a natural one.
Keywords: Transgendered, Pervert, Homophobic, gay, identity crisis
Marginalized Sex in Mahesh Dattani’s Seven Steps Around the Fire and On a Muggy Night in Mumbai
Love, sexual desires, though related with instinctive behaviour, are controlled by the canons of morality. In the traditional Indian society, heterosexuality has been considered as the ‘norm’, an established gender related taboo and homosexuality has been shunned as ‘deviant, perversion and even criminal’ (Agarwal,2008, p. 46). Mahesh Dattani, the uncompromising dramatist in his two plays Seven Steps Around the Fire and On a Muggy Night in Mumbai boldly questions the homophobic Indian society and points out how the transgendered (though he retains the colloquial term, ‘hijra’) and the gay people are marginalized, victimized with social atrocities, and excluded into the periphery, though, no longer theirs is the subculture. The present paper focuses how the eunachs or the transgendered are stigmatized, treated as the ‘Other’ having no voice to speak for. As Subbu, the son of the Minister marries Kamala, an eunach, Mr. Sharma, the Minister connives with Salim, his bodyguard to murder Kamala and later on, he arranges a grand marriage ceremony for his son. The brutal murder was not reported in the newspapers, only Anarkali, another eunach who used to live with Kamala was arrested. All transgendered persons knew who was behind the murder but they can not speak as nobody will hear them. Thus, they are silenced. In another play, On a Muggy Night in Mumbai, Dattani shows how the traditional Indian societies through set behavioural patterns determine the established identity and the gay people like Kamlesh, Prakash (Ed), Bunny resort to hypocrisy and pretention. They frantically try to conform to the established sexual pattern in reorienting them but in turn highlights the insensitive Indian society which leads them to suffer from terrible identity crisis. Thus, the transgendered, the homosexuals are marginalized, even though their sexual inclination is a natural one.
Keywords: Transgendered, Pervert, Homophobic, gay, identity crisis