Happy Peanuts

Designed for creating blogs and personal sites. This theme offers nine different filter effects for images and featured images. It also offers an effect that shows or hides the filter as the cursor hovers over the image. This theme runs in two columns. In this version, besides image filter effects, there are four widget areas, a menu area, an extra single column template for pages, an extra single column template for posts, custom logo, responsive design, the option to add copyright in the footer.
Angaly fikirakirana koja, Blaogy, Sary famantarana namboarina manokana, Menu namboarina, Sary asongadina, Lasitra mameno ny sakany., Mpaka sary, Fampirantiana zava-bita, Bara anila ankavanana, Fanovana ny lasitra, Tolotra mampiavaka ny bika, Fanehoan-kevitra mifampiditra, Vonona ho adika teny, Tsanganana roa, Koja mivelatra
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