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Berdasarkan pada kategori kesalehan normatif (normative piety) Bubuhan Kumai dapat dibedakan menjadi tiga varian Awam, Nahu, dan Hakekat. Ketiga varian ini samasama mengklaim sebagai pengikut ahlu as-sunnah wa al-jamā'ah.
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This article examines the concept of shakhs-i manevi and hizmet that are introduced by contemporary Turkish sufi ulama Muhammad Fethullah Gülen. Through this concept, Gülen attempts to encourage personal spirituality to transform... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamTasawufSpiritualitas
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La Tahzan: Mencapai Kebahagiaan Sejati" (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2014), yang menjadi judul buku ini diambil dari perkataan Nabi Muhammad SAW: "lâ tahzan innallâha ma`anâ' (janganlah engkau cemas, sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita)", ketika... more
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Masjid Kyai Gede adalah salah satu masjid peninggalan bersejarah di Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah. Dilihat dari bentuk arsitekturalnya, masjid ini mirip dengan Masjid Demak Jawa Tengah, yang mengindikasikan kuatnya pengaruh Demak... more
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This research analyzed the Abdurrahman Wahid’s thought on nonviolence and peace building in Islam with a research problem is “how to construct of Abdurrahman Wahid’s thought on nonviolence and peace building?” To elaborate the problem, I... more
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Kajian terhadap pemikiran Hasbi selama ini lebih terfokus pada fikih. Hal ini menyebabkan pemikirannya di bidang lain terabaikan. Padahal, selain Fikih, Hasbi sesungguhnya menekuni teologi, tafsir, hadis, dan tasawuf. Yang terakhir ini,... more
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Sulaiman menulis buku ini merupakan hasil dari perenungan panjang melalui ceramah di majelis ta’lim, khotbah Jum’at, pelatihan motivasi dan diskusi intensif di Institut Studi Islam dan Perdamaian (INSISMA, Institute for Islamic Studies... more
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Abstract: This article aims to elaborate on Sufism reform movement in Indonesia. There former of Islam in Indonesia realize that Sufism is an integral part of Islam, therefore they are not hostile to Sufism, but tends to purify the Sufism... more
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This article aims to elaborate the ideas of neo-Sufism of KHHaderanie HN, a prominent Sufi scholar in Central Kalimantan. He represents a portrait of Sufism in the contemporary era in Central Kalimantan in particular, and in Indonesia in... more
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Abstract: Pancasila plays an important role in unifying the various backgrounds in Indonesia. Although it must be noted that today there is a group of Indonesian citizens who still reject Pancasila with reasons not in accordance with... more
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Abstract: This article aims at analyzing Fethullah Gülen and the Gülen Movement which have succeeded in performing social change based on the teaching of Sufism. He did Sufism creativity in order that Sufism teaching was able to respond... more
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    • Sufism