

Ireo bika rehetra

The Landing Page

The Landing Page

Efa mihoatra ny 2 taona izay io bika io no tsy nisy fanavaozana. Mety efa tsy misy mpikarakara intsony io bika io ary mety efa tsy dia afaka ampiasaina loatra intsony miaraka amin’ireo andian’ny WordPress vaovao taty aoriana.

  • Laharan’andiany 1.0.3
  • Ny fiovana farany 27 Janoary 2014
  • Isan’ny mpampiasa azy ankehitriny 60+

This is very unique fluid-responsive theme. Amongst its current Features are: Built for Unlinked Multiple Landing Pages, Minimalistic Design, No Images Used – Pure CSS, Uses FontAwesome v4.0.3, Fluid Width Layout, and it is Compatible With Most Popular Plugins. The Landing Page WordPress Theme boasts a very unique feat of establishing a full theme with a Theme Options page and widgets at a very low file count and total size.

Sintona isan'andro

Isan’ny mampiasa azy : 60+