

Ireo bika rehetra

Brand Agency

Brand Agency

Efa mihoatra ny 2 taona izay io bika io no tsy nisy fanavaozana. Mety efa tsy misy mpikarakara intsony io bika io ary mety efa tsy dia afaka ampiasaina loatra intsony miaraka amin’ireo andian’ny WordPress vaovao taty aoriana.

Zanaka bika avy amin’ny Brand ity.

  • Laharan’andiany 1.0.1
  • Ny fiovana farany 23 Aprily 2018
  • Isan’ny mpampiasa azy ankehitriny 70+
  • Laharan’andiany WordPress 4.6

Brand Agency is a Brand child theme. Brand is a fast, lightweight, flexible WordPress theme. It is also mobile and tablet responsive. Cross browser compatible, Brand is easily customizable: add a slider, an image or a video on the front page, change colors, typography, enable and disable elements, add left or right sidebar and much more. To start building your website navigate to Appearance > Customize. Then take a look at our amazing add-ons at https://www.wp-brandtheme.com/add-ons.

Sintona isan'andro

Isan’ny mampiasa azy : 70+