

Ireo bika rehetra



Efa mihoatra ny 2 taona izay io bika io no tsy nisy fanavaozana. Mety efa tsy misy mpikarakara intsony io bika io ary mety efa tsy dia afaka ampiasaina loatra intsony miaraka amin’ireo andian’ny WordPress vaovao taty aoriana.

  • Laharan’andiany 2.6.1
  • Ny fiovana farany 23 Aogositra 2018
  • Isan’ny mpampiasa azy ankehitriny 1 000+

Discovery is a highly customizable, fully responsive free WordPress Business Theme. With a focus on simple customization, Discovery allows you to add your own logo, header, featured areas, social media links and much more with a click of a button. This multi-purpose theme has a premium quality design that can fit the needs of any website.

Sintona isan'andro

Isan’ny mampiasa azy : 1 000+