This page attempts to track and identify the numerous Wikimedia IRC channels (most of which are on the Libera network); see also a general overview of IRC.
Channel policies
[edit]- All Wikimedia IRC channels on Libera are the responsibility of the IRC Group Contacts.
- IRC guidelines is an attempt to codify unwritten rules of conduct expected from all users.
[edit]Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikimediaconnect | Any | General Wikimedia issues, may be logged for meetings. Also used for discussions on Meta-Wiki specifically, as well as other stuff which belongs to several channels of this list (or none). See also #wikimedia-stewards. |
#wikimedia-translationconnect | Any | Wikimedia Translators and Translation subcommittee and those helping in translations; see also #translatewiki. |
#wikimedia-gendergapconnect | Discussion on the gender gap and women's outreach initiative. | |
#wikimedia-glamconnect | Any | Discussion about Wikimedia partnerships with galleries, libraries, archives and museums. |
#wikimedia-affcomconnect | Any | Affiliations Committee |
#wikimedia-comcomconnect | Any | Communications committee |
#wikimedia-electionsconnect | Any | [private] Wikimedia Foundation elections committee |
#wikimedia-newyearconnect | Happy New Year! | |
#wikimedia-SPComconnect | Any | Sister Projects Committee. |
#wikimedia-socialconnect | Any | "A casual social channel for Wikimedians!" (Emphasis not added.) Probably a duplicate of #wikimedia. |
#wikimedia-social-esconnect | Any (primarily Spanish) | Official social channel for wikimedians in spanish and other languages. |
#wikimedia-edconnect | Any | Development and coordination for the programs and events dashboard, spearheaded by the Education Program. |
#wikimedia-offtopicconnect | Any | Off-topic Channel for #wikimedia |
#wikimedia-overflowconnect | Any | Users are sometimes redirected to this channel when they attempt to join a channel that is private (mode +i) or full (mode +l). Users can be invited into the channel that they tried to join originally by a user with op status (+o or an @ sign) in #wikimedia-overflow |
Wikimedia Affiliates
[edit]Cross-wiki access coordination
[edit]Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikimedia-adminconnect | Any | [private] Wikimedia administrators. Contact any of the users on IRC/wikimedia-admin#Gaining Access for access. |
#wikimedia-bansconnect | Any | Cross-channel ban management for IRC channels. |
#wikimedia-gsconnect | Any | Wikimedia global sysops and global sysop requests. Stewards and global sysops are voiced. |
#wikimedia-ltaconnect | Any | |
#wikimedia-opsconnect | Any (primarily English) | Contact Wikimedia channel operators for assistance. |
#wikimedia-ops-internalconnect | [No idling] Join if you have private messages for ops. | |
#wikimedia-stewardsconnect | Any | Wikimedia stewards and steward requests. You get urgent help from stewards by saying !steward (use @steward for non-emergency discussion). This is an open channel, and may be logged for meetings, though should not be publicly logged. In reality, it's also used for most Meta-Wiki related maintenance discussions and requests; see also #wikimedia. Some stewards are voiced.
#wikimedia-renameconnect | Any | Global renamers and stewards. Coordination and discussion between users involved in globally renaming accounts. |
#wikimedia-vrtconnect | Any | Coordination of non-sensitive aspects of the work of our Volunteer Response Team. Users may request assistance from VRT members in this open channel. |
#wikimedia-privacyconnect | Any | [private] Wikimedia oversighters, checkusers and stewards, and users who have the presumptive right to hold these by simple request (e.g. WMF staff and users taking voluntary break). New oversighters, checkusers and stewards may contact AmandaNP, JJMC89, Mykola7, or Risker for access. |
#wikimedia-checkuserconnect | Any | [private] Wikimedia checkusers and stewards. New CheckUsers and stewards may contact AmandaNP, JJMC89, Mykola7, or Risker for access. |
#wikimedia-external-linksconnect | Any | Discussion about external links on Wikimedia wikis. Used by the SWMT; voiced users can edit the blacklist. |
#wikimedia-ombudsconnect | Any | Wikimedia Ombuds Commission's public channel. Members of the OC are voiced. |
Wikimedia project coordination
[edit]Used to coordinate and discuss meta and off-line Wikimedia projects and activities.
Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikimaniaconnect | Any | Wikimania discussions |
#wikimania-staffconnect | Any | Wikimania staff |
#wikimania-2020connect | Wikimania 2020 | |
#wikimedia-wikicon-naconnect | Any | WikiConference North America |
Project wikis
[edit]These channels exist for the community of a particular project wiki, and may host both general and specific discussion.
Project wiki channels
[edit]Other projects
[edit]Specific projects
[edit]A less comprehensive but potentially more up to date list of channels may be found at en:Wikipedia:IRC#Functional groups.
Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikipedia-enconnect | ||
#wikipedia-en-accountsconnect | Any, but mostly English. | [Private] Internal channel for the account creation team. (Invite only.) |
#wikipedia-en-accounts-adminsconnect | Welcome to the ACC admin channel – The topic nevar changes! ;) [citation needed] – Recruiting efforts: .ly/ZF3lmc | |
#wikipedia-en-accounts-devsconnect | ACC development channel. – HMB deploy command: !accdeploy <revision id/branch> e.g.: !accdeploy master or !accdeploy stwalkerster/bootstrap – Sand: .gd/accsand2 – Git: .gd/accgit – Bugs: .gd/accbug – recognised repos: FunPika, JohnFLewis, RileyHuntley, cyberpower678, origin, stwalkerster | |
#wikipedia-en-accounts-unregconnect | #wikipedia-en-accountsconnect is now a private channel, and you have been REDIRECTED here because you are not one or more of these: 1) Identified to NickServ, 2) Current, active member of ACC, 3) Identified to WMF. If you are here in error, need help, or have a question, please ping a voiced user in this channel. | |
#wikipedia-en-adminsconnect | Private discussion among administrators affecting English Wikipedia. See IRC/wikipedia-en-admins. (Invite only.) | |
#wikipedia-en-afcconnect | English. | Discussion for Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation to help unregistered users submit articles to be created, or for discussion between article reviewers. Also, #wikipedia-en-afc-feedconnect. |
#wikipedia-en-afc-feedconnect | English. | Feed of Wikipedia:WikiProject Articles for creation changes. |
#wikipedia-en-aivconnect | English. | Channel for Administrator Intervention against Vandalism discussion |
#wikipedia-en-ambassadorsconnect | English. | Wikipedia ambassadors program discussion and coordination. |
#wikipedia-en-helpconnect | Any, but mostly English. | Help channel for English Wikipedians. Helpers with a cloak affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation (wikipedia/*, wikimedia/*, etc.) are voiced. en:WP:IRC/wikipedia-en-help |
#wikipedia-en-helpersconnect | Helper coordination and discussion for #wikipedia-en-helpconnect. Features a live feed of en:CAT:HELPME. | |
#wikipedia-en-ltaconnect | English. | Discussion about long-term abuse. Semi-private. |
#wikipedia-en-revdelconnect | English. | For posting sensitive diffs requiring revision deletion (not oversight). Only ops can see what you post, and only administrators are ops. |
#wikipedia-en-spiconnect | English. | Discussion about investigations on sockpuppetry. |
#wikipedia-en-spi-clerksconnect | English. | [Private] |
#wikipedia-en-unblockconnect | [No idling] Channel for admins to review blocks. Admins are voiced. There is also a live feed of en:CAT:RFU. | |
#wikipedia-bagconnect | Bot Approvals Group for discussion / monitoring of bot requests for approval and related pages (BAG members are voiced [unclear]). | |
#wikipedia-spam-tconnect | English. | Manual: m:SWMT/IRC and w:en:Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/IRC Channels| Public logging here is prohibited | Need voice on a channel? Ask here |
#wikipedia-en-csdconnect | Live feed of edits that add a speedy deletion tag - Bot status: Up | |
#wikipedia-en-abuse-logconnect | Live feed of abuse filter matches – Interface: – Watch for false positive reports: – Bot status: Up | |
#wikipedia-en-abuse-log-allconnect | Live feed of all abuse filter hits. You can subscribe to get direct messages when specific filters are tripped. See w:User:MusikBot/AbuseFilterIRC for documentation. | |
#wikipedia-en-arbcom-clerksconnect | [Private] | |
#wikipedia-en-spamconnect | Talk in #wikipedia-spam-t | Warn spammers with {{subst:uw-spam1}} thru {{subst:uw-spam4}} | For admin help try #wikipedia-en |
[edit]A complete and updated list of channels may be found at es:WP:IRC#Canales IRC.
Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikipedia-esconnect | Canal principal de Wikipedia en español - Info: - Peticiones a bibliotecarios: !biblio · en privado: #wikipedia-es-biblios - Ayuda: #wikimedia-ayuda - Otros: #wikipedia-es-tecnica · #wikimedia-social-es · #cvn-wp-es · #wikipedia-es-abusos · uso intensivo: #wikipedia-es-bots | |
#wikipedia-es-abusosconnect | Canal de control del filtro de abusos de Wikipedia en español · -abusos [nombre de usuario] para registro de abusos · Canal antivandalismos #cvn-wp-es | |
#wikipedia-es-bibliosconnect | [No idling] Bienvenido al canal de bibliotecarios de Wikipedia en español · Las personas con un símbolo + son bibliotecarios · Si no requieres asistencia, por favor deja el canal | |
#wikipedia-es-botsconnect | Canal para uso intensivo de bots de la comunidad de Wikipedia en español. Pruebas y depuraciones: ##bots-debug | |
#wikipedia-es-checkuserconnect | [No idling] Por favor deja el canal a menos que alguien te pida explicitamente que te quedes. | |
#wikipedia-es-concursosconnect | Canal de concursos de Wikipedia en español, usado para la coordinación de los organizadores y la atención a los participantes · Portal: · Canal principal de Wikipedia en español: #wikipedia-es | |
#wikipedia-es-informesconnect | Canal de logs para Wikipedia en español, utilizado para hacer seguimiento a la cola de Especial:Páginas nuevas principalmente. | |
#wikipedia-es-opsconnect | [Private] Canal de operadores de los canales de es.wikipedia - Manual del bot: - | |
#wikipedia-es-tecnicaconnect | Atención, canal registrado: - Plantillas, bots, categorías, páginas especiales, MediaWiki, Wikidata, accesorios, Labs, etc. y coordinación de los wikiproyectos correspondientes: - Diviértete con Wikidata Game: - Propuesta de diseño para Wikidata: | |
#wikipedia-es-wikiproyectosconnect | Bienvenido/a al canal de Wikiproyectos de Wikipedia en español· Canal para uso de los wikiproyectos que deseen celebrar encuentros puntuales, que no requieran un canal propio o que estén evaluando la conveniencia de crearlo· Info: · Canal principal de Wikipedia en español: #wikipedia-es |
[edit]Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikipedia-frconnect | French. | |
#wikipedia-fr-livercconnect | French. | Coordination and collaboration of users of the recent changes patrol. |
#wikipedia-fr-accueilconnect | French. | Help channel for Wikipedians. Chan closed following the lure of #wikipedia-fr - refer to this chan to be heard. |
#wikipedia-fr-abusefilterconnect | French. | Empty, should be redirected |
#wikipedia-fr-adminconnect | French. | Multi-revertés et requêtes aux admins - Commandes : !ip et !user – Chan réservé aux admins – /cs op #wikipedia-fr-admin |
#wikipedia-fr-techconnect | French. |
[edit]Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikipedia-itconnect | Italian. | |
#wikipedia-it-vandalismconnect | Italian. | Internal channel to combat vandalism. |
#wikipedia-it-sysopconnect | Italian. | [Private] Private discussion among administrators affecting Italian Wikipedia. To be invited, ask in #wikipedia-it. (Invite only.) |
[edit]A complete and updated list of channels may be found at zh:WP:IRC.
All the active channels are connected to corresponding Telegram groups and Discord channels via bots, and some channels (see below) also have QQ connected. Messages of zhmrtbot
are from other IMs. Bot messages have prefixes [T - username]
(Telegram) or [D - username]
(Discord) so that you can use @username
to notify users on other platforms.
Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikipedia-zhconnect | Chinese. | |
#wikipedia-zh-acgconnect | Chinese. | Connected with a QQ group. |
#wikipedia-zh-artsconnect | Chinese. | |
#wikipedia-zh-chemistryconnect | Chinese. | |
#wikipedia-zh-foodsconnect | Chinese. | |
#wikipedia-zh-helpconnect | Chinese. | Help channel for Chinese Wikipedians. Some sysops are voiced. Connected with a QQ group. |
#wikipedia-zh-physicsconnect | Chinese. | |
#wikipedia-zh-policyconnect | Chinese. | Not connected to Discord channels. |
#wikipedia-zh-politicsconnect | Chinese. | |
#wikipedia-zh-technologyconnect | Chinese. |
[edit]Channel | Language | Description |
#wikinews-videoconnect | en (other languages permitted) | Coordination and collaboration of users working on the Video Wikinews project. |
MediaWiki and technical
[edit]Channel | Language | Notes |
#mediawikiconnect | Any | General support for people installing or using MediaWiki software. (Publicly logged). |
#mediawiki-coreconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation MediaWiki Platform Team. (Publicly logged). |
#mediawiki-core-botsconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation MediaWiki Platform Team Bot Channel |
#mediawiki-esconnect | Spanish | Discussion of the MediaWiki software in Spanish. |
#mediawiki-feedconnect | English | Bot feed of all changes on Gerrit and in Phabricator. |
#mediawiki-itconnect | Italian | Discussion of the MediaWiki software in Italian. |
#mediawiki-i18nconnect | Any | See #translatewiki |
#mediawiki-parsoidconnect | English | Discussion of the Parsoid project for MediaWiki. |
#mediawiki-ptconnect | ||
#mediawiki-scriptsconnect | English | JavaScript / CSS for MediaWiki. Links w:en:Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts, may be centric to |
#mediawiki-visualeditorconnect | English | Discussion of the VisualEditor project for MediaWiki. |
General development and technical discussion
[edit]Channel | Language | Notes |
#translatewikiconnect | Mostly English | Discussion of (new projects, config changes, localisation issues); Translate extension and other localisation extensions support for devs, translation admins and users. |
#wikimedia-techconnect | Any | Home for the community for technical support, development and other discussions on wiki bots, wiki templates, mediawiki software and other software used by the Wikimedia community (see also Tech). Here wikimedians can also check, ask, report technical problems or issues and sysadmins will see. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-aiconnect | en | A working group focused on the application of advanced computer science (artificial intelligence) to Wikimedia's projects |
#wikimedia-analyticsconnect | en | Server statistics / performance discussion by the Analytics Team. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-botsconnect | ||
#wikimedia-bots-testingconnect | en | A channel used for testing IRC bots that are hosted on Wikimedia Cloud Services or Toolforge. |
#wikimedia-cloudconnect | en | Everything Wikimedia Cloud Services. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-cloud-adminconnect | en | Sysadmins of Wikimedia Cloud Services. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-cloud-dailyconnect | en | Daily team sync for Wikimedia Cloud Services. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-cloud-feedconnect | en | Bot notifications for Wikimedia Cloud Services. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-collaborationconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Collaboration team (formerly #wikimedia-eeconnect and then #wikimedia-corefeaturesconnect). |
#wikimedia-commons-techconnect | en | Technical discussion about Wikimedia Commons |
#wikimedia-commtechconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Community Tech team |
#wikimedia-data-persistenceconnect | en | Wikimedia Operations – Wikimedia database, backups and media storage. See also wikitech:SRE/Data_Persistence |
#wikimedia-de-techconnect | en/de | Software development and engineering at Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. – |
#wikimedia-designconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Design team. |
#wikimedia-devconnect | en | General channel for discussion of MediaWiki and Wikimedia software development. Updates from several repositories are posted here, thanks to the wikibugs bot; check #mediawiki-feedconnect instead for a full feed from all repositories, including Phabricator updates. Publicly logged. (Formerly, it was the channel of the software development team at the Wikimedia Foundation, originally renamed from #wikipedia_usability.) |
#wikimedia-discoveryconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Discovery team. This is the place to ask questions about Search and Wikidata Query Service. |
#wikimedia-editingconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Editing team |
#wikimedia-fundraisingconnect | Any | Discussion of Wikimedia fundraising. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-gitlabconnect | Any | Collaboration and support on Wikimedia's GitLab installation. |
#wikimedia-infrastructureconnect | en | Wikimedia Reading Infrastructure team |
#wikimedia-interactiveconnect | en | Maps, Graphs, Multimedia - interactive content that makes Wikimedia fun |
#wikimedia-iosconnect | en | Discussion of Wikimedia's iOS apps (mainly Wikipedia). Typically occupied by members of the iOS team. |
#wikimedia-ios-notificationsconnect | en | Bot notifications for Wikimedia's iOS apps (mainly Wikipedia). |
#wikimedia-k8s-sigconnect | en | IRC channel for the Wikimedia Kubernetes Special Interest Group |
#wikimedia-languageconnect | en | Chat with Wikimedia Language team about language support and translation topics. Mirrored to Telegram. |
#wikimedia-mailmanconnect | en | Discussions relating to Wikimedia mailing lists (and the mailman install behind it). |
#wikimedia-mobileconnect | en | All things related to mobile devices within the Wikimedia projects Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-multimediaconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Multimedia team. Publicly logged |
#wikimedia-operationsconnect | en | Operation of the Wikimedia servers. Used by sysadmins to discuss and coordinate server administration. Please do not report technical problems here, but in #wikimedia-techconnect instead. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-observabilityconnect | en | Monitoring, alerting, logging and all things relating to the observability of Wikimedia servers, covering Prometheus, Grafana, ELK, Icinga, VictorOps, etc. |
#wikimedia-perfconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Wikimedia Performance Team |
#wikimedia-perf-botsconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Wikimedia Performance Team Bot Channel |
#wikimedia-qaconnect | en | Formerly Wikimedia Foundation Quality Assurance team. Publicly logged. Used to redirect to #wikimedia-relengconnect. |
#wikimedia-qteconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Quality and Test Engineering Team channel. |
#wikimedia-quibbleconnect | en, fr, de | Quibble a test runner for MediaWiki - |
#wikimedia-readingconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Reading team |
#wikimedia-relengconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Release Engineering Team. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-researchconnect | en | Wikimedia research channel used by the Wikimedia Research and Data team. Ancillary channel: #wikimedia-labs2connect (R:L2). |
#wikimedia-rustconnect | en | Wikimedia Rust developers user group |
#wikimedia-searchconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Search Platform Team. |
#wikimedia-serviceopsconnect | en | Service Operations. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-servicesconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Services team |
#wikimedia-sreconnect | en | Wikimedia Foundation Site Reliability Engineering Team |
#wikimedia-teampracticesconnect | en | Team Practices Group channel for anyone to discuss engineering/product development practices, processes, philosophy, theory, etc, as it pertains to Wikimedia and beyond. Also used for Team Practices Group team coordination/conversation. Publicly logged. |
#wikimedia-techdocsconnect | en | Channel for discussions related to technical documentation. Monitored by the Wikimedia Foundation Technical Documentation Team. |
#wikimedia-tool-devsconnect | en | Wikimedia Tool Developers User Group |
#wikimedia-toolforge-standards-committeeconnect | en | [private] Toolforge standards committee |
#wikimedia-trafficconnect | en | Traffic Operations on Wikimedia servers, covering Varnish, Apache, networking, DNS, domains, HTTPS, etc. |
#wikimedia-dev-africaconnect | en | Africa Wikimedia Developers project to on-board new/old developers into the Wikimedia movement from Africa. |
Ad hoc
[edit]Some "secret" wmf<something> channels exist too.
[edit]Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikimedia-kawaiiconnect | Off-topic channel for all the cute things. (animal pictures, etc.) |
[edit]The following channels are for discussion of specific tools developed (or under development) for use on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. These channels (like all the others on this page) are not owned, operated, or affiliated with the Wikimedia Foundation.
Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikimedia-bot-gerritconnect | English | Discussion about the grrrit-wm (or lolrrit-wm) bot. |
#pywikibotconnect | English | Discussion about Pywikibot bot framework. |
#swviewerconnect | English | Discussion about SWViewer. |
#wikimedia-videocuttoolconnect | English | Discussion about VideoCutTool. |
Inactive channels
[edit]These public channels are no longer actively used.
Channel | Language | Notes |
#wikimania-2010connect | Wikimania 2010 | |
#wikimania-2011connect | Wikimania 2011 | |
#wikimania-2012connect | Wikimania 2012 | |
#wikimania-2013connect | Wikimania 2013 | |
#wikimania-2014connect | Wikimania 2014 | |
#wikimania-2015connect | Wikimania 2015 | |
#wikimania-2016connect | Wikimania 2016 | |
#wikimania-2017connect | Wikimania 2017 | |
#wikimania-2018connect | Wikimania 2018 | |
#wikimania-2019connect | Wikimania 2019 | |
#wikimedia-codereviewconnect | Used for Code review office hours | |
#wikimedia-dev-meetingsconnect | ||
#wikimedia-labsconnect | Now #wikimedia-cloudconnect | |
#wikimedia-reading-web-botsconnect | Formerly used for bot announcements of the Wikimedia Reading Web team | |
#wikimedia-sopaconnect | Wikimedia SOPA discussion and coordination. | |
#wikimedia-statusconnect | See #wikimedia-techconnect instead. | |
#wikimedia-toolserverconnect | The toolserver is decommissioned, the tools have been migrated to the Wikimedia Cloud. See #wikimedia-cloudconnect. |
Unsorted channels
[edit]These public channels exist in some fashion. They should be moved/sorted above where appropriate, mentioned in other sections where inactive but of historical interest, or removed if abandoned or otherwise deprecated.
Recent changes
[edit]Raw feeds
[edit]- As a modern alternative, wikitech:EventStreams publishes recent changes in JSON format over HTTP.
These are live Recent changes feeds, hosted on the server, which show edits on the wiki automatically as they happen. The displayed URLs give the cumulative differences produced by the edit concerned and any subsequent edits; The time is not listed but timestamping may be provided by your IRC client. Confirmation that an edit has been processed is typically faster through IRC than through the browser.
Every one of the >730 Wikimedia wikis has an IRC RC feed. The channel name is #subdomain.domain
. For example, the channel for German Wikibooks channel is #de.wikibooks, and the channel for Wikispecies is #species.wikimedia. Projects without subdomains are treated as if they were Wikipedia languages, e.g. #wikidata.wikipedia.
Filtered rc
[edit]If you wanted to have a filtered feed of recent changes of some project, you can use WM bot for that. The bot can be controlled by anyone with Wikimedia or Miraheze cloak. It is possible to define a list of pages to watch, and the bot will then report the changes in simple format directly to the channel on Libera Chat, providing a link to the diff.
Abuse monitoring channels
[edit]Abuse monitoring channels unofficially patrol edits to counter vandalism and other abuse on Wikimedia wikis. These usually contain IRC bots that list suspicious edits with information such as the editor, edit summary, size change, and diff link.
Most such channels are run by local operators with the technical assistance of the CVN staff; to contact the staff, request access to a restricted channel, or discuss wiki countervandalism, see #countervandalismconnect.
- » Check Countervandalism Network/Channels for a channel overview