
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#3935 closed enhancement (fixed)

Language specific screenshots

Reported by: fstaude's profile f.staude Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords: has-patch

Description (last modified by dd32)

The captions of the screenshots can be translated.
It would be nice if I could also upload language-specific screenshots.

So screenshot-1.png as default screenshot and screenshot-1-de_DE.png or screenshot-1-es_ES.png for language specific screenshots in the selected language (In this example for German and Spanish)

Attachments (3)

3935.diff (2.7 KB) - added by ck3lee 6 years ago.
3935.2.diff (2.8 KB) - added by ck3lee 6 years ago.
3935.3.diff (4.4 KB) - added by ck3lee 6 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

#1 @f.staude
6 years ago

Of course it must be called screenshot-1-de_DE.png

#2 @dd32
6 years ago

  • Description modified (diff)

6 years ago

#3 @ck3lee
6 years ago

  • Keywords has-patch added

Attached a patch attachment:3935.diff to implement support screenshots for multiple locales.

  • Extended the import plugin process to support locale in the file name as suggested.
  • Plugin page fallback to display screenshots without locale if user locale is not matched with any screenshots with locale.
Last edited 6 years ago by ck3lee (previous) (diff)

6 years ago

#4 @ck3lee
6 years ago

Updated with patch attachment:3935.2.diff

  • Extended regex to support locales with variants (eg: de_DE, de_DE_informal).

#5 @dd32
6 years ago

Hey @ck3lee,

Just looking at 3935.2.diff

  • The regex looks correct to me, although I haven't tested it yet
  • Even with the above, it looks like we're only using the first two digits of the locale? substr( $image['locale'], 0, 2 )

Consider this line up of files:

  1. screenshot-1.png
  2. screenshot-1-de_DE.png
  3. screenshot-1-de_CH.png

If the array of results was ordered exactly like that, you'd only had screenshot-1.png being used, if it was ordered 2,3,1 then for de_CH it'd only use the de_DE file.

I think the list of images needs to be reduced before the loop:
Do any images have a locale?
If so, Is our locale there? Or is a nearish locale there? (ie. look for de_CH, then de)

You should also consider this set of files, which is potentially likely:

  1. screenshot-1.png
  2. screenshot-1-de_DE.png
  3. screenshot-2.png
  4. screenshot-2-de_CH.png
  5. screenshot-3.png

6 years ago

#6 @ck3lee
6 years ago

Thanks, @dd32.

I've added a reduced function to better match the locale of the image with user's locale, attachment:3935.3.diff with the intent to have:

  • Image with fully matched locale (language, country and variance) has the highest priority.
  • Image with language matched only has second priority.
  • Then, fallback to default image without locale if no image is matched.
Last edited 6 years ago by ck3lee (previous) (diff)

#7 @dd32
6 years ago

In 8729:

Plugin Directory: Introduce localised screenshots, allowing plugins to have translated screenshots on the website and within the wp-admin plugin installer.

This works by allowing screenshots located in the /assets/ folder to define the locale of the image, eg. screenshot-1-de_DE.png or screenshot-1-ary.png.

Props ck3lee, dd32.
See #3935.

#8 @dd32
6 years ago

@ck3lee nice work!

In [8729] I've rearranged a bit of the code, and generalised it more to allow it to work with the API components.

Some things I noticed while working with the patch

  • In reduce_screenshots_with_locale() it was expecting that the new $image['locale'] field was always set, where it won't be for any older screenshot meta, In the above commit i simply flipped the first two if conditionals to account for that
  • Images with locales such as de_DE and de_CH work as intended, but de_DE_informal will fall back to de_CH if it exists as it's lower in the alphabet. I left it as-is there as it's pretty minor and no plugins yet have these anyway :)

Updating it to support the API was required as otherwise the images were duplicated within WordPress installs, you can see the API responses here and here (Note: Using those APIs directly isn't encouraged, but it's good for testing. All API clients should be using instead which is heavily cached).

Testing was performed with one of my test plugins, for those who would like to see it in action compare English to German to Moroccan Arabic.

Last edited 6 years ago by dd32 (previous) (diff)

#9 @dd32
5 years ago

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

I'm going to close this as fixed, if the edgecases ever cause a problem it can be fixed then.

#10 @dd32
2 years ago

#6625 was marked as a duplicate.

#11 @dd32
2 years ago

In 12474:

Plugin Directory: Use Localised images for banners if available.

See #6627, #3935.

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