mewilliamsonRecent Entries | |
You are viewing the most recent 10 entries March 26th, 2009March 18th, 2009
for those of you who saw an : earlier post where I quoted a description of morality it gave, and were saddened by the inability to read all of it, Digger ( has moved to a site that allows free access to all of its archives. (yay!!!) February 25th, 2009
I love today's XKCD comic. : well when you put it that way. and they don't even need to pay the article writers. Tags: eclectic February 16th, 2009
so, I haven't updated in a while - perhaps i should. : Sunday went to a cotehardie making workshop a SCAdian was holding. the group of us all made patterns to be used for making cotes in the future. this involves getting sewen into the fabric you are making the pattern out of so it is sized correctly to you and supports where it needs to. interesting to say the least. looking at the pieces that were created, you don't necessarily believe they should fit on you, but that's what happens when you are dealing with a very fitted dress. ( a what?Collapse ) anyways, it was interesting. you can definitely tell what it would look like on your figure just off the sewn and pinned on pattern fabric. note to self - need to get fabric to make dresses out of. we didn't get to sleeve patterns either - which I'm told can be extremely unhelpful. there were vague plans to hold another workshop later to start making dresses, and posibly do sleeve patterns. Saturday, there was raiding of gaming stores for minis and such. ended up with a mini for the oriental Friday D&D game. not exact, but probably as close as I'm going to come to a female sohei wielding a naginata. (note from two sessions ago - crits while power attacking with a two handed weapon are fun. waaaay fun.) still need one for the Sunday game though. gahh. Eh, I'll find one eventually. oh, Sunday night I had meat pies for dinner. (leftovers from feast of Chimeron last year that we finally remembered were in the freezer) still tasty. minor amusement over people's reactions to them back at the event. really guys, they are made with pork. now back to the work week. can it be Thursday afternoon now? Tags: life January 22nd, 2009 what - i wants stuff. : I wants stuff. so other people might as well. The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations: - What I create will be just for you. - I make no guarantees that you will like what I make! - You will receive your item before the end of the year (or sooner). - You will have no clue what the item is going to be. It could be a story or poetry. It could be a piece of handmade jewelry or an art doll. I may draw, paint, collage or knit something. I might bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure! - I reserve the right to do something extremely strange. The catch? Oh, the catch is that you have to repost this meme and make and send out five surprises of your own. hey look, a use for my randomly acquired craft skills. or perhaps not - depending on who responds. Tags: meme December 5th, 2008September 18th, 2008August 27th, 2008 poem for thougth : It jumped into my head and I had to go look up the full wording for it - so I though i would share. I always liked Shel Silverstein poems. No difference By -Shel Silverstein Small as a peanut, Big as a giant, We're all the same size When we turn off the light. Rich as a sultan, Poor as a mite, We're all worth the same When we turn off the light. Red, black or orange, Yellow or white, We all look the same When we turn off the light. So maybe the way To make everything right Is for God to just reach out And turn off the light! Tags: words of the day August 20th, 2008
so I should post about how awesome Queen of Hearts was, however - being me - I've been distracted by a meme. figures. : MEME: Go over to Wikipedia and enter your birth date (month/day) and then pick 3 events, 2 births and 1 holiday that occurred on the day of your birthday. Then post the results. December 28 Events 1612 - Galileo Galilei becomes the first astronomer to observe the planet Neptune, although he mistakenly cataloged it as a fixed star. 1912 - The first municipally owned streetcars take to the streets in San Francisco, California. 1945 - The Congress of the United States officially recognizes the Pledge of Allegiance. Births 1922 - Stan Lee, American comic book writer 1969 - Linus Torvalds, Finnish computer programmer Holiday R.C. Saints - Feast of the Holy Innocents, also known as Childermas, commemorating the Massacre of the Innocents on order of King Herod the Great. In Spain and Latin American countries the festival is celebrated in a manner similar to April Fool's Day. Cool. several other interesting births and happenings - but this will do for now. the event was such a good time for me, and I suspect the rest of Chimeron, because we quickly discarded any thoughts of winning combat stuff in favor of enjoying it and putting up a good fight against far superior numbers. oh, and by the way guys - we used little to no spells that weren't infinite casting in any of the battles. exceptions - Tarnisha used repair armors in the first castle battle, transmute self, and the forges and a few raises that were used in the bridge battles (I think most to all of the raises were cast in the one against Folkestone). oh, and wizards war I suspect - but that isn't really a surprise. Shoot the moon. Shoot the moon. Tags: life, meme June 23rd, 2008
saw a fawn on the way into work this morning. was getting off the highway onto surface streets and it was wandering in front of the stop line for people turning right. Its odd how uncoordinated they are just walking while still getting around and not falling. it stood there for a moment staring at the car as i came to a stop behind it, then dashed back off into the underbrush to the side of the road. much more coordinated running than just walking. didn't see any Mom around. slightly worried that its going to get itself run over, but very little I can do about that. : oddly surreal actually. for a minute, as I came to a stop, I was wondering what I was going to do if it stayed in front of my car. I'm guessing it was no taller than my knee, and obviously had no idea what to make of where it was. Current Location: work |