Papers by Ipek Gursel Dino

Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good - Goodtechs '18, 2018
Design communication is critical for the interaction between digital design models and human cogn... more Design communication is critical for the interaction between digital design models and human cognitive capacities in architectural design. Virtual environments, particularly mixed reality (MR) technologies, can improve spatial cognition, improve the space and effectiveness of space conflicts and support design collaboration [1]. The focus of this study is design processes that incorporate building performance simulations and visualize results to inform the designers of daylighting performance. We present an MR design environment that supports architectural design integrated with design simulations. This environment seamlessly integrates Building information modelling (BIM) and building energy simulation tools with the proposed MR environment. The environment aims for improved efficiency in design processes that support the designer in context-aware and well-informed decisionmaking for sustainable building design. The evaluation of the environment was carried out through a 2.5-day design workshop. The results indicate that simulation results' visualization in mixed-reality has the potential to provide insight into one's design towards better-informed decision making in architecture.

2018 International Conference on Photovoltaic Science and Technologies (PVCon), 2018
This research addresses the impact of the building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) solutions on th... more This research addresses the impact of the building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) solutions on the performance of a residential building with the area of 2247 m2 at different regions of Coastal Anatolia. Three cities are chosen with respect to their solar heat gain as the lowest, highest and average. Hourly performances are calculated using the DOE software of Energyplus and installed peak PV power calculated as 84.2 kW. Our preliminary results showed that the annual heating and cooling energy consumption for the three locations vary between 1.44 kWh/m2-9.12 kWh/m2 and 22.2 kWh/m2-56.9 kWh/m2, respectively. The cooling demand is much higher than the heating demand for these coastal locations of Anatolia (as expected). The maximum use of the three cities is 56.9 kWh/m2 and according to results this load can be easily supplied by an 84.2 kWp PV. As these are preliminary results they can be treated within margins of ± 20 kW depending on the orientation of the building facades and the type of the solar cells.

Bu calismada, binalarda farkli gunes kontrol yontemlerinin karsitlastirmali analizini, bir geneti... more Bu calismada, binalarda farkli gunes kontrol yontemlerinin karsitlastirmali analizini, bir genetik optimizasyon algoritmasi ile destekleyen bir tasarim araci ve yontem, onerilmektedir. Calismada ilk olarak farkli cam alternatifleri ve siklikla kullanilan bazi standart golgeleme yontemlerinin olusturdugu sekiz senaryo gelistirilmistir. Ardindan bu senaryolar, ornek bir bina tasarimi ustunde uygulanarak genetik optimizasyon algoritmasi uygulanmistir. Algoritma, pencere buyukluklerini ve golgelik boyut parametrelerini degisken olarak alarak, enerji tuketimini ve gunisigi aydinlatmasini optimize etmektedir. Bu algoritma kullanilarak, her senaryo icin binanin Pareto cozumleri hesaplanmistir. Bu Pareto cozumler kullanilarak, farkli gunes kontrol senaryolarinin birbirleriyle olan karsilastirmali analizi yapilmistir. Calismada elde edilen sonuclara gore optimal gunes kontrol yontemleri ile, bir binanin gunisigi aydinlatma performansini azaltmadan %25’e kadar enerji tasarrufu saglanabilmekte...

2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2019
Virtual reality (VR) provides a completely digital world of interaction which enables the users t... more Virtual reality (VR) provides a completely digital world of interaction which enables the users to modify, edit, and transform digital elements in a responsive way. Mixed reality (MR), which is the result of blending the digital world and the physical world together, brings new advancements and challenges to human, computer and environment interactions. This paper focuses on adapting the already-existing methods and tools in architecture to both VR and MR environments under sustainable architectural design domain. For this purpose, we benefit from the semantically enriched data platforms of Building information modelling (BIM) tools, the performance calculation functions of building energy simulation tools while transcending these data into VR and MR environments. In this way, we were able to merge these diverse data for the virtual design activity. Nine participants have already tested the initial prototype of MR-based only interaction environment in our previous study [1]. Accordi...

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2020
PurposeIn performative architectural design, daylighting is a crucial design consideration; howev... more PurposeIn performative architectural design, daylighting is a crucial design consideration; however, the evaluation of daylighting in the design process can be challenging. Immersive environments (IEs) can create a dynamic, multi-sensory, first-person view in computer-generated environments, and can improve designers' visual perception and awareness during performative design processes. This research addresses the need for interactive and integrated design tools for IEs toward better-performing architectural solutions in terms of daylighting illumination. In this context, building information modeling and performance simulations are identified as critical technologies to be integrated into performative architectural design.Design/methodology/approachThis research adopts a design science research (DSR) methodology involving an iterative process of development, validation and improvement of a novel and immersive tool, HoloArch, that supports design development during daylighting-i...
Journal of Design Studio, 2020
This paper aims to briefly assess the potentials and limits of online learning environment for st... more This paper aims to briefly assess the potentials and limits of online learning environment for studio education by focusing on the case of 2019-20 spring semester studio of Introduction to Architectural Design course at Middle East Technical University’s Department of Architecture. As a transitory course between basic design principles and architectural design, Introduction to Architectural Design addresses the issues of site, program, structure, form, and material in reference to small scale architectural interventions. Reviewing the usual course of the semester until the COVID-19 outbreak as well as the effects of the unexpected switch to the emergency distance teaching, the paper highlights both the creative advantages and material shortcomings of the course’s adaptation process into the online studio format.
Lean and Computing in Construction Congress - Volume 1: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction, Jul 4, 2017

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The negative impact of the building industry has brought a critical emphasis on the performance-r... more The negative impact of the building industry has brought a critical emphasis on the performance-related tools and processes of architectural design. The integration of design and performance simulation has the potential to extend the decision-making capabilities of the architects. Amongst a number of performance parameters, wind-related measures are generally problematic for the design phase, due to the computational cost of predicting wind behaviour, the complexity of the urban context and the constantly changing airflow patterns. In this respect, this paper proposes the preliminary exploration of a design method towards integrating Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) coupled with energy modelling and parametric design tools for the wind-related design acts. As building performance is regarded as a design problem that necessitates a designerly point of view as much as a technical perspective, the method aims at providing visual, generative and accurate feedback regarding its potenti...

Renewable Energy, 2019
With the growing need for residential buildings as a result of population growth, the building se... more With the growing need for residential buildings as a result of population growth, the building sector is a high-priority area in climate change due to its large share of CO 2 emissions, the significant energy saving opportunities it represents, and the increasing expectations for occupant comfort. This paper presents the results of climate change impact assessment on a typical mid-rise residential building in four representative cities with different climatic characteristics in Turkey. Three different scenarios that characterize different solutions towards space cooling are developed, from naturally ventilated to fully air-conditioned. The energy requirements and corresponding CO 2 emissions due to space conditioning as well as occupant thermal comfort are the investigated building performance metrics. The preliminary results based on energy simulations indicate that pronounced overheating will be experienced in the future, which will have a strong effect on cooling energy use and/or occupant comfort. The projected energy demand also points to the future need to explore measures for climate change adaptation of buildings and the importance of the decarbonization of the electricity industry for climate change mitigation. The analysis results presented in this paper provide a basis for future studies on building retrofit for climate change.
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2017
AbstractComputational tools for early architectural design need to address issues related to buil... more AbstractComputational tools for early architectural design need to address issues related to building performance and integrally consider early design decisions regarding building form, spatial lay...

CAADence in Architecture, Back to command, 2016
The aim of these workshops and conference is to help transfer and spread newly appearing design t... more The aim of these workshops and conference is to help transfer and spread newly appearing design technologies, educational methods and digital modelling supported by information technology in architecture. By organizing a workshop with a conference, we would like to close the distance between practice and theory. Architects who keep up with the new design demanded by the building industry will remain at the forefront of the design process in our IT-based world. Being familiar with the tools available for simulations and early phase models will enable architects to lead the process. We can get "back to command". Our slogan "Back to Command" contains another message. In the expanding world of IT applications, one must be able to change preliminary models readily by using different parameters and scripts. These approaches bring back the feeling of commandoriented systems, although with much greater effectiveness. "The cadence is perhaps one of the most unusual elements of classical music, an indispensable addition to an orchestra-accompanied concerto that, though ubiquitous, can take a wide variety of forms. By definition, a cadence is a solo that precedes a closing formula, in which the soloist plays a series of personally selected or invented musical phrases, interspersed with previously played themes -in short, a free ground for virtuosic improvisation." Nowadays sophisticated CAAD (Computer Aided Architectural Design) applications might operate in the hand of architects like instruments in the hand of musicians. We have used the word association cadence/caadence as a sort of word play to make this event even more memorable.

Automation in Construction, 2016
Abstract This work introduces Evolutionary Architectural Space layout Explorer (EASE), a design t... more Abstract This work introduces Evolutionary Architectural Space layout Explorer (EASE), a design tool that facilitates the optimization of 3D space layouts. EASE addresses architectural design exploration and the need to attend to many alternatives simultaneously in layout design. For this, we use evolutionary optimization to find a balance between divergent exploration and convergent exploitation. EASE comprises a novel sub-heuristic that constructs valid spatial layouts, a mathematical framework to quantify the satisfaction of constraints, and evolutionary operators to improve alternative layouts' fitness. We test EASE on the design of a library building. We evaluate EASE's performance for different building forms and different evolutionary algorithm parameters. The results suggest that EASE can generate valid layouts, quantify the constraints' degree of satisfaction and find a number of optimal layout solutions. The layouts that EASE generates are intended not as end results but design artifacts that provide insight into the solution space for further exploration.

Automation in Construction, 2014
ABSTRACT Lifecycle building performance assessment (LBPA) practices are being increasingly applie... more ABSTRACT Lifecycle building performance assessment (LBPA) practices are being increasingly applied on existing buildings to ensure that performance requirements are fulfilled during building service-life. LBPA is a multi-disciplinary and information-intense process that requires computational tools for information management and decision support. We have previously developed a computational reference model (CLIP-Core) that supports various component-based LBPA practices. When CLIP-Core is considered to be used, it needs to be adapted to the specific context it addresses. We developed two such domain models, CLIP EPI-CREM and CLIP-CMU, for two existing LBPA practices. This paper addresses the evaluation of CLIP-Core and its potential in supporting various requirements. Hereto, we first discuss CLIP-Core and the two domain models. Then we present the evaluation results based on the domain models and their development processes. Finally we discuss guidelines for extending CLIP-Core and recommend technologies and alternative architectures that can increase CLIP-Core’s usability.
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2014
Building performance assessment is receiving increased attention within the building industry due... more Building performance assessment is receiving increased attention within the building industry due to the European Union's targets to improve energy efficiency and to increase the use of renewable energy technologies. In this context, there is great emphasis placed upon the existing building stock as having a huge environmental impact. The continuous assessment of the energy performance of existing buildings comes into focus in order to ensure the intended performance and operation during the building lifecycle. This paper ...

Automation in Construction, 2020
Improving existing buildings' energy performance requires energy models that accurately represent... more Improving existing buildings' energy performance requires energy models that accurately represent the building. Computer vision methods, particularly image-based 3D reconstruction, can effectively support the creation of 3D building models. In this paper, we present an image-based 3D reconstruction pipeline that supports the semi-automated modeling of existing buildings. We developed two methods for the robust estimation of the building planes from a 3D point cloud that (i) independently estimate each plane and (ii) impose a perpendicularity constraint to plane estimation. We also estimate external walls' thermal transmittance values using an infrared thermography-based method, with the surface temperatures measured by a thermal camera. We validate our approach (i) by testing the pipeline's ability in constructing accurate surface models subject to different image sets with varying sizes and levels of image quality, and (ii) through a comparative analysis between the calculated energy performance metrics of a ground truth and calculated energy simulation model.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education
Journal of Building Engineering

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
PurposeBiocontaminants represent higher risks to occupants' health in shared spaces. Natural ... more PurposeBiocontaminants represent higher risks to occupants' health in shared spaces. Natural ventilation is an effective strategy against indoor air biocontamination. However, the relationship between natural ventilation and indoor air contamination requires an in-depth investigation of the behavior of airborne infectious diseases, particularly concerning the contaminant's viral and aerodynamic characteristics. This research investigates the effectiveness of natural ventilation in preventing infection risks for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) through indoor air contamination of a free-running, naturally-ventilated room (where no space conditioning is used) that contains a person having COVID-19 through building-related parameters.Design/methodology/approachThis research adopts a case study strategy involving a simulation-based approach. A simulation pipeline is implemented through a number of design scenarios for an open office. The simulation pipeline performs integrated con...

With the growing need for residential buildings as a result of population growth, the building se... more With the growing need for residential buildings as a result of population growth, the building sector is a high-priority area in climate change due to its large share of CO 2 emissions, the significant energy saving opportunities it represents, and the increasing expectations for occupant comfort. This paper presents the results of climate change impact assessment on a typical mid-rise residential building in four representative cities with different climatic characteristics in Turkey. Three different scenarios that characterize different solutions towards space cooling are developed, from naturally ventilated to fully air-conditioned. The energy requirements and corresponding CO 2 emissions due to space conditioning as well as occupant thermal comfort are the investigated building performance metrics. The preliminary results based on energy simulations indicate that pronounced overheating will be experienced in the future, which will have a strong effect on cooling energy use and/or occupant comfort. The projected energy demand also points to the future need to explore measures for climate change adaptation of buildings and the importance of the decarbonization of the electricity industry for climate change mitigation. The analysis results presented in this paper provide a basis for future studies on building retrofit for climate change.

During performance-based architectural design, façade elements that have an influence on performa... more During performance-based architectural design, façade elements that have an influence on performance need to be integrally considered. This study addresses the need to support building envelope design, and specifically the design of photovoltaics-installed shading devices. Photovoltaics-installed shading devices simultaneously influence various performance criteria such as building energy consumption, daylighting and electricity production. Therefore, their design needs the support of optimization tools that help evaluate different design alternatives based on these performance criteria. This paper presents an evolutionary optimization approach that is extended from a model developed previously by the author, which optimizes multiple performance objectives towards the search for optimal envelope configurations. The tool is tested on a number of building forms with different photovoltaics-integrated shading devices, and a comparative evaluation is presented. The results show that genetic optimisation can provide meaningful insight to the problem towards well-informed decisions being taken.
Papers by Ipek Gursel Dino