

Ireo bika rehetra

Web Design

Web Design

Efa mihoatra ny 2 taona izay io bika io no tsy nisy fanavaozana. Mety efa tsy misy mpikarakara intsony io bika io ary mety efa tsy dia afaka ampiasaina loatra intsony miaraka amin’ireo andian’ny WordPress vaovao taty aoriana.

Zanaka bika avy amin’ny eCommerce Plus ity.

  • Laharan’andiany 1.2.0
  • Ny fiovana farany 26 Septambra 2021
  • Isan’ny mpampiasa azy ankehitriny 100+
  • Laharan’andiany PHP 5.6

Web Design is responsive and multi purpose ecommerce theme with multiple variations of header, footer and color design and it is highly customizable WordPress theme. It is suitable for any dynamic e-commerce sites, news, shop, woocomemrce storefront, newspapers, magazine, blogs, online store, online and gaming magazines and any scale business sites. Web Design Free WordPress theme is fully responsive, cross-browser compatible, translation ready & SEO friendly. If you run into any problem while using our theme, you can refer to extensive documentation or contact our friendly support team. It fully supports Elementor.

Sintona isan'andro

Isan’ny mampiasa azy : 100+


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Azo ampiasaina amin'ireto fiteny ireto io bika io : English (US).

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