Papers by Fatma Umut Beşpınar
Akdeniz kadın çalışmaları ve toplumsal cinsiyet dergisi, May 19, 2024
This quantitative study is one of the few in Turkey to focus on women's individual and institutio... more This quantitative study is one of the few in Turkey to focus on women's individual and institutional responses to IPV. It also draws on findings from the most recent fieldwork of the 'Research on Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey'. • The findings of the study reveal that individual resources such as age, higher education, urban residence and regular employment with social security significantly increase the likelihood of women having at least one institutional or non-institutional response to IPV. • Thus, the findings of the study suggest that promoting girls' and women's access to higher education and their participation in the labor market in qualified and socially secured employment conditions is invaluable in combating IPV.
Ankara Barosu Dergisi, Oct 14, 2023
Bu makale hakem incelemesinden geçmiştir ve TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM Veri Tabanında indekslenmektedir.

Community, Work & Family, Mar 19, 2017
This paper examines gender as a constitutive element of inequality regimes in the workplace. The ... more This paper examines gender as a constitutive element of inequality regimes in the workplace. The organizational logic of workplace is reproduced through accepted but unequal policies and principles. The organizational dynamics of the gendered workplace are embedded in the articulation of global and local markets. The article elaborates on the nature of the organizational logic by focusing on the local dynamics of a Central Anatolian city, Çorum, based on a case study conducted in Turkey. We observe how capitalist organizational logic and gender subtext operate in and through the conservative culture specific to this locality. Through the interactions between employers and employees, the engagement between the capitalist organization and gender subtext constructs the realities of workplace. Workers' responses to the structural, cultural, interactional and identity dynamics of the organization are to be understood within the triangle of skill, care and honour in capitalist organizational logic. Embedded in all these responses is a specific emphasis on virtuous female worker. Such an ideal worker fits both the capitalist organizational logic and patriarchal system.

Current Anthropology, Dec 1, 2008
cost to their parents, the cost is smaller for girls than for boys, and the timing of the peaks o... more cost to their parents, the cost is smaller for girls than for boys, and the timing of the peaks of children’s economic productivity in their natal households is crucial to their parents’ further reproduction. Without the assistance of children, parents in this Maya community would have to double or triple their work levels beyond observed values. Help from children enables parents to continue childbearing at times when they themselves may not have sufficient time and resources to support their family (p. 168). This finding represents a critical enhancement of our understanding of the role played by high fertility in farming communities and shows us how the timing of children’s productivity is linked to their parents’ reproductive success. Despite its emphasis on quantitative modeling and analysis of behavior, Kramer’s study does not shy away from rich ethnography. This is particularly evident in her writing at the beginning of the book, in which the historical and contemporary political economic situation of the villagers is described, and even more evocatively and poignantly in the postscript about the unfolding world of the Maya. The ethnographic material she includes on the thought processes of the villagers themselves as they weigh the work and reproductive choices facing them is lean, however, and more attention to these perspectives would further enrich the reader’s understanding of the material and ideological features of the contemporary Maya landscape. This book’s chief strengths are theoretical and methodological, and I would recommend it to scholars interested in the measurement of human behavior and those looking for good examples of a study that weaves together multiple disciplines interested in the same problem.
Eğitim Bilim Toplum, Feb 14, 2012
Özet Bu fenomonolojik çalışmanın amacı Köy Enstitüleri mezunlarının bu kurumlarda aldıkları eğiti... more Özet Bu fenomonolojik çalışmanın amacı Köy Enstitüleri mezunlarının bu kurumlarda aldıkları eğitim ve edindikleri deneyimin babalık davranışlarına etkilerini incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda beş Köy Enstitüsü mezunu ile yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmeler ...

Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 2013
Iran and Central Asia. Vol. 4, Bactrian. Oxford: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth ... more Iran and Central Asia. Vol. 4, Bactrian. Oxford: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press. 2001[2005]: “Bactrian legal documents from 7th -and 8th-century Guzgan”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute XV, pp. 9–29. 2003[2007]: “A Bactrian quarrel”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute XVII, pp. 9–15. 2004 [2008]: “The Bactrian Inscription of Rabatak: A New Reading.” In: Bulletin of the Asia Institute 18, pp. 53–68. 2005[2009]: “Before the quarrel: a Bactrian purchase contract”, Bulletin of the Asia Institute XIX, pp. 191–198. 2007: Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan II: Letters and Buddhist Texts. Studies in the Khalili Collection, vol. 3. CIIr. Pt. 2, Inscriptions of the Seleucid and Parthian Periods and of Eastern Iran and Central Asia. Vol. 4, Bactrian. Oxford: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University. 2008 “Bactrian tallies”, Chomolangma, Demawend und Kasbek, Festschrift für Roland Bielmeier, Beiträge zur Zentralasienforschung, Band 12, ed. B.Huber, M. Volkart & P. Widmer. Halle: IITBS, pp. 525–532. 2010: Bactrian Personal Names [Iranische Onomastik herausgegeben von Bert G. Fragner und Velizar Sadovski Nr. 7: Iranisches Personennamenbuch herausgegeben von Rüdiger Schmitt, Heiner Eichner, Bert G. Fragner und Velizar Sadovski: Band II Mitteliranische Personennamen: Faszikel 7: Bactrian Personal Names]. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaft. Sims-Williams and Cribb 1996: “A New Bactrian Inscription of Kanishka the Great, Part 1: The Rabatak Inscription, Text and Commentary.” In: Silk Road Art and Archaeology IV, pp. 75–96 and pp. 128–137. Sims-Williams, Nicholas and de Blois, Fr 2005[2006]: “The Bactrian calendar: new material and new suggestions”, Languages of Iran: Past and Present. Iranian studies in memoriam David Neil MacKenzie, ed. D. Weber. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp.185–196. Yaldiz, M 1999: “Les Turkestans”. In: P. Chuvin (ed.), Les arts de l’Asie centrale. Paris: Citadelle & Mazenod, pp. 180–241. [email protected]

Calismada, Turkiye Aile Yapisi Arastirmasi 2006, 2011 (TAYA) ve Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu’nun (TU... more Calismada, Turkiye Aile Yapisi Arastirmasi 2006, 2011 (TAYA) ve Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu’nun (TUIK) Evlenme ve Bosanma Istatistikleri (2002-2016 yillari arasi) ilgili istatistik verilerini temel alarak, Turkiye’de ailenin (ebeveynler ve kardesler) eslerin evlilik pratikleri ve aile yapilarindaki rolu incelenmektedir. Ulkemizin demografik yapisina iliskin ciddi bir akademik yazin birikimi bulunmaktadir. Bu yazinda Turkiye’nin bazi il ve bolgelerinin Bati ulkelerinde gozlenen demografik donusum sureclerini izledigi ancak diger il ve bolgelerde donusumun yavas oldugu ya da donusume direnc gozlendigi belirtilmektedir. Bu saptamalar daha cok ilk evlilik yasi ve dogurganlik gostergelerinin analizine dayanmaktadir. Biz bu calismada, digerlerinden farkli olarak, gelenegin ve degisimin evlilik oruntuleri ve aile yapilarina yansimalarini tartismaktayiz. Bu tartisma kapsaminda, Turkiye’de bolge, egitim ve sosyo-ekonomik statuye (SES) bagli olarak evlilik oruntuleri (evliligin nasil kuruldugu,...

Research and Policy on Turkey, 2018
This paper examines the dynamics of care arrangements for children, persons with disabilities (PW... more This paper examines the dynamics of care arrangements for children, persons with disabilities (PWD), and the elderly, who constitute the group of 'the invisible' in social policy in Turkey. The invisibility of these three groups stems from their systematic, consistent and diffuse exclusion from the social, political and economic life of the country. The context of social inclusion policies for these groups in Turkey presents a challenge to assess their implications in three important respects: (I) the lack of data concerning these groups, (II) the lack of policy tools and instruments assessing the existing assistance and services for these groups, to allow comparative evaluations, and (III) general orientation of care services and policies towards families, therefore not targeting the direct correspondents of these policies. This paper outlines existing care policies for children, PWD and the elderly in Turkey, with a view to assessing their implications for promoting social inclusion, in two different aspects. While social inclusion literature is predominantly focused on the implication of social policies for the carereceivers, this paper examines the social inclusion implications of care policies also for those who are traditionally assigned the role of caregiver, namely, women. The latter dimension is a consequence of the increasing familialization of care policies in Turkey, which leads to the exclusion of women from economic and social life, thus reproducing the invisibility of these three groups while sustaining an overarching invisibility, that of women.
Gendered Academic Citizenship, 2020
Eğitim, Bilim, Toplum, 2011

Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018
The main aim of this study is to detect trends and patterns about mobbing experiences of urban, h... more The main aim of this study is to detect trends and patterns about mobbing experiences of urban, highly educated, middle-class white-collar professionals in Turkey and correspondingly to recommend solutions and social policies about mobbing. Study focuses on discrimination-based mobbing as a specific type of mobbing. For this purpose, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 urban, highly educated, middle-class professionals. Study shows that there are significant legal and institutional deficiencies which negatively affect struggle against mobbing and make mobbing experiences of victims harder. Furthermore, some specific forms of mobbing are experienced in Turkey, which may be called as discrimination-based mobbing. This type of mobbing is based on a visible ground, such as physical appearance, gender, religion and sect or political view. Discrimination-based mobbing may be considered as a consequence of increasing political and social polarization within society. In consequence of the study, some preventive and corrective policy recommendations were presented.
Eğitim Bilim …, 2012
Özet Bu fenomonolojik çalışmanın amacı Köy Enstitüleri mezunlarının bu kurumlarda aldıkları eğiti... more Özet Bu fenomonolojik çalışmanın amacı Köy Enstitüleri mezunlarının bu kurumlarda aldıkları eğitim ve edindikleri deneyimin babalık davranışlarına etkilerini incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda beş Köy Enstitüsü mezunu ile yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmeler ...
... Konular ele alınırken cinsiyet, eğitimin niteliği ve niceliği ile yaşanılan yer değişkenleri ... more ... Konular ele alınırken cinsiyet, eğitimin niteliği ve niceliği ile yaşanılan yer değişkenleri ayrı ayrı değerlendirilecektir. Çalışma 2009 yılında gerçekleştirilmiş olan GüneydoğuAnadolu Gençlik araştırması verilerine dayanmaktadır. ...
Papers by Fatma Umut Beşpınar