Although interests in signs and the way people communicate have had a long history, modern semiot... more Although interests in signs and the way people communicate have had a long history, modern semiotic analysis can be said to h ave begun with two names, namely Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce. Although both were concerned with signs, they differed to each other in some respect. Saussure, for example, divided sign into two compon ents, the signifier and the signified, and suggested that the relationship between signifier and signified was crucial and important for the development of semiotics.
Although interests in signs and the way people communicate have had a long history, modern semiot... more Although interests in signs and the way people communicate have had a long history, modern semiotic analysis can be said to h ave begun with two names, namely Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure and American philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce. Although both were concerned with signs, they differed to each other in some respect. Saussure, for example, divided sign into two compon ents, the signifier and the signified, and suggested that the relationship between signifier and signified was crucial and important for the development of semiotics.
Papers by Gito Barkah