Papers by Grigory Kazakov
30th Shakespeare Readings, 2024
Шекспир, британское страноведение и домашнее чтение: из опыта создания учебного пособия
Многоязычие в образовательном пространстве, 2024
Россия в зеркале русской литературы. Часть 2, 2024
В статье кратко рассматривается роль чтения при изучении иностранного языка (в т.ч. в связи с воп... more В статье кратко рассматривается роль чтения при изучении иностранного языка (в т.ч. в связи с вопросом о размере словарного запаса и объеме инпута, соответствующих разным уровням владения языком) и предлагаются методические рекомендации относительно того, как подобрать оптимальный для обучающегося тип текста.
Язык. Сознание. Коммуникация: методология и гуманитарные практики (вызовы современности), 2024
This paper compares the volitional aspects of polyglottery (consciously attained individual multi... more This paper compares the volitional aspects of polyglottery (consciously attained individual multilingualism) and sport by reference to research literature in the context of expert performance. It is observed that in both fields achieving professionalism is ensured by common psychological principles related to developing specialized skills (effective neural connections) based on high levels of motivation and volitional effort.
Geolinguistic Studies: Language Contact, Conflict, Development and Education, 2024
Трансформация медицинского образования в цифровую эпоху, 2023
This paper compares polyglots' and chess masters' cognitive skills by reference to research liter... more This paper compares polyglots' and chess masters' cognitive skills by reference to research literature. It is hypothesized that in both cases expertise is based on developing high neural efficiency, which, in its turn, relies on the brain capacity for specialization and on an exceptionally high level of motivation.
Вестник Череповецкого государственного университета, 2023
This paper describes the professional development course on Scouting Education System conducted a... more This paper describes the professional development course on Scouting Education System conducted at Cherepovets State University in Russia in spring 2023.
Многоязычие в образовательном пространстве, 2023
Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, 2023
This paper is a review of the Polyglot Conference 2022 in Cholula and the 3rd International Semin... more This paper is a review of the Polyglot Conference 2022 in Cholula and the 3rd International Seminar on Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, both united by the topic of Mexico’s linguistic and cultural heritage. Discussed are the social and psychological aspects of polyglottery, language museums, Mexican Spanish, works of Yuri Knorozov, written sources of the Nahua culture, reading acquisition in modern and ancient languages, counting systems of Australian Aboriginals, and broader issues of multilingual and minority language studies.

Российская психолингвистика: итоги и перспективы. Материалы XX Международного симпозиума по психолингвистике и теории коммуникации, 2022
This paper seeks to identify common principles operating behind the mechanisms of language learni... more This paper seeks to identify common principles operating behind the mechanisms of language learning (and polyglottery as its highly efficient form), machine translation and artificial intelligence as different applications of brain functions that can be modelled in technology. Language acquisition is stated to depend on two main factors, input (speech material) and affective filter (emotional readiness to receive it), in Stephen Krashen's terms, and the threshold level of foreign language competence (B1-B2) is argued to require the input of some 1 million words. The more efficient forms of machine translation are characterized as having passed from formalized rules to systems based on statistical analysis of human translations which need bilingual and monolingual corpora amounting to hundreds of millions of words. Modern models of artificial intelligence are described as having moved from preloaded knowledge to precedent-based inductive learning which requires extensive samples for each parameter of the object being studied. In all of these cases, more data means better results. The common principles of the said functions thus seem to be the input factor, the statistical mechanism, and the principle of analogy and typology, i.e. finding patterns in large sets of empirical data and then using them to recognize and classify new phenomena. In the case of polyglots, their cognitive skills based on these principles must be developed to perfection thanks to their high brainwork efficiency.
Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, 2022
This paper is a review of academic conferences on polyglottery that took place in spring 2022, na... more This paper is a review of academic conferences on polyglottery that took place in spring 2022, namely a paper at the conference "Integrative and Cross-Cultural Approaches to the Study of Thinking and Language", the 2nd International Seminar on Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, and the round table "Research on Polyglottery: Theoretical Analysis and Practice" as part of the 20th International Symposium on Psycholinguistics and Communication Theory. Discussed are polyglots’ cognitive skills, self-monitoring instruments and learning strategies, the hyperintensive method, cognitive metaphors, social perception of polyglottery, common principles behind language processing by brain and by machine, and other issues.
Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, 2022
This publication is a summary of the lectures given by the author to the students and faculty of ... more This publication is a summary of the lectures given by the author to the students and faculty of the University of Gdansk in January 2022. Their topics included recent trends in polyglot studies (research on polyglottery), personal experience of exploring the Japanese language and culture and input as a factor in language learning.
Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, 2021
Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, 2021
Although knowledge of foreign languages is now becoming increasingly necessary, language educatio... more Although knowledge of foreign languages is now becoming increasingly necessary, language education in most parts of the world (with few exceptions) seems to be rather inefficient. This paper attempts to define the most common problems of general language instruction and their possible solutions. In the first part, linguistic, psychological, methodological and external factors affecting the learning process are singled out. In the second part, it is discussed how these problems could be solved and some practical measures are proposed.
Linguistics & Polyglot Studies, 2021
This paper offers an overview of the major events and trends in the field of polyglottery as a sc... more This paper offers an overview of the major events and trends in the field of polyglottery as a science (the study of consciously attained individual multilingualism) from 2010 to 2021 with special attention to its implications for language education and its connections with geolinguistics (understood as global or geographically specified sociolinguistics in the tradition of the American Society of Geolinguistics). Mentioned are, among other things, the milestone academic conferences in New York, Tokyo and Moscow, the creation of the first organized polyglot group in East Asia, and the first graduation papers on polyglottery defended for a bachelor’s degree in linguistics. An attempt is made to put these research results and ideas in general scientific context.

EDULEARN21 Proceedings, 2021
This paper reviews the main sources of research information on polyglottery as consciously attain... more This paper reviews the main sources of research information on polyglottery as consciously attained individual multilingualism. The first group of such sources is "polyglot memoirs", in which polyglots describe their experience and offer advice to language learners. The second group is research literature where polyglots are regarded as an object of scientific study. The third group is comprised of the materials produced by the modern polyglot movement, namely videos of the talks given at the annual Polyglot Conferences and Polyglot Gatherings. On the basis of this data, one can observe that polyglottery has become a valid field of research connected with psycholinguistics that can offer valuable insights into language education and other socially significant issues. This paper summarizes the particular results achieved by polyglot studies in recent years and indicates the questions that remain open for further research.

EDULEARN21 Proceedings, 2021
This study seeks to explain the usefulness of parallel translation as a language learning tool an... more This study seeks to explain the usefulness of parallel translation as a language learning tool and the reasons for its efficacy in the light of the comprehensible input hypothesis and data from polyglottery. In this connection, the discussion of intensive vs. extensive learning is raised and a preliminary calculation of the amount of input necessary for language acquisition is offered. A classification of bilingual text types (vertical, horizontal, interlinear and incorporated) is suggested and sample learning materials for several languages (French, Japanese, Middle English, Veps and Newar) are provided. The paper mentions the titles of some particular textbooks based on this method (such as Assimil, Langenscheidt and Gakken publications) and considers the factors affecting its applicability. Parallel translation is shown to be a straightforward way of creating educational materials for smaller and rarer languages as well as for studying recurrent features of different languages and their respective cultures. Learning resources of this kind are also demonstrated to have particular significance in the light of the receptive multilingualism approach that stresses the priority of foreign language comprehension (rather than speech production) for successful and fair international communication. Mention is made of different attitudes towards bilingual texts among polyglots who are traditionally known for using this kind of materials in their study. While some learners praise parallel translation as a unique method of vocabulary acquisition, others indicate that it diminishes the intellectual work necessary for language learning. Still others point out that the efficiency of this method depends on the structural similarities/differences in a given pair of languages. By way of conclusion, parallel translation is demonstrated to be an effective way of making extensive language input comprehensible from the earliest stages of the learning process and of customizing it to one's personal interests. Progress to more advanced levels of language proficiency should probably imply shifting from bilingual texts to adapted literature (graded readers) to authentic foreign speech sources.

Научный диалог, 2021
The article is devoted to the study of the lexical aspects of Russian Bible translations of the 1... more The article is devoted to the study of the lexical aspects of Russian Bible translations of the 19th—21st centuries in comparative coverage and is a continuation of a study previously conducted by reference to English Bibles. A historical overview of the existing Russian translations is given (the Synodal translation and the texts preceding it, the New Testament of Bishop Cassian, the Bible of the World Bible Translation Center, the “Central Asian translation”, the translation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Bible of the International Bible Society, the modern translation of the Russian Bible Society, the “Zaoksky Bible”). Special attention is paid to modern editions. Samples of texts are compared according to the lexical parameters of adaptiveness, terminologicalness, style and literalness. On the basis of this comparison, a classification of the considered translations is proposed, and their typological features and interconnections are established. The lexical nature of translations is interpreted in terms of their sociolinguistic effect (public perception). The data obtained confirms the pattern previously found in the English-language Bibles — the inverse relationship between adaptiveness on the one hand and terminologicalness, high style and literalness of the translation on the other. In terms of lexical characteristics, the Synodal and the “Central Asian” translations differ most from each other, which is probably due to their focus on church tradition and missionary goals, respectively.
Book of Abstracts of 12th ISAPL International Congress, 2021
Translatoryka i glottodydaktyka. Od teorii do praktyki, 2019
This paper seeks to explain the usefulness of parallel translation as a language learning tool an... more This paper seeks to explain the usefulness of parallel translation as a language learning tool and the reasons for its efficacy in the light of the comprehensible input hypothesis and data from polyglottery. A classification of bilingual text types (vertical, horizontal, interlinear and incorporated) is suggested and sample learning materials for several languages (including rare ones) are provided. The paper also mentions the titles of some particular textbooks based on this method and considers the factors affecting its applicability.
Papers by Grigory Kazakov