Metro (Louisville) Obscurity
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Metro (Louisville) Obscurity [entries|friends|calendar]
For goths & punks of Louisville

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(4 rose petals | leap into obscurity)

What to do [25 Nov 2008|10:34pm]

Hello Louisville, I'm going to be in your town this weekend. Where should I be? I'm looking for the darker or more underground part of town. Thank you for your thoughts.

(leap into obscurity)

Last chance to catch roller derby in Louisville this year! [19 Sep 2008|02:32pm]


Saturday night, Oct 4th, come see the last roller derby bout of the 2008 season!

If you've only found out that Louisville even HAS roller derby, it's not too late to come out, check it out, and support your local homegrown rollergirls.

(leap into obscurity)

Hobo Love Tour: A Travelling Accordion Poetry Cabaret is coming to Louisville! [08 Sep 2008|11:33pm]


Come and see the one and only HOBO LOVE TOUR and get ready to be amazed by Waltzing Matilda the One Beer Prophet (formerly known as J. Wilber and Reverend Jess Duggan) and Cindy Emch (aka Emchy) of Vagabondage and Rhubarb Whiskey as they embark on the Hobo Love Tour! They'll be spilling drinks and breaking hearts through the rust belt and the south. Whatever you do, don't miss this daring duo! It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you'll never forget!

Fri. Sept 19
Ray's Monkey House Cafe - 1578 Bardstown Rd., Louisville, KY

Kentucky: The Bluegrass State. Kentucky - does not mean "dark and bloody ground," but nevertheless, you're likely to hear some murder ballads at this show! The Hobo Love Tour is excited to play at a venue fulla fellow freaks & caffeine junkies!

More about Waltzing MatildaCollapse )

more about EmchyCollapse )

(leap into obscurity)

See you Saturday at the fairgrounds (West Hall) [04 Sep 2008|08:58pm]


Participate in the costume contest at half-time, and you could win free tickets to bouts!

(3 rose petals | leap into obscurity)

help with a show in Louisville? [15 Aug 2008|04:29pm]

Hey, everyone!

I don't live in Louisville, but I love it there, and will be heading your way in a little less than a month. Which is why I need your help. Myself (Cindy Emch, squeezeboxer for Vagabondage and Rhubarb Whiskey) and my tourmate, Jessica Wilber, aka Waltzing Matilda the One Beer Prophet are going on a storytelling/music/sideshow tour. We are both accordion players, singers,  and storytellers; and will also be performing a few sideshow acts (nothing too extreme, no fire or anything). We are hoping to hit Louisville on September 19. We will play any kind of venue, really - cafe, bar, bookstore, whatever - and would of course be down with any local talents either opening for us or headlining, whichever works out better. (We also need help finding a place to stay that night.)

Any information you can give me about venues that might be appropriate, or who to get in contact with to help me book a show, would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you need any further information (i.e. photographs, sound files, writing samples, press) about myself or Jess, just let me know.

Thanks so much.

(leap into obscurity)

Calling All Future Rollergirls [30 Apr 2008|05:59pm]

What has eight wheels and something to prove?

Your Derby City Roller Girls are now recruiting!

Calling all future rollergirls ages 21 and older, with valid health insurance. If you're interested in being part of a homegrown, kick-butt, hard-skating roller derby league in Louisville, KY, we want to meet you, whether you know how to skate or not. If you've got a sense of adventure and a lot of heart, come on out and meet us for a little Q&A and BBQ. All body types and skating levels are encouraged to participate.

Specifics: Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 2:00 PM, at Tyler Park in the Highlands (off Baxter Avenue, between the MidCity Mall and Eastern Parkway).

RSVP to [email protected] or by visiting and sending a message there.

Further info, merchandise sales, photos, videos and more can be found on the DCRG website: Visit DCRG on Facebook.

Upcoming DCRG Bouts:

June 21 - Away bout v. Hard Knox Rollergirls of Knoxville, TN
July 19 - Away bout v. Bleeding Heartland Rollergirls of Bloomington, IN
Just Announced! July 26 - Home bout against the Dixie Derby Girls from Huntsville, Alabama

(leap into obscurity)

Like to shop? [06 Feb 2008|01:07pm]

Hey everyone!

My name is Alexandra Olteanu, the PR intern at the Canadian fashion label. Since we are conducting extensive in-house research on the best places to shop for edgy clothes, I thought our community is one of the best places to ask about this. Thought you guys would enjoy participating in our project. All you have to do is tell us what are your favorite places to shop in your city and/or around the world!

Looking forward to hear about your likes.

Alexandra Olteanu

(leap into obscurity)

[12 Jun 2006|02:48pm]

(leap into obscurity)

Piercings/Tattoos [06 Apr 2006|04:17pm]

[ mood | sleepy ]

Hi everyone. I am looking for a reputable, clean place in Louisville that does tattoos/piercings. Do you have any place you recommend that you've been to before that does a good job? If so, I'd like your recommendations!

Thank you!

X-posted to louisville.

(2 rose petals | leap into obscurity)

[12 Mar 2006|06:28pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Has anyone heard of the Renaissance Fair in June. It starts on June 3rd and is every weekend after that until July 9th. It is in Henry county and the site is I am going to be in the cast of the town and it is supposed to be awesome!

(leap into obscurity)

[01 Dec 2005|10:51am]
If you're interested, please join this community.

Its new and it will be all about Louisville's scene.
News, events, meeting people, posting pictures, flyers, whatever.

Check it out.


(leap into obscurity)

The Whiz Man will never fit you like The Whiz Kid did. [16 Nov 2005|11:00pm]

[ mood | content ]

Name/Nickname: Drucilla Wednesday, and I have many nicknames, including, but not limited to, Dru, DruZillah, Druey, Druzy, Dru Dru, and Dru-Chan.
Age: 13.
5 Favorite Musicians:

(As of now, but it's prone to change every few weeks)

_My Chemical Romance
_The Killers
_The Used
_Alkaline Trio
_Modest Mouse

5 Favorite Movies:

(Also, prone to change.)

_Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
_Fight Club
_Kingdom of Heaven

5 Favorite TV shows:

_Buffy the Vampire Slayer
_The O.C.

Area You Live Out In: Taylorsville, and I'm not a country girl. I prefer the city.

Something you want to recommend: I would recommend A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray, as it's an amazing book. I would also recommend the band My Chemical Romance, if you haven't heard of them already.

What's something you'd like to see here: How about tour dates?

And the pictures of myself can be found on my avatar or in my userinfo. :)

(leap into obscurity)

I'm new [24 Oct 2005|09:40pm]

[ mood | flirty ]

Name/Nickname: Ericka
Age: 17

5 Favorite Musicians:
Willa Ford
Jon Bon Jovi
LinKin Park

5 Favorite Movies:
Queen of the Damned
Interview with a Vampire
Lord of the rings (All of them)
Dirty Dancing (An oldy but forever a goody)

5 Favorite TV shows:

Area You Live Out In: Near Jefferson Mall

I have no pictures of me and if I did I wouldn't put them on here probably because of security reasons. I'm a little paranoid.

(leap into obscurity)

I'm new evidently.. Haha. :) [08 Oct 2005|06:31pm]

[ mood | content ]

Name/Nickname: Ravon

Age: 15

5 Favorite Musicians:
1) London after Midnight
2) The Cruxshadows
3) Clan of Xymox
4) Assemblage 23
5) VnV Nation

5 Favorite Movies:
1) Labyrinth
2) Nightmare before Christmas (always a pleasure, ;))
3) The Crow
4) Edward ScissorHands
5) Rocky Horror Picture Show

Area You Live Out In: Highlands

Something you want to recommend: EVERY SUNDAY - "ALL AGES" GOTH/INDUSTRIAL NITE @ Sumshee's - 204 S Preston St, Louisville, KY, 40202 [located @ the corner of Preston & Market] -featuring the TRIAD [DJ Shahn, Reverend Spook, & DJ Sorrow-Vomit] & hosted by Burlesque Girl IZEBELLE - Cover charge is $5 - ALL AGES WELCOME - 7 PM to Midnite (sometimes later!)

What's something you'd like to see here: More interaction, More involement, Info of the lastest underground events, etc.

I would place a photo of myself, but I don't know how to downsize. ;).

That'll be it for now.. Just an introduction on myself as was required.


(leap into obscurity)

[15 Sep 2005|04:53pm]

Image hosted by

call me for tickets

(leap into obscurity)

[15 Aug 2005|02:45pm]

Image hosted by

(5 rose petals | leap into obscurity)

[21 Jul 2005|01:38am]

Maybe someone from around here can help me. Where are all the good fetish and bondage shops? I live by Louisville and havent yet been able to find any.

(leap into obscurity)

Keep Will free! [22 May 2005|04:41pm]

[ mood | blah ]

Come one, come all (preferably all) to the kyshakespeare community. This is for the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival, the oldest independently-operated free Shakespeare festival.

They need all the support they can get. This may be the last year of free Shakespeare due to the lack of sufficient funding. They will be producing Macbeth this year, and the Globe Players, the teenage acting troupe, will be presenting The Comedy of Errors.

(1 rose petals | leap into obscurity)

[18 May 2005|06:10pm]

[ mood | curious ]

Am i permitted to promote a Louisville-related community?

(leap into obscurity)

Introduction [02 Apr 2005|06:17pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Name/Nickname: Cori
Age: 20
5 Favorite Musicians: Piero, RAG FAIR, La'cryma Christi, Morning Musume, and Luna Sea
5 Favorite Movies: Akira, Waterboys, Session Nine, shimotsuma monogatari, and Zatoichi: the Blind Swordsmen. Not the new version.
5 Favorite TV shows (optional): Rurouni Kenshin, Hagane no Renkinjutsushi, CSI. I don't really watch much TV
Area You Live Out In: Actually, I live in that little area called New Albany.
Something you want to recommend: Well.. I suppose I'd say watch the World News. Because we all know a F-Zero Tornado is far more important than an earthquake that hit 8 on the Richter scale!
What's something you'd like to see here: Well in the community, more talking. In Louisville, more sushi.
And a picture of yourself (optional): (not my site)

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