Abandoned quarries are valuable as a tourism element, as they exhibit the building material of th... more Abandoned quarries are valuable as a tourism element, as they exhibit the building material of the buildings built in the geographical area they are located in as historical objects. However, in order to determine how the quarries can be used for tourism purposes, it is necessary to determine the constraints on the choice of solution in spatial arrangements. The aim of this study is to investigate how the ancient limestone quarry of Mardin, which is a natural and cultural geological heritage, can be used for tourism and to develop suggestions. Within the scope of the study, in order to examine the possibilities of how an idle quarry located in Mardin province in Turkey can be used for tourism, the constraints in the selection of the post-use solution will be determined. In order to determine whether the Mardin quarry is accessible and safe to visit, various field studies were carried out in the study area, laboratory experiments and analyses. The caves were scanned with a 3D laser s...
In historical stone structures, material deterioration occurs over time due to climate-related re... more In historical stone structures, material deterioration occurs over time due to climate-related reasons. In order to perform the correct interventions to these material deteriorations in the building, original material properties should be determined and restoration applications should be carried out in accordance with these properties. In this study, it was aimed to examine the material properties and problems of the Mor Yakup Church, in the Nusaybin District of Mardin Province, in order to create a laboratory guideline that reveals the material analysis to be used in the restorations to be made at the regional scale of Mardin. Although many studies have been carried out on the structure, up-to-date information and data on the chemical-physical decomposition processes that have occurred on the material over the years are lacking. In order to ll this gap and provide basic information for the proper preservation of the structure, the Mor Yakup Church was analyzed. This structure is important in that it is the rst university of education in the world that has survived to the present day. In this study, eld studies and laboratory studies were carried out to determine the textural, physical, chemical, mineralogical and mechanical properties of the material used in the building, and the changes it has undergone over the years. The weathering pattern, forms and pro les show that the limestone deteriorates due to the cement-containing mortars used in the building and environmental effects (especially from the exhaust gas effect). It has been determined that nitrate salt has a role in the intense black layering, which can be observed visually, especially on the stone surfaces.
International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics 2021, 2022
Nowadays, maritime transport constitutes the largest part of world trade. For this reason, ships ... more Nowadays, maritime transport constitutes the largest part of world trade. For this reason, ships are of great importance and are used effectively all over the world. Shipbuilding and ship repair industries; design, manufacture, repair, research and development, quality and control etc. frequently use engineering processes. In all the mentioned processes, the digital data and CAD drawings of the ships are used regularly by the engineers. While all these documents are usually in the inventory of most ships, there are cases where these documents are lost or unavailable. Reverse engineering allows the reconstruction of digital data and CAD drawings of already existing ships. Ships are difficult structures to measure due to their size, complex geometry and curvature. For this reason, measurements are not made by human hands, but mostly with advanced technological devices. Photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning are two of the most used methods contributing to ship surveys. In this study, in order to obtain digital CAD data of a minelayer's hull, measurements have been done and 3D model have been created using terrestrial laser scanner. The 3D high-resolution model has been created with 1.27 cm error.
Deniz, gol ve goletlerin kiyi cizgisi; su ve karanin kesistigi noktalarin birlesiminden olusmakta... more Deniz, gol ve goletlerin kiyi cizgisi; su ve karanin kesistigi noktalarin birlesiminden olusmakta olup zamana bagli olarak degismektedir. Su hareketlerinin olusturdugu kumluk, taslik, bataklik vb. alanlarin dogal siniri olan kiyi kenar cizgisi, zorunlu haller disinda Cevre ve Şehircilik Bakanligi tarafindan onaylandiktan sonra degistirilemez. Kiyi ve kiyi kenar cizgisi, gunumuz teknolojisinin imkânlari dogrultusunda fotogrametri, uzaktan algilama, lidar gibi modern tekniklerle hizli, guncel ve hassas olcum yapilarak belirlenebilmektedir. Planli bir sekilde kiyilarin yonetimi icin kiyi kenar cizgisinin tespit edilmesi ve haritasinin hazirlanmasi; kiyi cizgisindeki degisimlerin de belli periyotlarda takibi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada Mersin Ili, Erdemli ilcesinde bulunan ve tarimsal faaliyetlerde kullanilmak uzere su depolama alani olarak insa edilmis olan Aydinlar Goleti ele alinmistir. Aydinlar Goleti'nin kiyi cizgisi insansiz hava araci (IHA) kullanilarak fotogrametrik yontemle...
Turkiye pek cok tarihi esere sahip bir ulkedir. Kulturel mirasimizin korunmasi ve gelecek nesille... more Turkiye pek cok tarihi esere sahip bir ulkedir. Kulturel mirasimizin korunmasi ve gelecek nesillere aktarilabilmesi icin bilgisayar ortaminda modellenerek belgelenmesi cok onemlidir. Mersin’ de bulunan Kanlidivane Oren yeri, icerisinde Antik donemde yapilmis olan pek cok kilise, yag uretim yeri ve mezar bulundurmaktadir. Bu calismada Olba Imparatorlugu’ nun onemli bir kenti olan Kanlidivane Oren Yeri’ nde bulunan bir Anitmezar’ in yersel lazer tarayici (YLT) kullanarak 3B modeli cikartilmaya calisilmistir. Anitmezar gunumuze kadar bozulmadan ayakta kalabilmis nadir yapilardandir. YLT ile yuksek cozunurlukte taramalar yapilmis ve 3B nokta bulutu bilgisayar ortaminda olusturulmustur. Olusturulan model bolgenin turizm acisindan tanitilmasinda ve ileride yapilabilecek olan restorasyon isinde kullanilabilecektir.
Daglik alanlarda en sik gorulen dogal afet olan kaya dusmesi can ve mal kayiplarina yol acmaktadi... more Daglik alanlarda en sik gorulen dogal afet olan kaya dusmesi can ve mal kayiplarina yol acmaktadir. Kaya kutleleri uzerindeki kuvvetlerin degismesi sonucu kaya dusmesi afeti meydana gelmektedir. Mersin Ili Karahidirli Mahallesi’nde asiri yagislardan kaynaklanan kaya dusmesi olayi meydana gelmistir. Kaya dusmesi olayi sonucunda bir kaya bir evin yakininda durmustur. Kaya dusmesi afetine karsi onlem alabilmek icin 3B simulasyon hazirlanmali ve duruma uygun bir bariyer tasarimi yapilmalidir. Lazer tarama islemi ile kisa bir sure icerisinde objenin 3B modelini yuksek cozunurlukte elde edebilmekteyiz. Bu calismada kayanin etrafinda lazer taramasi yapilmis ve kayanin 3B modeli ortaya cikartilmistir. Elde edilen urun ileride yapilacak 3B simulasyonlarda kullanilabilecektir.
Rockfall, which is a frequently seen disaster at mountainous regions, gives damage to residential... more Rockfall, which is a frequently seen disaster at mountainous regions, gives damage to residential areas and transportation corridors. A combination of geological, topographical and climatic conditions cause mass movements. Rockfall barrier design is being designed to capture falling rocks worldwide. The classical method applied in rockfall analysis is 3D modelling of the study area to determine rockfall trajectory. Digital surface model (DSM) of the study area needs to be accurately determined to design barrier system. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be used to prepare actual DSM from inaccessible areas. In this study, we prepared the DSM of the area affected from rockfall with using a UAV.
Dogal afetler, ulkemizin jeomorfolojik yapisindan dolayi ulkemizde siklikla gorulmekte ve can ve ... more Dogal afetler, ulkemizin jeomorfolojik yapisindan dolayi ulkemizde siklikla gorulmekte ve can ve mal kaybina yol acmaktadir. Son yillarda muhendislik projelerinde fotogrametrik yontemler siklikla kullanilmaya baslamistir. Teknolojik gelismeler bize afetlerle mucadele konusunda avantajlar saglamaktadir. Insansiz hava araclari (IHA) afete maruz bolgelerin modellenmesinde bize buyuk kolayliklar saglamaktadir. IHA ile cekilen fotograflar sayesinde bolgenin guncel durumunu 3B olarak ogrenebilmekteyiz. Bu calismada Anafi Parrot’in arazide hem Android hem de iOS telefonlarda kullanimi ile ilgili bilgiler verilecektir. Olumlu yanlari ucuz ve hafif olmasi, olumsuz yanlari ise bataryalarin hizli tukenmesi ve iOS telefonda eksik fotograflar vermesidir. Kucuk heyelan bolgelerinin modellenmesi islerinde Android telefon kullanarak Anafi Parrot rahatlikla kullanilabilmektedir.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) allows you to create digital surface models (DSM) and orthophotos o... more Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) allows you to create digital surface models (DSM) and orthophotos of an area in a short time by photogrammetric methods. In the last decade, UAV and Global Positioning System (GPS) have been used to create real, reliable and high-resolution maps. In this study, the effect of flight height on DSM and orthophoto was investigated. Two flight plans at a height of 30 to 50 meters were prepared. Images taken with UAV were used to produce DSM and orthophoto. Resolution of maps were compared when models were produced. Compared to a flight height of 50 meters, a more detailed and high-resolution model was created with 30 meters. Although the flight data from 30 meters gave better results, the flight process took longer. Also, more photos were taken and the file size took up more space. As a result of this comparison, it was determined that the flight height should be determined according to the terrain structure, accuracy, precision and time-cost balance expect...
Turkiye tarihi eserler bakimindan oldukca zengin bir ulkedir. Tarihi eserlerin kayit altina alinm... more Turkiye tarihi eserler bakimindan oldukca zengin bir ulkedir. Tarihi eserlerin kayit altina alinmasi ulusal ve evrensel kultur acisindan cok degerlidir. Bu amacla siklikla basvurulan fotogrametrik yontemler son yillarda hizla gelismektedir. Bu calismada Husametli Koyu Ucayak oren yerinde bulunan Ucayak Kalesi yersel lazer tarayici kullanilarak 3B olarak modellenmistir. Kaleye temas etmeden alinan nokta bulutlari bilgisayar ortaminda birlestirilmistir. Kulturel mirasimizin tanitilmasi ve gelecek nesillere aktarilabilmesi icin arkeolojik calismalara ek olarak gunumuz teknolojisi kullanilarak kalenin belgelenmesi saglanmistir.
Mersin Limani, Turkiye’ nin Akdeniz’ de dunyaya acilan onemli bir ticaret kapisidir. Bolgede arta... more Mersin Limani, Turkiye’ nin Akdeniz’ de dunyaya acilan onemli bir ticaret kapisidir. Bolgede artan ticaret hacminin karsilanabilmesi amaci ile Mersin Limani’ nin kapasitesinin arttirilmasina gerek duyulmustur. Bir muhendislik projesinin en onemli unsurunu yerel zemin ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi olusturur. Mevcut limanin buyutulmesi amaciyla 2013 yilinda gerceklestirilmis 18 adet deniz sondajindan elde edilen orselenmemis ornekler uzerinde, zeminlerin indeks ve konsolidasyon ozellikleri degerlendirilmistir. Birlestirilmis Zemin Siniflandirmasi’ na gore dusuk plastisiteli kil (CL) sinifindaki 18 adet orselenmemis deniz sedimani uzerinde konsolidasyon, Atterberg limitleri ve dogal su icerigi deneyleri yapilmistir. Konsolidasyon deneyinden belirlenen sikisma indisi (Cc), sisme indisi (Cs) ve on konsolidasyon basinci (pc) ile indeks deneylerden elde edilen likid limit (LL), plastik limit (PL), plastisite indisi (PI), yogunluk (p), ilksel bosluk orani (e 0 ) ve dogal su icerigi (Wn) arasi...
Ekonomisi tarima ve turizme dayali olan Mersin Şehri’ nde pek cok arkeolojik sit alani ve dogal g... more Ekonomisi tarima ve turizme dayali olan Mersin Şehri’ nde pek cok arkeolojik sit alani ve dogal guzellikler bulunmaktadir. Akdeniz iklimi sehri yilin her mevsimi cazip duruma getirmistir. Tarih boyunca bolgede pek cok uygarlik yasamis ve cok fazla sayida kulturel miras birakmistir. Sahip oldugu jeolojik yapisindan dolayi bolge jeoturizm acisindan elverisli durumdadir. Tanitim eksikliginden dolayi sehrin turistik bolgeleri pek taninmamaktadir. Bu calismada Silifke Ilcesi Akyar mahallesinde bulunan Akyar Falezi sehrin turizmine katki saglamasi amaciyla yersel lazer tarayici (YLT) kullanilarak 3B olarak bilgisayar ortaminda modellenmistir. Olusturulan model ile hazirlanacak olan tanitim videosu sayesinde bolgenin daha fazla turist cekecegi dusunulmektedir. Falezler ruzgâr ve dalgalarin asindirmasi sonucu erozyona maruz kalmaktadir. Bu calisma ileride tekrar yapilacak olan 3B modelleme calismasi ile falezdeki erozyon miktarinin belirlenmesinde de kullanilabilecektir.
Heyelanlar can ve mal kaybina neden olan dogal afetlerdendir. Zemin ve kaya kutleleri uzerindeki ... more Heyelanlar can ve mal kaybina neden olan dogal afetlerdendir. Zemin ve kaya kutleleri uzerindeki kuvvetlerin degismesi sonucu olusan heyelanlar ulkemizde yaygin olarak gorulmektedir. Engebeli araziler heyelana karsi meyilli bolgelerdir. Mersin Ili Cukurkeslik Mahallesi’nde asiri yagislarin tetiklemesi sonucu bir heyelan meydana gelmistir. Heyelan bolgesinin modellenmesi insansiz hava araci (IHA) kullanarak yapilmistir. Arazinin sayisal yuzey modeli (DSM) ve ortofotosu uretilmistir. Bu calisma sonucu arazinin 3B modelinin IHA kullanarak kisa surede ve yuksek hassasiyette uretilebilecegi sonucuna varilmistir.
In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was c... more In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was created and the pre-landslide conditions of the region were evaluated with traditional statistical and spatial data mining methods. The current orthophoto of the region was created by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In this way, the landslide areas in the region were easily determined. According to this, it was determined that the areas affected by the landslides had an average slide of 26.56 m horizontally. The relationships among the topographic, hydrographic, and vegetative factors of the region were revealed using the Apriori algorithm. It was determined that the areas with low vegetation in the study area with 55% confidence were of a Strong Slope feature from the Apriori algorithm. In addition, the cluster distributions formed by these factors were determined by K-means. Among the five clusters created with K-means, it was determined that the study area was 38% in the southeast, had ...
Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculat... more Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculate settlement for normally and over-consolidated soils respectively. When the conditions are not suitable to perform that test, various alternative methods are investigated to get those parameters without carrying out the consolidation test. In this study, a data set including 18 marine and 40 terrestrial undisturbed Quaternary sediments was taken from southern parts of Mersin City, Turkey. Parameters obtained from consolidation test and index tests were correlated by applying simple and multiple regression analyses. The initial void ratio is the main determiner for estimating both the compression and swelling index parameters. Although attempts have been made to correlate parameters with wide distribution of samples, there is no study done with narrow range. The database was divided to subgroups according to the Plasticity chart to obtain more reliable equations. To test the significance...
Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculat... more Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculate settlement for normally and over-consolidated soils respectively. When the conditions are not suitable to perform that test, various alternative methods are investigated to get those parameters without carrying out the consolidation test. In this study, a data set including 18 marine and 40 terrestrial undisturbed Quaternary sediments was taken from southern parts of Mersin City, Turkey. Parameters obtained from consolidation test and index tests were correlated by applying simple and multiple regression analyses. The initial void ratio is the main determiner for estimating both the compression and swelling index parameters. Although attempts have been made to correlate parameters with wide distribution of samples, there is no study done with narrow range. The database was divided to subgroups according to the Plasticity chart to obtain more reliable equations. To test the significance...
In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was c... more In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was created and the pre-landslide conditions of the region were evaluated with traditional statistical and spatial data mining methods. The current orthophoto of the region was created by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In this way, the landslide areas in the region were easily determined. According to this, it was determined that the areas affected by the landslides had an average slide of 26.56 m horizontally. The relationships among the topographic, hydrographic, and vegetative factors of the region were revealed using the Apriori algorithm. It was determined that the areas with low vegetation in the study area with 55% confidence were of a Strong Slope feature from the Apriori algorithm. In addition, the cluster distributions formed by these factors were determined by K-means. Among the five clusters created with K-means, it was determined that the study area was 38% in the southeast, had ...
Abandoned quarries are valuable as a tourism element, as they exhibit the building material of th... more Abandoned quarries are valuable as a tourism element, as they exhibit the building material of the buildings built in the geographical area they are located in as historical objects. However, in order to determine how the quarries can be used for tourism purposes, it is necessary to determine the constraints on the choice of solution in spatial arrangements. The aim of this study is to investigate how the ancient limestone quarry of Mardin, which is a natural and cultural geological heritage, can be used for tourism and to develop suggestions. Within the scope of the study, in order to examine the possibilities of how an idle quarry located in Mardin province in Turkey can be used for tourism, the constraints in the selection of the post-use solution will be determined. In order to determine whether the Mardin quarry is accessible and safe to visit, various field studies were carried out in the study area, laboratory experiments and analyses. The caves were scanned with a 3D laser s...
In historical stone structures, material deterioration occurs over time due to climate-related re... more In historical stone structures, material deterioration occurs over time due to climate-related reasons. In order to perform the correct interventions to these material deteriorations in the building, original material properties should be determined and restoration applications should be carried out in accordance with these properties. In this study, it was aimed to examine the material properties and problems of the Mor Yakup Church, in the Nusaybin District of Mardin Province, in order to create a laboratory guideline that reveals the material analysis to be used in the restorations to be made at the regional scale of Mardin. Although many studies have been carried out on the structure, up-to-date information and data on the chemical-physical decomposition processes that have occurred on the material over the years are lacking. In order to ll this gap and provide basic information for the proper preservation of the structure, the Mor Yakup Church was analyzed. This structure is important in that it is the rst university of education in the world that has survived to the present day. In this study, eld studies and laboratory studies were carried out to determine the textural, physical, chemical, mineralogical and mechanical properties of the material used in the building, and the changes it has undergone over the years. The weathering pattern, forms and pro les show that the limestone deteriorates due to the cement-containing mortars used in the building and environmental effects (especially from the exhaust gas effect). It has been determined that nitrate salt has a role in the intense black layering, which can be observed visually, especially on the stone surfaces.
International Symposium on Applied Geoinformatics 2021, 2022
Nowadays, maritime transport constitutes the largest part of world trade. For this reason, ships ... more Nowadays, maritime transport constitutes the largest part of world trade. For this reason, ships are of great importance and are used effectively all over the world. Shipbuilding and ship repair industries; design, manufacture, repair, research and development, quality and control etc. frequently use engineering processes. In all the mentioned processes, the digital data and CAD drawings of the ships are used regularly by the engineers. While all these documents are usually in the inventory of most ships, there are cases where these documents are lost or unavailable. Reverse engineering allows the reconstruction of digital data and CAD drawings of already existing ships. Ships are difficult structures to measure due to their size, complex geometry and curvature. For this reason, measurements are not made by human hands, but mostly with advanced technological devices. Photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning are two of the most used methods contributing to ship surveys. In this study, in order to obtain digital CAD data of a minelayer's hull, measurements have been done and 3D model have been created using terrestrial laser scanner. The 3D high-resolution model has been created with 1.27 cm error.
Deniz, gol ve goletlerin kiyi cizgisi; su ve karanin kesistigi noktalarin birlesiminden olusmakta... more Deniz, gol ve goletlerin kiyi cizgisi; su ve karanin kesistigi noktalarin birlesiminden olusmakta olup zamana bagli olarak degismektedir. Su hareketlerinin olusturdugu kumluk, taslik, bataklik vb. alanlarin dogal siniri olan kiyi kenar cizgisi, zorunlu haller disinda Cevre ve Şehircilik Bakanligi tarafindan onaylandiktan sonra degistirilemez. Kiyi ve kiyi kenar cizgisi, gunumuz teknolojisinin imkânlari dogrultusunda fotogrametri, uzaktan algilama, lidar gibi modern tekniklerle hizli, guncel ve hassas olcum yapilarak belirlenebilmektedir. Planli bir sekilde kiyilarin yonetimi icin kiyi kenar cizgisinin tespit edilmesi ve haritasinin hazirlanmasi; kiyi cizgisindeki degisimlerin de belli periyotlarda takibi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada Mersin Ili, Erdemli ilcesinde bulunan ve tarimsal faaliyetlerde kullanilmak uzere su depolama alani olarak insa edilmis olan Aydinlar Goleti ele alinmistir. Aydinlar Goleti'nin kiyi cizgisi insansiz hava araci (IHA) kullanilarak fotogrametrik yontemle...
Turkiye pek cok tarihi esere sahip bir ulkedir. Kulturel mirasimizin korunmasi ve gelecek nesille... more Turkiye pek cok tarihi esere sahip bir ulkedir. Kulturel mirasimizin korunmasi ve gelecek nesillere aktarilabilmesi icin bilgisayar ortaminda modellenerek belgelenmesi cok onemlidir. Mersin’ de bulunan Kanlidivane Oren yeri, icerisinde Antik donemde yapilmis olan pek cok kilise, yag uretim yeri ve mezar bulundurmaktadir. Bu calismada Olba Imparatorlugu’ nun onemli bir kenti olan Kanlidivane Oren Yeri’ nde bulunan bir Anitmezar’ in yersel lazer tarayici (YLT) kullanarak 3B modeli cikartilmaya calisilmistir. Anitmezar gunumuze kadar bozulmadan ayakta kalabilmis nadir yapilardandir. YLT ile yuksek cozunurlukte taramalar yapilmis ve 3B nokta bulutu bilgisayar ortaminda olusturulmustur. Olusturulan model bolgenin turizm acisindan tanitilmasinda ve ileride yapilabilecek olan restorasyon isinde kullanilabilecektir.
Daglik alanlarda en sik gorulen dogal afet olan kaya dusmesi can ve mal kayiplarina yol acmaktadi... more Daglik alanlarda en sik gorulen dogal afet olan kaya dusmesi can ve mal kayiplarina yol acmaktadir. Kaya kutleleri uzerindeki kuvvetlerin degismesi sonucu kaya dusmesi afeti meydana gelmektedir. Mersin Ili Karahidirli Mahallesi’nde asiri yagislardan kaynaklanan kaya dusmesi olayi meydana gelmistir. Kaya dusmesi olayi sonucunda bir kaya bir evin yakininda durmustur. Kaya dusmesi afetine karsi onlem alabilmek icin 3B simulasyon hazirlanmali ve duruma uygun bir bariyer tasarimi yapilmalidir. Lazer tarama islemi ile kisa bir sure icerisinde objenin 3B modelini yuksek cozunurlukte elde edebilmekteyiz. Bu calismada kayanin etrafinda lazer taramasi yapilmis ve kayanin 3B modeli ortaya cikartilmistir. Elde edilen urun ileride yapilacak 3B simulasyonlarda kullanilabilecektir.
Rockfall, which is a frequently seen disaster at mountainous regions, gives damage to residential... more Rockfall, which is a frequently seen disaster at mountainous regions, gives damage to residential areas and transportation corridors. A combination of geological, topographical and climatic conditions cause mass movements. Rockfall barrier design is being designed to capture falling rocks worldwide. The classical method applied in rockfall analysis is 3D modelling of the study area to determine rockfall trajectory. Digital surface model (DSM) of the study area needs to be accurately determined to design barrier system. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be used to prepare actual DSM from inaccessible areas. In this study, we prepared the DSM of the area affected from rockfall with using a UAV.
Dogal afetler, ulkemizin jeomorfolojik yapisindan dolayi ulkemizde siklikla gorulmekte ve can ve ... more Dogal afetler, ulkemizin jeomorfolojik yapisindan dolayi ulkemizde siklikla gorulmekte ve can ve mal kaybina yol acmaktadir. Son yillarda muhendislik projelerinde fotogrametrik yontemler siklikla kullanilmaya baslamistir. Teknolojik gelismeler bize afetlerle mucadele konusunda avantajlar saglamaktadir. Insansiz hava araclari (IHA) afete maruz bolgelerin modellenmesinde bize buyuk kolayliklar saglamaktadir. IHA ile cekilen fotograflar sayesinde bolgenin guncel durumunu 3B olarak ogrenebilmekteyiz. Bu calismada Anafi Parrot’in arazide hem Android hem de iOS telefonlarda kullanimi ile ilgili bilgiler verilecektir. Olumlu yanlari ucuz ve hafif olmasi, olumsuz yanlari ise bataryalarin hizli tukenmesi ve iOS telefonda eksik fotograflar vermesidir. Kucuk heyelan bolgelerinin modellenmesi islerinde Android telefon kullanarak Anafi Parrot rahatlikla kullanilabilmektedir.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) allows you to create digital surface models (DSM) and orthophotos o... more Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) allows you to create digital surface models (DSM) and orthophotos of an area in a short time by photogrammetric methods. In the last decade, UAV and Global Positioning System (GPS) have been used to create real, reliable and high-resolution maps. In this study, the effect of flight height on DSM and orthophoto was investigated. Two flight plans at a height of 30 to 50 meters were prepared. Images taken with UAV were used to produce DSM and orthophoto. Resolution of maps were compared when models were produced. Compared to a flight height of 50 meters, a more detailed and high-resolution model was created with 30 meters. Although the flight data from 30 meters gave better results, the flight process took longer. Also, more photos were taken and the file size took up more space. As a result of this comparison, it was determined that the flight height should be determined according to the terrain structure, accuracy, precision and time-cost balance expect...
Turkiye tarihi eserler bakimindan oldukca zengin bir ulkedir. Tarihi eserlerin kayit altina alinm... more Turkiye tarihi eserler bakimindan oldukca zengin bir ulkedir. Tarihi eserlerin kayit altina alinmasi ulusal ve evrensel kultur acisindan cok degerlidir. Bu amacla siklikla basvurulan fotogrametrik yontemler son yillarda hizla gelismektedir. Bu calismada Husametli Koyu Ucayak oren yerinde bulunan Ucayak Kalesi yersel lazer tarayici kullanilarak 3B olarak modellenmistir. Kaleye temas etmeden alinan nokta bulutlari bilgisayar ortaminda birlestirilmistir. Kulturel mirasimizin tanitilmasi ve gelecek nesillere aktarilabilmesi icin arkeolojik calismalara ek olarak gunumuz teknolojisi kullanilarak kalenin belgelenmesi saglanmistir.
Mersin Limani, Turkiye’ nin Akdeniz’ de dunyaya acilan onemli bir ticaret kapisidir. Bolgede arta... more Mersin Limani, Turkiye’ nin Akdeniz’ de dunyaya acilan onemli bir ticaret kapisidir. Bolgede artan ticaret hacminin karsilanabilmesi amaci ile Mersin Limani’ nin kapasitesinin arttirilmasina gerek duyulmustur. Bir muhendislik projesinin en onemli unsurunu yerel zemin ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi olusturur. Mevcut limanin buyutulmesi amaciyla 2013 yilinda gerceklestirilmis 18 adet deniz sondajindan elde edilen orselenmemis ornekler uzerinde, zeminlerin indeks ve konsolidasyon ozellikleri degerlendirilmistir. Birlestirilmis Zemin Siniflandirmasi’ na gore dusuk plastisiteli kil (CL) sinifindaki 18 adet orselenmemis deniz sedimani uzerinde konsolidasyon, Atterberg limitleri ve dogal su icerigi deneyleri yapilmistir. Konsolidasyon deneyinden belirlenen sikisma indisi (Cc), sisme indisi (Cs) ve on konsolidasyon basinci (pc) ile indeks deneylerden elde edilen likid limit (LL), plastik limit (PL), plastisite indisi (PI), yogunluk (p), ilksel bosluk orani (e 0 ) ve dogal su icerigi (Wn) arasi...
Ekonomisi tarima ve turizme dayali olan Mersin Şehri’ nde pek cok arkeolojik sit alani ve dogal g... more Ekonomisi tarima ve turizme dayali olan Mersin Şehri’ nde pek cok arkeolojik sit alani ve dogal guzellikler bulunmaktadir. Akdeniz iklimi sehri yilin her mevsimi cazip duruma getirmistir. Tarih boyunca bolgede pek cok uygarlik yasamis ve cok fazla sayida kulturel miras birakmistir. Sahip oldugu jeolojik yapisindan dolayi bolge jeoturizm acisindan elverisli durumdadir. Tanitim eksikliginden dolayi sehrin turistik bolgeleri pek taninmamaktadir. Bu calismada Silifke Ilcesi Akyar mahallesinde bulunan Akyar Falezi sehrin turizmine katki saglamasi amaciyla yersel lazer tarayici (YLT) kullanilarak 3B olarak bilgisayar ortaminda modellenmistir. Olusturulan model ile hazirlanacak olan tanitim videosu sayesinde bolgenin daha fazla turist cekecegi dusunulmektedir. Falezler ruzgâr ve dalgalarin asindirmasi sonucu erozyona maruz kalmaktadir. Bu calisma ileride tekrar yapilacak olan 3B modelleme calismasi ile falezdeki erozyon miktarinin belirlenmesinde de kullanilabilecektir.
Heyelanlar can ve mal kaybina neden olan dogal afetlerdendir. Zemin ve kaya kutleleri uzerindeki ... more Heyelanlar can ve mal kaybina neden olan dogal afetlerdendir. Zemin ve kaya kutleleri uzerindeki kuvvetlerin degismesi sonucu olusan heyelanlar ulkemizde yaygin olarak gorulmektedir. Engebeli araziler heyelana karsi meyilli bolgelerdir. Mersin Ili Cukurkeslik Mahallesi’nde asiri yagislarin tetiklemesi sonucu bir heyelan meydana gelmistir. Heyelan bolgesinin modellenmesi insansiz hava araci (IHA) kullanarak yapilmistir. Arazinin sayisal yuzey modeli (DSM) ve ortofotosu uretilmistir. Bu calisma sonucu arazinin 3B modelinin IHA kullanarak kisa surede ve yuksek hassasiyette uretilebilecegi sonucuna varilmistir.
In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was c... more In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was created and the pre-landslide conditions of the region were evaluated with traditional statistical and spatial data mining methods. The current orthophoto of the region was created by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In this way, the landslide areas in the region were easily determined. According to this, it was determined that the areas affected by the landslides had an average slide of 26.56 m horizontally. The relationships among the topographic, hydrographic, and vegetative factors of the region were revealed using the Apriori algorithm. It was determined that the areas with low vegetation in the study area with 55% confidence were of a Strong Slope feature from the Apriori algorithm. In addition, the cluster distributions formed by these factors were determined by K-means. Among the five clusters created with K-means, it was determined that the study area was 38% in the southeast, had ...
Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculat... more Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculate settlement for normally and over-consolidated soils respectively. When the conditions are not suitable to perform that test, various alternative methods are investigated to get those parameters without carrying out the consolidation test. In this study, a data set including 18 marine and 40 terrestrial undisturbed Quaternary sediments was taken from southern parts of Mersin City, Turkey. Parameters obtained from consolidation test and index tests were correlated by applying simple and multiple regression analyses. The initial void ratio is the main determiner for estimating both the compression and swelling index parameters. Although attempts have been made to correlate parameters with wide distribution of samples, there is no study done with narrow range. The database was divided to subgroups according to the Plasticity chart to obtain more reliable equations. To test the significance...
Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculat... more Compression and swelling index parameters, obtained from consolidation test, are used to calculate settlement for normally and over-consolidated soils respectively. When the conditions are not suitable to perform that test, various alternative methods are investigated to get those parameters without carrying out the consolidation test. In this study, a data set including 18 marine and 40 terrestrial undisturbed Quaternary sediments was taken from southern parts of Mersin City, Turkey. Parameters obtained from consolidation test and index tests were correlated by applying simple and multiple regression analyses. The initial void ratio is the main determiner for estimating both the compression and swelling index parameters. Although attempts have been made to correlate parameters with wide distribution of samples, there is no study done with narrow range. The database was divided to subgroups according to the Plasticity chart to obtain more reliable equations. To test the significance...
In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was c... more In this paper, an inventory of the landslide that occurred in Karahacılı at the end of 2019 was created and the pre-landslide conditions of the region were evaluated with traditional statistical and spatial data mining methods. The current orthophoto of the region was created by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In this way, the landslide areas in the region were easily determined. According to this, it was determined that the areas affected by the landslides had an average slide of 26.56 m horizontally. The relationships among the topographic, hydrographic, and vegetative factors of the region were revealed using the Apriori algorithm. It was determined that the areas with low vegetation in the study area with 55% confidence were of a Strong Slope feature from the Apriori algorithm. In addition, the cluster distributions formed by these factors were determined by K-means. Among the five clusters created with K-means, it was determined that the study area was 38% in the southeast, had ...
Papers by Aydın Alptekin