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Indic Hackathon 2022

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Title Indic Hackathon 2022
Dates 21 & 22 May 2022 (20 May is Day 0)
Location Hyderabad
Etherpads https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/hyd-hackathon-2022
Status Done
Report Grants:Project/Rapid/IMD/Indic Hackathon 2022/Report



Indic Hackathon 2022 is a regional event of the main Wikimedia Hackathon 2022. The Hackathon is for anyone who contributes (or wants to contribute) to Wikimedia’s technical areas - as code creators, maintainers, translators, designers, technical writers and other technical roles. You can come with a project in mind, join an existing project, or create something new with others. The goal of a regional in-person event is to bring together technical contributors from India for a regional hackathon as a local meetup of the upcoming Wikimedia Hackathon 2022, to resolve pending technical issues, bugs, brainstorm on tooling ideas, and foster connections between contributors.

To talk about the format of the event being physical/in-person, as the world is opening up, we also feel that it does make sense to host an in-person event rather than online, of course with all appropriate safety measures. During the last two years, we realized that many things can be organized online, however, certain components of in-person events such as forming new social connections don’t work well in an online event, which are also crucial to a community. So we would like to take this opportunity for this hackathon.



Note: The regional event will take place in-person, for which scholarships will be provided (travel, food, accommodation and other related expenses). However, if you would like to participate remotely you may directly do so in the main hackathon. You can find more information about that on this page.

Applications period for scholarships is over.

Scholarship Application

Information to Applicants
  • Unless there is a valid medical reason, it is mandatory for all participants, organizers, and invitees to be fully-vaccinated against COVID-19.[1]
  • Participants are not allowed to bring friends or relatives to the event, unless it is absolutely necessary (only with prior information and approval).
  • We will only be able to provide scholarship support to contributing currently residing in India.



Pre-event (15 May)

Pre-event orientation session is optional, with the goal to give an overview of Wikimedia projects and technical areas for newcomers to the movement or the technical spaces. The session will be recorded.
Timing (IST) Topics
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
session recording
  • Intro to Wikimedia projects
  • Overview of technical areas
  • MediaWiki basics
  • Phabricator, Gerrit
  • Wikimedia Developer Account

Friday, 20 May

Timing (IST) Session - at Meetup Session - at Global Hackathon
8:30 am none (participants arrival) Opening Ceremony
9:00 am
9:30 am
  • Let's explore the virtual world together!
  • Newcomers Social: Join us for a fun introduction to the technical community
10:00 am
10:30 am
  • Scribe: Open-source Language Keyboards Based on Wikidata Lexicographical Data
  • (starts at 11:00 am) Ask anything about Phabricator
11:00 am
5:00 pm

Local Meetup Welcome

  • Introduction to the Hackathon
  • Participants' meet and greet
  • Exploring Phabricator board
  • Proposing tasks and projects
  • Informal group formation
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm Dinner
8:30 pm Opening Ceremony
9:00 pm
9:30 pm
Please note that the global hackathon has sessions beyond 10:00 pm (IST), however, since they are late in day they are not listed here. You are still welcome to participate in them at your convenience. You can refer to the global hackathon's program on this page.

21 May

Timing (IST) Session - at Meetup Session - at Global Hackathon
8:30 am Breakfast Free tools hosting in Wikimedia Cloud Services
9:00 am
9:30 am

(optional) Group-based discussion

  • Toolforge and VPS
  • Data of Wikimedia projects
    (Quarry, Query API, Dumps)
  • MediaWiki Action API
Wiki Mentor Africa
10:00 am
10:30 am -
12:30 pm
Hacking time
12:30 pm -
1:30 pm
1:30 pm -
5:30 pm
Hacking time
5:30 pm -
8:00 pm
(optional) Hacking time continues
8:00 pm Dinner
8:30 pm
  • Toolhub: publicize your tools and find new tools
  • Desktop Improvements design workshop
  • Wikimaps track
  • Let's explore WorkAdventure together!
9:00 pm
9:30 pm
  • Documentation to conquer the dungeon
  • Data access workshop for Tools
  • First glimpse at [pre-alpha] Codex,
    the upcoming Wikimedia Design System
  • Wikimaps track
10:00 pm
Please note that the global hackathon has sessions beyond 10:00 pm (IST), however, since they are late in day they are not listed here. You are still welcome to participate in them at your convenience. You can refer to the global hackathon's program on this page.

22 May

Timing (IST) Session - at Meetup Session - at Global Hackathon
8:30 am -
10:00 am
Breakfast Project Showcase
10:00 am -
12:30 pm
Hacking time

[Meet in the first 5 minutes at 10:30 am for a group photo of global hackathon!]

12:30 pm -
1:30 pm
1:30 pm -
4:00 pm
Hacking time
4:00 pm -
5:30 pm
Show and Tell + Closing + Group Photo
5:30 pm -
8:00 pm
(optional) Hacking time continues
8:00 pm Dinner
8:30 pm Project Showcase
9:00 pm
9:30 pm Closing Ceremony

Meet in the first 5 minutes for a group photo!

10:00 pm




S.No. Task Phab ticket Assigned to Status
1 Improve search on Punjabi Wikisource T287887 abi_ Done (Patch for Review )
2 Add all Wikisource languages to Book Reader T308817 gokulvamsi Done
3 Database for Indic-wscontest tool T308898 Rammanojpotla Done
4 Improve page transclusion via VisualEditor or a widget T161455 Jayprakash12345 Doing... (User needs research)
5 Convert response to JSON for API on Indc-wscontest tool T308838 Nikita Done
6 Add i18n support to indic-wsstats tool T308850 gokulvamsi Doing... (Patch for Review )
7 Navbar for Book Reader T308819 VanshikaRathi Done
8 Purging Index Namespace on Punjabi Wikisource T308906 Hardarshan2207 Done
9 Create base.html and extends it for Book Reader T308828 NikitaShiwach Done
10 JavaScript for author works(Punjabi Wikisource) T308971 Hardarshan2207 Done
11 Add i18n support to image tool T308852 Ramu ummadishetty Done
12 Change Toolforge link URL in BookReader T308973 ParasharSarthak Done
13 Update jQuery version in BookReader T308974 ParasharSarthak Done


S.No. Task Phab ticket Assigned to Status
1 Insert video url from title argument in the url to the input box T308970 Karanjain71 Done
2 Ability for users to close the error messages T308832 Karanjain71 Done
3 Ability to edit video time stamps while trimming videos T308824 Karanjain71 In progress
4 Able to switch from Horizontal & Vertical settings menu T308822 Karanjain71 In progress
5 Fix the back-end issue in production and make it live Gopavasanth Done
6 OAuth issue in production Gopavasanth Done
7 Migrate the tool infrastructure to the new VM (debian-10.0-buster) Gopavasanth Done
8 connecting mongodb to server in docker dev T308835 Ramu ummadishetty Done
9 nodemon not found issue T308909 Ramu ummadishetty Done

Other projects

S.No. Task Phab ticket Assigned to Status
1 Translating the Developer Portal in Tamil language T308891 Bhuvana Meenakshi In progress
2 Adding Better suited icons for `API URL` and `Translate URL` in Edit Tool T308634 gokulvamsi Done
3 Voice input for Wikipedia Editor T308972 Neechalkaran Done
4 Dashboard for incubator wikis T307147 KCVelaga Done
5 Personal assistant built on top of Rhasspy that queries Wikipedia to answer questions abi_ Doing...
6 Add Hindi i18n in CountDownClock extension T308964 ParasharSarthak Done
7 Accessibility checklist for Wikimedia developers Bhuvana Meenakshi Done- research on existing accessibility features in Wikimedia projects, Recommendations for checklist will be done post the Hackathon on Diff blog

Event organization

Event coordinators Affiliate Funded by


  1. Relevant documentation (such as vaccination certificate) should be produced on request.