Papers by Rose-marie Dröes
Protocols, 1996
To assess the efficacy of AT for memory support in people with dementia in terms of daily perform... more To assess the efficacy of AT for memory support in people with dementia in terms of daily performance of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and dependency. Furthermore, the effects on perceived quality of life of people with dementia will be explored. Secondary objective To identify the variety, quality, and feasibility of the available interventions for people with dementia, and thereby gain insight into the applicability of AT to support people with dementia with their memory problems. The impact on informal carer burden, self esteem, mood and feeling of competence and the formal carers' work satisfaction, work load, and feelings of competence will be studied as well.

Objective This study reviews the evidence for effects of combined intervention programmes for bot... more Objective This study reviews the evidence for effects of combined intervention programmes for both the informal caregiver and the person with dementia. Method Systematic review. Electronic databases and key articles were searched for effect studies of combined programmes, published between January 1992 and February 2005. The resulting 52 reports were scored according to set inclusion criteria. Results Twenty five reports relating to 22 programmes met the inclusion criteria. Various aspects of caregivers’ mental health and burden were studied. Best results were obtained regarding general mental health. Other aspects often showed modest and varying results. Caregivers’ competence was less often addressed. The effects on the cognitive and physical functioning, behavioural problems and survival of the persons with dementia were modest and inconsistent, whereas their mental health is positively affected and admittance to long stay care is often delayed. Conclusion Combined programmes may...

Aging & Mental Health, 2015
Caring for a patient with dementia is a real challenge and can have considerable psychological co... more Caring for a patient with dementia is a real challenge and can have considerable psychological consequences in the long run. Many caregivers, mostly relatives, feel highly burdened. To develop effective caregiver support to prevent caregivers from getting overburdened, insight is needed into the determinants of burden. The objective of this study is to explore which patient and caregiver characteristics determine the different kinds of caregiver burden over time, both in the short and in the long run. The study was longitudinal. Data on patients and caregivers, general burden and emotional distress were collected at three times: at baseline, at the end of treatment and at nine months. The study was conducted in a psychiatric skilled nursing home with a unit for integrative reactivation and rehabilitation (IRR) and at different sites of home-/day care, assisted living arrangements and nursing home wards (usual care). General burden is shown to be determined by severity of patient's neuropsychiatric symptoms, caregiver's sense of competence, health-related quality of life. Emotional distress is determined by severity of patient's neuropsychiatric symptoms, caregiver's sense of competence, high affiliation and patient gender. In preventing or treating caregiver burden, professional interventions need to aim specifically at diminishing the neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia patients and improving the sense of competence in caregivers.
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 2010
... References ASTRID. (2000) ASTRID: A Guide to Using ... Lauriks, S., Reinersmann, A., van derR... more ... References ASTRID. (2000) ASTRID: A Guide to Using ... Lauriks, S., Reinersmann, A., van derRoest, HG, Meiland, FJM, Davies, RJ, Moelaert, F., Mulvenna, MD, Nugent, CD, Dröes, RM (2007) Review of ICT-based services for identified unmet needs in people with dementia. ...

Objective This study reviews the evidence for effects of combined intervention programmes for bot... more Objective This study reviews the evidence for effects of combined intervention programmes for both the informal caregiver and the person with dementia. Method Systematic review. Electronic databases and key articles were searched for effect studies of combined programmes, published between January 1992 and February 2005. The resulting 52 reports were scored according to set inclusion criteria. Results Twenty five reports relating to 22 programmes met the inclusion criteria. Various aspects of caregivers' mental health and burden were studied. Best results were obtained regarding general mental health. Other aspects often showed modest and varying results. Caregivers' competence was less often addressed. The effects on the cognitive and physical functioning, behavioural problems and survival of the persons with dementia were modest and inconsistent, whereas their mental health is positively affected and admittance to long stay care is often delayed. Conclusion Combined programmes may improve some, not all, aspects of functioning for caregiver and person with dementia. Care professionals must define their programme goals and target groups before advising their clients on a combined programme. Research may focus on the effects of programmes that were introduced fairly recently and on subgroups of caregivers (female caregivers, depressed caregivers and people with dementia, and minorities).
... De leden van de begeleidingscommissie willen we hartelijk bedanken voor hun waardevolle feedb... more ... De leden van de begeleidingscommissie willen we hartelijk bedanken voor hun waardevolle feedback. Wij willen ook Pieter van der Glind, Jasmijn de Baan, Joris Nijman, Maaike Tasma en Christiane Möller bedanken voor hun uitstekende assistentie bij het onderzoek. ...
Aux Pays-Bas, la Méthode Veder, développée par ‘Theater Veder’, est mise en oeuvre à grande échel... more Aux Pays-Bas, la Méthode Veder, développée par ‘Theater Veder’, est mise en oeuvre à grande échelle dans les maisons de soins pour les personnes ayant un syndrome démentiel. Les soignants sont formés à l’utilisation des stimuli théâtraux, en combinaison des éléments de méthode de soins axés sur l’émotion établie, comme la thérapie de la réminiscence et la thérapie de Validation. Une étude a été menée pour décrire la Méthode Veder et évaluer sa mise en oeuvre.
Papers by Rose-marie Dröes