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This paper is a Feminist/Gender bias exploration of Jonathan Swift’s view of women. Is he a misogynist?
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      British LiteratureJonathan SwiftMisogyny
This essay explores the synthesis of symbolism of Paganism and Christianity in "Sir Gawain and The Green Knight."  The story is rife with symbols of pagan fertility, yet dressed in Christian honor and virtue.
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      British LiteraturePaganismCourtly LoveGrail Mythos
A Psychological Literary Analysis, of the fairy tale "Little Red Cap" using the theories of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.
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      FolkloreMythologyEnglish LiteratureLiterary Criticism
A Feminist Analysis of Roald Dahl's short story, "A Lamb to Slaughter."
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      English LiteratureFeminist TheoryFeminismFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
In The Odyssey, Homer brings forth the gods, and goddesses of Mount Olympus, into an iconic paradigm, as in Metamorphoses, Ovid weaves mythology into the very fabric of the culture of Western civilization. The scope of the influence of... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHomerGender and SexualityGender
A Feminist examination of Anne Bradstreet.
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      American LiteratureAnne Bradstreet
My first explication, a poem by American poet Emily Dickinson.
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      American LiteratureEmily DickinsonPoetry
This paper explores Herman Melville's, meaning of the phrase, "the power of blackness," in reference to his friend, Nathaniel Hawthorne's work.
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      Nathaniel HawthorneHerman Melville
A  critical analysis using the Youth Lens of the Young Adult award winning novel,
"Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe" by
Benjamin Alire Saenz, for my Young Adult Literature class at ASU.
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      Gender and SexualityGender EqualityMulticultural EducationLGBT Youth
Marxist literary analysis of "Anthem" by Ayn Rand
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      MarxismAyn RandObjectivism (Philosophy)
A poem inspired by Antoine De Saint-Exupery's. "The Little Prince."

Keep your inner child alive.
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      PoetryContemporary PoetryChildrens Literature
A Readers Response literary critique of "The Little Prince", a children’s classic by Antoine De Saint-Exupery.
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    • Childrens Literature
A Psychoanalytical literary critique of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", by Lewis Carroll. A different perspective.
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureLewis CarrollPsychoanalytical Criticism
This paper looks at archetypes in a small collection of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureFolk and Fairy TalesFairy tales
New Historicism critique of "Madeline" by Ludwig Bemelmans
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
A Deconstructionist look at Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureDeconstruction and postmodernism
When Pigasso Met Mootisse a visual analysis of the picture book by Nina Laden.
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryChildren's LiteratureVisual Arts
A Marxist literary analysis of Roald Dahl's,
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureMarxist theory
This is a retelling of the Grimm Brother's classic," Ashputtle", and a nod to "Cinderella" Disney style.
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      Mythology And FolkloreFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesFairy tales
My first attempt at an Op-ed created in a summer writing workshop with a focus on genre and social justice.
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      Teacher EducationSocial JusticeEnvironmental SustainabilityProject-Based Learning