Lucky Nugroho
I am a lecturer at Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, and also a practitioner in Islamic banking (Bank Syariah Mandiri). I have an interest in Islamic Finance, Islamic Banking, Accounting, and Microfinance
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Uinsa Surabaya
Papers by Lucky Nugroho
in the community through their savings and loan products. During
the Covid-19 Pandemic, where the spread of the virus was speedy and
a health protocol policy that limited community mobility, all
economic sectors experienced a slowdown. Therefore, this study aims
to analyze trends in third-party funds (liquidity) and loans
(distribution of funds) during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The method
used is qualitative by using descriptive statistics, namely analyzing
trends in liquidity and distribution of funds in the banking industry,
both Islamic banks and conventional banks. Based on the results of
this study, it is known that the banking industry during the Covid-19
Pandemic experienced excess liquidity while loan disbursement
experienced a decline. Furthermore, Islamic banks and conventional
banks during the Covid-19 Pandemic had higher liquidity growth
compared to the period before the Covid-19 Pandemic. However,
compared to the intermediation function between conventional banks
and Islamic banks, the intermediation function of conventional banks
(LDR) during the Covid-19 pandemic was still better than the
intermediation function of Islamic banks (FDR).
in the community through their savings and loan products. During
the Covid-19 Pandemic, where the spread of the virus was speedy and
a health protocol policy that limited community mobility, all
economic sectors experienced a slowdown. Therefore, this study aims
to analyze trends in third-party funds (liquidity) and loans
(distribution of funds) during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The method
used is qualitative by using descriptive statistics, namely analyzing
trends in liquidity and distribution of funds in the banking industry,
both Islamic banks and conventional banks. Based on the results of
this study, it is known that the banking industry during the Covid-19
Pandemic experienced excess liquidity while loan disbursement
experienced a decline. Furthermore, Islamic banks and conventional
banks during the Covid-19 Pandemic had higher liquidity growth
compared to the period before the Covid-19 Pandemic. However,
compared to the intermediation function between conventional banks
and Islamic banks, the intermediation function of conventional banks
(LDR) during the Covid-19 pandemic was still better than the
intermediation function of Islamic banks (FDR).
- Tawhid String Relationship (TSR);
- Maqasid Syariah;
- Kemaslahatan;
- Falah.