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This paper comes from the contextualization of theology in the context of Nepali Tamang community and their experience. This paper tries to understand biblical foundation to relate Tamang experience and Jesus´ nature to formulate new... more
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      Systematic TheologyContextual Theologies
This is reuploaded in Academia because I could not access my old profile. Originally this paper was written during my studies in Kerala.
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    • Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
This beautiful exegetical work comes from BD studies under Senate of Serampore College. This paper tries to understand how Paul tried to convince his audiences that Faith alone leads in to promise of God.
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    • Theology of Paul
This paper is the result of looking into the influence of the long-existing tradition of the Newari community in Kathmandu Nepal.
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      Theology and ReligionWomen's revolt against patriarchy, polygamy, tradition and religion in mariamaba's so long a letter
skrives innenfor disiplinen praktisk teologi, og det er innenfor emnene liturgikk og ekklesiologi avhandlingen beveger seg.
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    • Teologia
Denne artikkelen tar for seg hva kunstterapi er ut i fra en jungiansk synsvinkel. Den omhandler tre nivåer som man kan bruke kunstterapien på, og hvilke metoder kunstterapien benytter seg av. Artikkelen er opprinnelig skrevet som en... more
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      Art TherapyExpressive Arts TherapyCreative Arts Therapy
Denne artikkelen gir en analyse av Rembrandt sitt maleri Den bortkomne sønnen vender hjem, og plasserer verket inn i en kunsthistorisk sammenheng. Artikkelen gir et godt innblikk i Rembrandt sine forutsetninger for å male dette bildet, og... more
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    • Art History
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      Saints' CultsMedieval ScandinaviaChurch HistoryLiturgical History
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      MetaphysicsSystematic TheologyPhenomenologyTheological Anthropology
Religion, after all, is a powerful constituent of cultural norms and values, and because it addresses the most profound existential issues of human life (e.g., freedom and inevitability, fear and faith, security and insecurity, right and... more
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Conflict of all types have two sides no matter how, when and where it started. Whether someone was the first or last to start the conflict, the concern here is, harm is caused on or by both sides. Conflict increases when both parties want... more
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This essay is an attempt to discuss the topic, “The Role of Religion in Globalization “. Although the topic is broad and due to limitation of time and number of words, it concentrates on exploring the meaning of globalization and its... more
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The problem investigated in this thesis is: what brought about the radical shift in translating σάρξ in Pauline texts - especially evident in Romans 8 - that took place in the late 1970's? And what may cause the retreat to conventional... more
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A simple, robust and reproducible spectroscopic method based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering with nanomolar sensitivity has been developed for selective iron(iii) determination in aqueous solutions.
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      WaterMetal NanoparticlesSilverCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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Stephen Bevans dedicates this work to Robert J. Schreiter, Friend, Colleague, and Mentor, who encouraged him from the beginning, and Katalina Tahaafe-William dedicated this work to Sosaia Tuúta Tahaafe, her first-ever teacher of... more
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    • Contextual Theology
Contextual Theology for the Twenty-first Century by Stephans B. Bevans, book report by yam Shrestha
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    • Contextual Theology
Belting, in the introduction part of the article titled “The Power of Images and Limitation of Theologians, aims to clarify the issues of conflicts between the impact of images on people and the ignorance of Christian Theologians. Here,... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentEarly ChristianityBiblical Studies