

Ireo bika rehetra



Efa mihoatra ny 2 taona izay io bika io no tsy nisy fanavaozana. Mety efa tsy misy mpikarakara intsony io bika io ary mety efa tsy dia afaka ampiasaina loatra intsony miaraka amin’ireo andian’ny WordPress vaovao taty aoriana.

  • Laharan’andiany 1.2.6
  • Ny fiovana farany 15 Martsa 2021
  • Isan’ny mpampiasa azy ankehitriny 500+
  • Laharan’andiany PHP 5.6

Dashy is clean Masonry,Grid and List ready WordPress blog theme with an elegant, responsive, powerful and beautifully crafted design. This theme is suitable for all personal or professional blogs, magazine-style blogs and lifestyle websites.This theme is developed based on customizer settings. You can see the live changes that you have made in customizer.It has category post widget,canvas sidebar, copyright text, footer widgets, blog page options, related posts, sticky sidebar, etc. This theme is lightweight and easy to use theme for travel blog, food blog, technology blog and fashion blog. You can also use this theme for news,magazine and portfolio sites too. It comes with demo data to make the site like the demo, detailed documentation , free support via chat.

Sintona isan'andro

Isan’ny mampiasa azy : 500+