Import / Export Customizer Settings


Astra theme customizer offers several settings for header/footer layout, sidebar and blog designs, colors, backgrounds, typography and much more. You need to tweak the number of settings to make your site look flawless. These settings can be moved to other Astra sites easily with Import / Export Customizer Settings plugin. It will save repetitive work to arrange all customizer settings for each new Astra site or while moving the site from local to live.

It is an easy-to-use plugin for the Astra theme that lets you import-export customizer settings.


This Import/Export plugin is created only for the Astra theme. You should have the Astra theme installed and activated on your website.

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  1. Make sure you have the Astra theme installed and activated.
  2. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  4. Once activated, you’ll find Import Export settings in the Astra Options page.


Can I use this plugin with other themes?

No! This plugin will only work with the Astra theme.

How to use this plugin?

  1. Install and activate the Import / Export Customizer Settings plugin from the Plugins page.(Make sure you have Astra theme installed and activated.)
  2. Go to Astra Dashboard > Settings, where you’ll find Import Settings (to upload and apply a settings file) and Export Settings (to download your current Astra Customizer settings).

Will this plugin work for premium Astra version i.e. Astra Pro?

Yes! Astra Pro settings that are available with customizer can be imported/exported with this plugin.


06 Aogositra 2024 1 reply
Copy Astra settings over from test site to staging site to production site, works like a charm. Not all settings are transferred though. – The sidebar in the blog/individual page has to be re-done manually, but that’s allright.- I used the Export / Import Menu plugin for the menu’s
Read all 5 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Import / Export Customizer Settings” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • New: Capability to import-export Astra header & footer customizer layouts separately.
  • Fix: Settings link is not redirecting on correct place.


  • Improvement: Compatibility with Astra 4.0.0.


  • Fix: PHP notice while importing the settings – Undefined index astra-addons


  • Improvement: Added Astra Global Color Palette and Typography Preset options compatibility.


  • Fix: Security hardening.


  • Improvement: Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules.
  • Fix: Setting page and after import link White Label compatible.
  • Fix: Theme name on Options page is now White Label compatible.


  • Fix: Security Update.


  • Fix: PHP Notice in the Import functionality.


  • Initial release