
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#2637 closed defect (bug) (maybelater)

Screenshots cut of in slider

Reported by: ccprog's profile ccprog Owned by:
Milestone: Priority: normal
Component: Plugin Directory Keywords:


If you look at and select the second screenshot, part of it is cut of vertically. Is this a question of height/width ratio?

(While for a typical photograph this might be acceptable, for a screenshot there might not be any indication at all that some part of the grafic is missing. Even I, having made the screenshot myself, had to look twice before noticing the cutof.)

Change History (4)

#1 @obenland
8 years ago

@tellyworth introduced a max-height in [4375], he should know about specifics there

#2 @ccprog
8 years ago

Additionally, for the first two screenshots, the caption is invisible - seems to have slipped below the lower cutof border.

#3 @melchoyce
8 years ago

Related: #2819

#4 @tellyworth
7 years ago

  • Resolution set to maybelater
  • Status changed from new to closed
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